The final presentation was delivered to two groups, whose members are listed below. The feedback for each group is recorded below and some of the designer's initial ideas for addressing the issues and concerns are included as well.


Jean Hanks

  • neurodiversity expert
  • coder/designer

Olivia Demster

  • Sociology/Marketing Major at GVSU
  • Middle School robotics team mentor

Susan Bonner

  • KCAD D.A.D. Faculty
  • EPIC Project producer


Grant Carmichael

  • Information Architect with The Understanding Group

Randy Wilda

  • Interior Designer at Wilda Interior Design

Laura Leenhouts

  • Director of Innovation - Newell

Kristin Morrison

  • KCAD Art Education Faculty
  • K-12 art educator


  • Baruch
  • Tzaddik
  • Samantha
  • Isabelle 'Isa'
  • James
  • Isabella
  • Jonah
  • Brayden
  • Brookelyn
  • Haley
  • Gabe
  • Dylan



How can swapping watches be avoided?

What about general misuse of technology and screen addiction?

      • Design feature that addresses this potential issue: texting, web surfing, or photographing will NOT be available on the watch.


Would students want to take this home and is there concern about losing it?

    • Feedback from Innocademy students that addresses this potential issue: Students when interviewed late in the process indicated that they would like to have the watch at home to help them track their homework assignments. Many of them did not have their own digital device at home, and like that this would be theirs alone.

Will the snooze button be helpful or will you just keep hitting it?

Under what situations would you wear the glasses? Is it important for them to be customizable?

    • Design feature that addresses this potential issue: The customization will make the glasses a trendy fashion item. The hope is that, over time, the functional value will keep students wearing them if they lose interest in the customization aspect.


Will there be too much frivolous emotional information sent to the teacher?

With all this technology, will face to face interaction be lost? Is there a way to include human interaction through the watch?

    • Design feature that addresses this potential issue: The interactions are human to human... they are just discreet.
    • Design feature that addresses this potential issue: texting, web surfing, or photographing will NOT be available on the watch.

Are pop culture, sports and other meta- interests too simplistic of a way to find real friends. What about personal profiles that are in depth and could be shared?

Would you be more likely to use the watch responsibly if you were rewarded for wearing it?

What would you do to prevent students from switching watches? And/or bullies taking their watches off?


Are there too many problems being solved? Should the design be paired down to one or two problems instead of a whole spectrum of issues. What seems to be the most important issue to the students?

Are the glasses adding value? Are they worth the extra cost?

Can it be a Cloud based software that can run on any device like a chrome book, watch or phone?

    • Design feature that addresses this potential issue: texting, web surfing, or photographing will NOT be available on the watch.. so it can be separate technology from more distracting products like phones.
    • Design feature that addresses this potential issue: the communication and data is available on the cloud for teachers and parents that can be accessed on any device.

We have to make the kids want to wear this watch, what features would do this?

    • Feedback from Innocademy students that addresses this potential issue: Students when interviewed early in the process indicated that any technology allowed in the classroom is very desirable. Partly because it is usually forbidden fruit and also because most students are technology natives and/or are surrounded by technology narratives in the media and real life.

Are kids okay with being tracked?

    • Feedback from Innocademy students that addresses this potential issue: Tracking is fine on school grounds. They already feel tracked at school because of all the analog systems already utilized to know where all the students are at any given time. They did not want to be tracked at home. They desired a separation from home and school that they could not really articulate.


The circle, diamond, square symbol system requires memorization:

    • reference the noun project for icon ideas and reference the built environment.
    • Think about a shape/container that is 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 full for instance.
    • Females were underrepresented with design choices.

Game Concepts:

    • Proximity sensors that change light colors are used in the Innocademy game concepts. Could this technology also be used to indicate shared interests and other kinds of relationships?
    • The Innocademy student's spy tag concept - could use augmented reality... camera on goggles that maps the environment in real time... and turns it into a spy environment.
    • Idea: bomb tag... timed tag game... tag someone before the bomb goes off... use a very visible colored light to show alive, dead and how much time.
    • Site impaired persons can't utilize color indicators. Additional indications such as blinking should be designed in.


Who pays for the technology? What about maintenance cost such as bug fixes, software updates? Is it affordable?

    • Design feature that addresses this potential issue: Since the features on the watch are very limited, they should be far less expensive than an Apple or Android watch. The glasses would be an option and aid could possibly be provided for low income students. The school would own the technology and provide it for student use, using the same model currently used for laptops. The technology can be passed onto a next student once a current student has moved on.

Innocademy student and Parents Feedback


If a student steals another's watch or is abusing the technolgy…. The teachers and administrators could have a kill switch that can be activated remotely for each device.

Tracking is fine on school grounds. They already feel tracked at school because of all the analog systems being utilized to know where all the students are at any given time. They did not want to be tracked at home. They desired a separation from home and school that they could not really articulate.

It may be distracting. Maybe features can be turned on and off remotely by teachers.

The students decided to design accessible features into their games for people with disabilities. They did this with very little prompting and fully embraced the concept of universal design.


Will It undermine the development of focusing skills?

Will it undermine interpersonal communications?

Parents like the emoji reporting

Parents seemed to have a knee-jerk negative reaction to any wearable technology. General fears of tech. addiction and distraction were pervasive.

What do you think of the general concept that a wearble device could enhance the school experience?

  • Parents positive response = 3 of 19
  • Students positive response = 12 of 12



  • Digital signage or other things like pull down screens and projection could replace built environments.
    • These are not permanent decorations, pull downs could be used but also comes with problems associated with pull downs.
      • Ease of damage with constant use, design problems: High up, get stuck, loud.
  • It did not look in the rendering like that space could also be used as a classroom.
    • Not your typical classroom space, designed more as an open changing classroom.
    • Is a view of just a back corner of the classroom.
  • More interaction between the technology and the environment/ space.
    • Beacons could be used in existing buildings and in new construction sensors could be built into the space.
  • Worried about the face to face interaction being lost. It's important to not get lost behind the screen. Is there a way to include human interaction through the watch?
    • Squad finding helps with this problem, however can we expand on this idea more?
  • What happens when someone leaves their watch at home?
    • This could be solved by a log in system that allows you to use other watches.
    • Should the watch be taken home or kept at school
  • How is the school mapped for the students and the soft-ware?
    • Most buildings have already drawn up floor plans for this that the school can use and add to to create the maps for their students.


  • Misuse of technology needs to be explored for every function.
  • What about a rewards system for good behavior (gamify).
    • The problem with a reward system is it becomes more about the reward than learning.
  • Swapping watches could happen.
  • What about device loss?
    • Because of the GPS I'm sure the technology would be able to locate the watch on a computer


  • Homework reminder
    • Skeptical about the snooze button
    • Students would be able to turn it off anyway. Better to let them delay their homework reminders than have them turn them off for good.
    • Seeing a visual list would be helpful for students, however how may kids really want to see a constant reminder? Its just another way the parents are telling the kids what to do.


  • Watch face home screens
    • Should more general symbols of interests be utilized... other than specific brands like minecraft or starwars?
    • Symbols shown in the presentation were male dominated
    • Perhaps personal profiles that are in depth could be created and shared.
    • Pop culture interests may be too simplistic of a way to find real friends.
      • Dylan mentioned that he knows people who have all the same interests but they aren't friends because they dont get along.
    • Is there a way to further expand on squad finding? The watch could notifying students when someone who has similar interests is near by.
    • Students might feel nannied (are we proliferating the nannie state?)
    • What about a rewards system for supporting each other (gamification)
    • Will there be too much minor and not important emotional information for the teacher?
    • Proximity bullying would require bullies to wear the watch