GLOBE Elementary Fun Activities!

Science Adventure Time!

Read storybooks and play GLOBE Learning Activities! Want to go on an adventure and explore the world all around you? Join Anita, Simon, and Dennis on their adventures! Read and follow their adventure by clicking on the links to the books below the picture of the main characters. You can read in different languages too, like Spanish, so have fun with your whole family!


Go on a science adventure and learn about the climate and how the climate is changing, by reading What in the World is Happening to Our Climate?

Earth System

Learn about how the Earth is one connected system with All About Earth, Our World Stage.


Learn about clouds with Do You Know That Clouds Have Names?


Learn about soil with The Scoop on Soils.


Learn about the seasons with The Mystery of the Missing Hummingbirds.


Learn about water with Discoveries at Willow Creek.

Air Quality

Learn about the atmosphere with What's Up in the Atmosphere?: Exploring Colors in the Sky.

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