
Canelones - Capilla Cella:

Chapel dedicated to San Cayetano with a beautiful statue of the Saint kept in a niche behind the main altar. 

Canelones - La Paz:

Theatine Convent of San Cayetano. An orphanage is also run by the order.

Church of Our Lady of Peace: Chapel dedicated to San Cayetano.

Canelones - Soca:

Parish church of St.Thomas Aquinas: Chapel of San Cayetano.


Parish church and Parochial school of San Cayetano. The Saint's feast is increasing in popularity especially among those looking for work.

Cripta del Cristo de la Paciencia. Statue of San Cayetano. Picture

Montevideo - Barrio La Union:

Our Lady of Carmel and San Cayetano Church adjoining College dedicated to San Cayetano.


Church of San Cayetano.