Lucas, Shawna, Caitlyn


Use text, sketching, digital imaging, photography, etc to explore:

  • preliminary ideas for product designs
  • storyboard (thumbnail or photo) user experiences.
  • NOTE: Post everything in the appropriate category.


  • Final image size: 1000 x 530
  • You can work at 2x, 3x or 4x scale... but reduce the file to 1,000 x 530 before saving as a jpeg
  • Save as JPEG medium to high quality


  • Wearable technologies
  • Collaborative learning in collaborative learning spaces are becoming the norm in K-12.
  • Modular aesthetics: The ability to mix and match digital screens and physical bezels and frames that can appeal to a variety of users.
  • Proximity sensing: Actions on digital devices triggered by the proximate location of persons.
  • Geolocation: where persons are located in the world
  • Vital signs monitoring: heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, etc. that can provide indications of mental states
  • Real time data input: aka WAZE
  • Real time data processing in the cloud
  • Traditional desktop, tablet and phone technology



Lucas Linhares

If you were able to help someone being bullied by placing the location of where its happening on your watch, would you take the opportunity to do this? if no why not?

If you were walking to class one day and saw one of your friends being bullied, but did not want the bully to know that you were the one who was going to be telling on him, would you use a watch that would be able to discreetly mark the location of the bully without you being called a tattle tail?

Our device has a GPS feature that could allow you to report your location on a map of the school to a teacher and report bullying situations. Say you were walking to class and noticed a kid you didn’t know getting shoved by another kid. This bully is bigger than you. you’re running late to class, and you don’t want to get involved.

This feature on our device would allow you to summon a teacher to your location who could intervene in the situation and help the kid being bullied. What do you think? Would you use this feature?

Innocademy Feedback

  • Students concerned about false positives or lying.
  • Students weren't as concerned about tracking technology as expected.
  • Suggested that the teacher have a watch with more functions that could connect to the student's watches.
  • Emojis for simpler communication
  • Communication timers to avoid over-reporting
  • 3-Strike System for false reports


Caitlyn Straley

Caitlyns Questions:

  • How many of you track your fitness? If yes, what do you track and why? Do you think that it would be fun if you could track that with this watch?
  • How many of you forget your homework? If your teacher put a homework list on your watch, would you find this helpful?
  • How would you feel if you could send your emotion to your teacher with your watch?
  • Would you be willing to wear something this big?

Senario- Emotion Log

Say you were having a really bad day, your pet cat or dog died and you didn't want to interact with anyone. Would you find it helpful to let your teacher know how you feel by sending your emotion through the watch?


The watch face allows you to to keep track of health information such as heart rate and body temperature that can show you when you are anxious or sick. You can also log your emotions using emojis and send both of these things to your teacher to let them know how you are feeling.

Health Log Interface

Innocademy Feedback

  • Did not focus on health aspect during presentation. They were more interested in the emotion log.

Emotion Log

Innocademy Feedback

  • Students seemed like they would enjoy inputting their emotion
  • Students interested in other ways to use emotion log like an emoji to ask for help or other icons

Say you had a bad day at home, like your cat died or you’re just really nervous, and you really don’t feel like talking much today. You can send your information and let your teacher know that you are feeling low or are nervous using your watch.

Different Watch Sizes

Innocademy Feedback

  • Some students were surprisingly willing to wear the larger size, but majority wanted the middle size.
  • Students were interested in other pull out screens like a keyboard, or an extended screen.

What do you think about this feature? Now that you've heard about all of the features and apps that could be available to you, how big would you like the display to be? Which of these sizes would you like to use?


Shawna Ryser


Shawna Ryser

Imagine you have a science quiz and you studied really hard but still couldn’t answer question #6. You’re disappointed in yourself and don’t want to raise your hand to ask for help. With our device, your teacher can see that several kids had difficulties with the quiz and go over each question without students having to single themselves out.

Innocademy Feedback

  • A lot of kids really liked the idea of communicating with the teacher during class
  • A lot of kids really wanted to input using a keyboard
  • One kid had the idea that the watch would use a suggestive word program like a smart phone where the student wouldn't have to fully type words.
  • "It would be nice to notify a teacher if another student is bothering me and making it hard to learn"
  • kids seemed to really like the idea of using the watch during class but were concerned about other children using the watch to play around instead of learn
  • Could be solved by limiting usage of watch during class time, (Technology similar to distraction blocking timers like SelfControl or Constrict Workflow)