Sprint 1 Day 3

Interest Groups

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During this session we start off by viewing a series of short videos from each of the six domains Steven Smith shared with us about what we need to successful survival as we look to build community.

At this stage in the discovery and research we still have many misconceptions and gaps of understanding. Additionally, we want to start to help students build bridges and connections among the domains. For example, if a student is interested in food production, we them to begin to see how water, transportation, and energy are also needed.

During the videos we do think alounds during the first few to help them learn how to think, how to process when you don' think the content applies to your interest area, and more importantly how to listen and pick up cues. It is another example of helping students learn how to think, not just recording facts.

After we held some partner and whole class discussion we brought up the questions the groups created after the session the day before. During this time have each student who is interested in the question stand up and move to a space in the learning space. We run through each of the questions. If they are not interested in any of the prompts, then we have a 1:1 conversation and see where we can help them find a place.

Once in groups we then provided each group 20 minutes to prepare an Elevator Pitch on their prompt.

  1. What is problem?

  2. Why is this problem important?

  3. What is your proof that this problem exists?

  4. Does your problem question needed revision?

At this stage we are not sorting specifically into their actual teams. For example, group A on depression had over 8 students interested. We keep them all together for the sake of the activity, but by end of the week this group will be further subdivided into working teams. While students are working we are taking notes of who is where and how we will break them up into teams

Each group is then given 1-2 minutes to "sell" their idea. Those who are not presenting are listening and providing another round of feedback for each of the groups. We use the I Like, I Wish, I Wonder protocol.

This helps give students a structure for their feedback. It also allows us to capture not only the thinking of each group, but looking at the feedback we can also gauge the early skills of how students think and are able to provide constructive feedback. We will use this and compare to their thinking and feedback by the end of the project.

Post It App


We use this app to record and capture the notes/feedback/thinking of students. We use this in our next lessons so they see their actualy writing to know we have read and processed their work so they see their voice matters.

Additionally, it allows us to keep them digitally and to go back and reference throughout the project.

Always….ask your SS what they want/and need as learners…what’s working/what’s not…their honest feedback helps US feed forward…be agile, be transparent, be willing….after all, it’s not about us…..