PS 48 Weather Station

The P.S. 48 WeatherBug Weather Station collects and reports weather data everyday. You can watch the video, or explore the data. What can you discover about the weather in New York City?

PS 48 Weather Station Data Collection Site

Study Weather (and Climate) Patterns

NOTE: This may not be functioning at the moment!

Examine and study the weather data. Create graphs. Ask questions about the patterns. Here are the steps to access the data yourself.

1. Go to the WeatherBug website to log in.

2. Enter our school's zip code (10474) in the "Student Log In" section.

3. Click the green "submit" button.

4. Select our school's name from the drop down menu (PS 48 JOSEPH R DRAKE).

5. Click the green "submit" button.

6. Select your grade.

7. Click the green "submit" button.

8. Explore! Enjoy! Wonder! Ask questions! Think of a hypothesis to test!

Watch the Weather from the PS 48 Roof!

Watch the live video feed! Learn about the weather station itself. See the photos below from the roof itself!

Understand A Weather Station

The weather station on the school's roof measures 27 different parameters. Learn more about the weather station below.

GLOBE and PS 48 WeatherBug

PS 48 students collect data and work with GLOBE. GLOBE stands for Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment. Students at P.S. 48 participate in GLOBE science experiments. We assist scientists around the world studying climate change. We have one world. We must work together to preserve that world for all species. Check out the GLOBE website here. OR explore and visualize the GLOBE environmental data, some of it collected by the scientists at P.S. 48 (that's YOU!). :) You can even go an some online science adventures!

Be a Meteorologist!

How cool is that? You can study the atmosphere and weather, just like meteorologists you see on TV! Start forecasting (predicting) the weather for the future. Use evidence and information from the past and present to learn about what will happen next. Will it be sunny tomorrow? Rainy? What clues can help you with this forecast of yours? Need some ideas? Take a look at these meteorologists from PS 48! Learn about their process! Create your own weather forecast!

It's snowing outside!!! This is a perfect time to be a meteorologist. What is a meteorologist?

We will explore inclement weather today. Inclement means, harsh. Airplanes need to be careful when they fly in inclement weather. Remember, we are studying flight. How does inclement weather affect airplanes?

We will head into the garden to explore the weather. What kind of data (information) can we record?

We will record the following:

air temperature

snow depth

What tool will we need to measure these two types of data? We will collect a snow sample.