Lucas Will Present


Start up Screen

Lock Screen

Home Screen

Swipe down on Notifications to view new (red) & old (grey) alerts.

When you click on the Green Student's Apps all of the student specific apps will appear. These include Emotion, Location, Distractions, and Health.

This is the teachers student list. The icons on the right combine the students most recent emoji and their overall health in the shape of either a circle, square, or diamond.

Teachers will also be able to assess in real time:

  • The overall emotional health of their class
  • The overall understanding of the material ... students will be able to input "understanding levels" during lectures and work times.
  • The overall distraction level of their class.


  • With Sensiware, parents will have unprecedented access to their child's academic life and social-emotional wellness.

This is a typical start screen for the parent's Sensiware app. It keeps the parents up to date with emotional health physical health, school incidents as well as scheduling and reminders.

Parents can check to see what homework their children have been assigned and what work they have already completed. The homework page also allows parents to include any chores they would like their children to work on and see when that has been completed as well.

Health logs show the overall health of the child with the ability to also check specific data like heart rate or blood pressure. The overall graph includes any emotional reporting the child does and any bullying incidents that have been recorded. A parent can look at data from one day, over a period of days or even over a period of months.

A pop up shows up when parents click on an incident report dot. The incident report is shown to give an idea of what happened and keeps parents informed of any issues that may be happening at school.


Screens are easily accessible and similar to the apple watch. Students can use the tools within the watch to keep track of school work and chores, meet other students with similar interests, report instances of bullying, and also discreetly communicate with the teacher if they aren't feeling well or need to ask something without drawing attention to themselves.