Italy C - G

Cagliari - Pirri:

In the parish museum of St.Peter Apostle, among other works of art is a painting done around 1770 by Francesco Massa. The subject is San Gaetano holding Baby Jesus and the figures on this small 62 X 50cm painting, stand sharply on a dark background. 

Cagliari - Quartucciu:

The small 19th century church of San Gaetano of Thiene in Corongiu locality of Flumini, deconsecrated since the 1950’s.


A painting of San Gaetano by Guastaferro A. done in the 18th century can be found in the Diocese of Caltanisetta.

Campobasso - Boiano1:

A statue of San Gaetano in a niche above an altar dedicated to him. He is shown holding Baby Jesus.

Campobasso - Boiano2:

A wooden statue of San Gaetano in black holding the Child Jesus. Done in the second half of the 18th century.

Campobasso - Toro:

A round shaped painting of San Gaetano Thiene holding baby Jesus can be found in Toro. This was painted by Ciriaco Brunetti in the 18th Century. Eleven years ago it was in excellent condition but now the work has lost much of its color, especially on the left of the child. It is done in oils on canvas mounted on wood.


Church of St.Aloysius: Statue of San Gaetano holding Baby Jesus in his arms.  


Stone statue of San Gaetano from the first half of the 18th century. Our Saint is shown holding Baby Jesus.

Caserta - Alife:

A painted terracotta statue of San Gaetano with Baby Jesus done in the mid-19th century.

Caserta - Capua1:

In the first quarter of the 16th century, the Teatines dedicated the church of San Eligio to San Gaetano their founder.

After more than 70 years, an ancient traditional procession with seven silver busts of saints was resumed in 2014. This procession which includes the bust of San Gaetano starts from the cathedral of Capua on May 3rd and is led by the Archbishop and was first held in olden times as a plea for a good harvest of grain. The bust is by artist Nicola de Angelis dated 1733.

Caserta - Capua2:

An oil on canvas painting from between 1940 and 1960 showing San Gaetano holding a cross and looking up.

Caserta - Capua3:

An oil on board painting needing restoration from the mid-19th century. It shows San Gaetano in cassock, surplice and stole.

Caserta - Sessa Auruncula:

A wooden statue of San Gaetano in black holding Jesus. Done in the second half of the 20th century.

Caserta - Teano1:

A painting in tempera from the second half of th 19th century showing San Gaetano kneeling and meditating upon a crucifix in his hands.

Caserta - Teano2:

Painted papier mache’ statue of San Gaetano in black cassock holding the Infant Jesus. Dated 1903.

Caserta - Teano3:

Statue of San Gaetno holding a book. Made in wood during the first half of the 20th century.

Caserta - Teano4:

Painted plaster statue of San Gaetano with Baby Jesus from the second half of the 20th century.


Church of 'San Gaetano alle grotte' is named for the caves which lie beneath. These could have been used as catacombs by the early Christians. Here we find a small chapel with a font where baptisms used to be celebrated. The state of the murals is in bad shape. The first church at ground level was built in 260A.D. and was dedicated to St.Mary of Bethlehem. Destroyed by the Saracens, it was rebuilt in the 11th century. In 1608 it was dedicated to San Gaetano. Again destroyed in 1674, it was rebuilt in 1800. It has a main altar and two minor ones on each side. The facade outside is slightly convex, is surrounded with an iron fence and has a niche containing the statue of San Gaetano with Baby Jesus in his arms.


Seaside Parish church 'San Gaetano alla Marina.' 


In the Church (Duomo) of Santa Agatha where one can also find the tomb of the composer Vincenzo Bellini, there is a canvas done at the turn of the 18th century by G.Tuccari, showing Our Lady of Graces, San Gaetano and St.Philip Neri. 

Catania - Acicatena:

A small church dedicated to St Lucy and San Gaetano.

Catania - Acireale:

In the church of St Sebastian, a side chapel of San Gaetano has a painting with our Saint, St Francis de Sales and St Lucy, work of Pietro Paolo Vasta and Alessandro Vasta.

Catania - Biancavilla:

The church of San Gaetano is located in Via Mongibello (Volcano Street), giving the name to the district where the sacred building stands raised five steps in lava above the street. The facade is simple rectangular shape and has a window that gives light inside, while two pilasters closed by a white stone ledge culminate with the bell tower and a wrought iron cross. The church was founded July 9, 1722 by Don Antonino Floresta and stood in the old quarter of Carrubba, dedicated to Our Lady of Providence. Since 1808 its dedication was changed to the current San Gaetano. After 1746, the building was restored. San Gaetano church has a single nave ending in a semicircular apse. The main altar is made of polychrome marble, and within a niche there is a statue of San Gaetano of Thiene. On each side there is another altar, all of the same marble.

Catania - Bronte:

Church of St.Anthony: Canvas of San Gaetano Thiene, painted in 1821 by the local painter Giuseppe Dinaro. 

Church of Our Lady of Shelter: As one enters on one's right, the altar of San Gaetano.


Church of the Oratory of St Philip Neri. Painting of San Gaetano holding Baby Jesus. In this same church there is also a relic of San Gaetano.

Catania - Linguaglossa:

In the Parish Church of Our Lady of Grace: 1877 canvas of San Gaetano during his vision, by the painter Domenico Provenzani, over an altar dedicated to the Saint. 

In the adjacent Franciscan convent - A painting of San Gaetano by Lucio Grasso done in 1834.

Catania - Maletto:

In the church of St Anthony of Padova, a statue of San Gaetano made in the 1700's.

Catania - Misterbianco:

In the church of Our Lady of Grace, on the second altar on the left is a painting of San Gaetano adoring Baby Jesus in the arms of Our Lady. 


A 19th century church of San Gaetano with a beautiful belfry. 

Catania - Riposto:

In the church of San Pietro, an oil on canvas framed painting of San Gaetano during his vision.

Catania - San Pietro Clarenza:

Small San Gaetano church in this village 10km away from Catania. This church went through a number of changes over the decades.

Catanzaro - Taverna:

A painting of Our Lady of Loreto with San Gaetano and San Francesco di Paola. can nowadays be seen in the church of Santa Barbara in Taverna. It was done by the famous Mattia Preti from Calabria who died in Malta in 1699 and who is said to be second only to the great Caravaggio. This painting was transferred, together with other Mattia Preti works, from other churches and convents ruined by earthquakes. 


Church of San Gaetano: Restoration of baroque stuccos by Gianbattista Gianni. In 1624 October 21, San Gaetano was proclaimed patron of the city of Chieti and in 1655 the foundation of a church dedicated to him was laid. In 1700 the church assumed its present appearance and in 1937 its first restoration was done by the Superintendency of Aquila. In 2009, the church was again being restored. The facade is bare and whitewashed with the portal without frames.The interior has the shape of a Greek Cross and a small hemispherical dome which is frescoed. Cathedral of San Giustino: Chapel of San Gaetano erected in 1738 with a canvas of the Saint by Ludovico de Majo. In this same Cathedral, the Chapel of the Immacolata has an altar-piece done in 1759 by S.Perisco showing Our Lady with St.Nicholas of Bari and San Gaetano at her feet.

Chieti - Atessa:

Church of San Gaetano in Atessa which is used for art exhibitions.

Chieti - Lanciano:

A statue of San Gaetano holding Baby Jesus. This was made out of plaster and sculptured wood in the first half of the 18th century.

Chieti - Ripa:

Church of St.Anthony of Padova: A 17th century San Gaetano statue was one of three statues of Saints recently stolen from the church. 

Como - Brenna:

Finished in 1862, the present Parish church is of Baroque style and dedicated to San Gaetano the patron of the town.

Como - Erba:

Parish church of San Maurizio: Chapel dedicated to San Gaetano built in 1746 by Antonio Parravicini. The backlit statue of the Saint holding Baby Jesus stands in a niche above the marble altar. On the sides of the chapel are paintings of San Gaetano during his vision and of the Saint consoling a sick person.


The church is Chiesa di San Giorgio and San Gaetano da Thiene, which was built in the early 17th century.

Como - Mezzegra / Azzano:

The oratory of San Gaetano (commonly known as the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows) by lake Como, was built by the Brentano family in 1670. On one side of the nave is the altar of San Gaetano, decorated with a painting of the saint with a lily in his hands.

Como - Ramponio:

A small wayside oratory on a mountain road dedicated to our Saint


Mountain hamlet with a San Gaetano chapel.


Suburban church of San Gaetano.


Church of San Gaetano built by the Theatine Fathers probably on a pre-existing church dedicated to St.Joseph, and consecrated 14 June 1624. The Oratorio del Suffragio located below it is a 17th century building that will soon be restored to its former glory and in which traces remain of important murals, frescoes and ceiling decorations. Also in this church, a gilded bust of San Gaetano.

Also in Cosenza: Ex-Oratory of San Gaetano which dates back to the 1600's and inside, one can find frescos on the walls, wooden ceilings and a very old floor. In the 17th century it was managed by the Confraternity of Our Lady of Suffrage composed of skilled people and businessmen.

Located at the Archbishop’s palace in Cosenza, an 18th century painting attributed to Sebastiano Conca is dated 1749. It shows Our Lady, St Dominic of Guzman and San Gaetano of Thiene, the latter holding Baby Jesus in his arms.

Cosenza - Porcilli:

A small rural chapel dedicated to San Gaetano.

Cosenza - Rossano:

A dressed up wooden statue of San Gaetano from the 19th century. At a later date missing parts were replaced in plastic.

Cosenza - Scalea:

At the Church of St.Joseph the Worker, the local Bishop inaugurated a modern belfry in 2007, 29 years after the dedication of the church itself. The belfry contains three diamond shaped niches with statues inside. The bottom one is that of San Gaetano and is the work of Gaetano Zuccharello who co-ordinated the project without monetary recompense.

Cosenza - Trebisacce:

The parishioners of the Madonna degli Infermi church have a statue of San Gaetano which they take out in procession for his feast.

Cremona - Bozzolo:

The church of Our Lady of Mercy commonly known as The Immaculate Conception church was once the seat of the San Gaetano Confraternity.

The Painting on the left side chapel depicts San Gaetano Thiene.

Cremona - Crema1:

Oil on canvas painting of San Gaetano holding the Child Jesus. This painting from the first half of the 18th century is in need of restoration.

Cremona - Crema2:

Framed oil on canvas painting of San Gaetano’s portrait from the 18th century.

Cremona - Crema3:

Affresco mural from the 18th century showing our Saint in an elaborate painted framing and with the caption S.CAJETANUS below.

Cremona - Crema4:

Painting in oils on board from the 17th century showing the bust of San Gaetano.

Cremona - Crema5:

In the civic museum of Crema, an oil on canvas painting of Saints Francis de Sales, Egidio and Gaetano Thiene. This painting done in 1764 is by Gian Domenico Cignaroli and is the property of the church of the Holy Trinity of Crema.

Crotone - Caccuri:

In the old parish Church of Sta.Maria delle Grazie, an octagonal Chapel on the right which is presumed to have been the primitive location of a Baptismal font with access to the outside, is now dedicated to San Gaetano. In this church there is also an old tryptich depicting Our Lady and also San Gaetano.

Crotone - Sta Severina1:

Bust of San Gaetano holding Baby Jesus. Sculptured out of wood and painted during the second half of the 18th century.

Crotone - Sta Severina2:

Tall stained glass pane with San Gaetano as subject. Made at the turn of the 21st century.

Emilia Romagna - Fontanellato:

The Assunta Oratory is a 16th century church with fabulous Baroque decorations. It is commonly known as San Gaetano oratory. 


Parish church of St. Thomas: One of the major religious feasts in this church used to be that of San Gaetano as is shown a painting above the entrance inside the porch of the parish church.

Enna - Piazza Armerina:

San Gaetano of Thiene is the secondary Patron of the Diocese of Piazza Armerina. A genuine Antique Litograph Art Print made in Rome in 1843 which is in the possession of this diocese.

On the outside of the church of St Lawrence, there are two lifesize stone statues of San Gaetano, one by himself and the other holding Baby Jesus.

Fermo - Corridonia:

In the church of the Holy Crucifix a framed painting of San Gaetano holding Baby Jesus.


Church of Sta.Maria dei Teatini and San Gaetano also known as Sta Maria della Pieta. Inside a painting by C.Maiola, of San Gaetano and his companions professing their solemn vows in front of the Pope. 

In the same church is a painting by F. Galletti, of the saint in his vision. 

Also here one can find an exquisite statue of San Gaetano holding Baby Jesus, in a simple niche. 

Ferrara - Brazzolo:

Parish church of St Agatha and San Gaetano.

Ferrara - Cento:

San Gaetano Oratory was part of the property where the Torre Spada is situated, built around 1633. It served as a domestic oratory for Spada family. The building was well taken care of for a long while but the latest liturgy there has been celebrated a few years after World War II. At this time, the estate is in a complete state of abandonment.

At the Pinacoteca Civica of the town of Cento in the province of Ferrara, one can admire Ubaldo Gandolfi’s painting of the Vision of San Gaetano Thiene. The actual painting is 208 x 146 cm andwas done in 1775.

A pen and brown ink, brown wash over black chalk 270 x 208 mm also exists and was probably his bozzetto for the above. Prints of this are on sale over the internet. 

Also in Cento in the Collegiate Basilica of San Biagio: A canvas by Benedetto Gennari Jr. showing Our Lady with the Infant Christ, San Gaetano, Saint Francis de Paola and St.Catherine of Siena.


In Comacchio, in the diocese of Ferrara there is an 18th century Italian school oil on canvas showing San Gaetano da Thiene receives the Baby Jesus from Our Lady


Basilica of St.Michael and San Gaetano: Built in 1604-1658 by Cardinale Carlo dei Medici on site of San Michele Bertelde church dated 1100. It is one of the few completely Baroque churches in Florence still standing. Redesigned in the 17th century by Bernardo Buontalenti it is in the form of a cross with three chapels on each side and lots of black marble. On the sides of the chapels are white marble statues which depict the lives of the apostles. It is flanked by a convent. Because it was built on the San Michele site, it is known as 'San Michele e San Gaetano', that is by both dedications.

In the Martelli Chapel of the same Basilica: Matteo Rosselli painting of San Gaetano, San Andrea Avellino and St.Francis of Assisi adoring the Blessed Trinity with Our Lady nearby. St.John Baptist and St.Michael Archangel are in the background.

Choir Dome: Painting by Filippo Maria Galletti showing St.Michael Archangel presenting San Gaetano to the Blessed Trinity. 

Facade: A statue of San Gaetano in a niche by sculptor Balthasar Permoser.

Sacristy Ceiling: Pier Dandini's painting of San Gaetano accompanied by 'Faith', presenting the Church to the Blessed Trinity.

Sacristy: Stuccos of San Gaetano by artist Carlo Marcellini and a gold and silver reliquary Bust of San Gaetano.

In the San Gaetano church of Firenze, an autographed original letter written by San Gaetano from the 16th Century.

In the transept of the same church, a fresco by Jacopo Chiaviste showing our Saint receiving Baby Jesus from His Holy Mother.

In the sacristy (Vestry), 


Oil on canvas painting of San Gaetano from the second quarter of the 17th century.


A white Carrara marble statue of San Gaetano by Balthasar Permoser dated 1690.


A framed octagonal oil on Canvas painting from the 18th century showing San Gaetano during his vision.


A wooden gilded bust of San Gaetano with open arms with an inserted relic on the chest. Made in the 18th century. 


A painted wooden statue of San Gaetano with the Child Jesus from the first quarter of the 20th century.


A sculpture in stucco made by artist Carlo Marcellini in 1702. It consists of the bust of San Gaetano on a gilded background surrounded by angels holding a book, a frond of lilies and a cross.


In the Antique Gallery of Eredi Antonio Esposito, one can find a painting by Michelangelo Buonocore signed and dated 1733. It shows San Gaetano in his vision and is in Oil on canvas 91.7”x71.7” 

Firenze - Empoli:

In the church of Santo Stefano there is a side chapel dedicated to San Gaetano with affrscos by Lorenzo di Bicci and his workshop.

Firenze - Montelupo Fiorentino:

This chapel, dedicated to St. Gaetano of Thiene was erected by the powerful original Mannelli family in the town of Fibbiana in 1697. It has a rectangular shape with simple architectural features with the interior completely decorated by the painter Gaetano Gucci in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The titular shows San Gaetano in his vision and also contains the Mannelli coat-of-arms. The altar is made of marble and finished with some bronze items. Behind the apse there are the tombs of the Mannelli deceased members. Nowadays there are restoration issues which are in the process of being corrected.

Firenze - Osteria Nuova:

Villa Terracini - Surrounded by a huge park, has, attached to the right side of the main house, a Chapel dedicated to San Gaetano which was built by Angelo Bassi in 1851.

Firenze - Signa:

A small oratory dedicated to San Gaetano was restored inside and out in 2003. Now it is again being used for religious functions and church meetings. Pictures Right...

Also in Signa in the church of 'Sta.Maria in Castello': Canvas by Carlo Ferroni on the third altar, depicting the apparition of Our Lady to St.Charles Borromeo, Sta.Catherina di Alessandria and San Gaetano. 


Convent of San Gaetano which in its latter days was used as a conservatory of Music, was destroyed in 1943 with most of the city by allied bombing.

Foggia - Biccari:

Parish of San Donato with many statues of Saints. In the latest Eucharistic Congress year, on the 7th of August, the statue of San Gaetano was taken out in procession together with a number of other statues.

Foggia - Cerignola:

A statue in plastered papier mache’ showing San Gaetano dressed as a cleric with Baby Jesus in his arms. From the last decade of the 19th century.

Foggia - Lucera1:

The church of San Gaetano was from long ago called the Royal Chapel because of its diminutive size. From existing plans we can say it was built around the first half of the 18th century. The simple chapel with a rectangular front and with a dignified inside space recently restored, stands in Sta.Caterina square, in one of the oldest historic quarters of the town. Inside one can find a statue of San Gaetano which, on his feast day, is decorated with grapevine and taken processionally around the town. 

Foggia - Lucera2:

A wooden statue of San Gaetano holding an open book to which he points. Made in the 19th century.

Frosinone - Golfelice:

Feast of San Gaetano celebrated in the parish church of San Gaetano and St.Joseph.

Another church in the same municipality in the Camponi locality dedicated to San Gaetano.

Frosinone - Roccasecca:

On the feast day of San Gaetano near the church of St.Peter, a very old tradition all be it a bizarre one is celebrated. A pig with a bell tied to one of its legs is hunted down with brooms by blindfolded villagers in weird costumes and bells tied to their legs too! (We are sure our Saint would not have approved of this chaotic masquerade especially on his feast day)

Frosinone - Sora:

An impressive flight of stairs that leads to the church of Our Lady of Grace and the chapel of San Gaetano.

Frosinone - Veroli:

A framed oil on canvas painting of San Gaetano from the second half of the 19th century.


Church of St.George: In the chapel of San Gaetano restored in 1851 there is a painting of San Gaetano receiving the infant Jesus from Mary. This canvas too was painted by Domenico Piola. 


The Basilica of Holy Mary Immaculate has an oil on canvas painting depicting the Madonna and Child with San Gaetano, St Francis, St Charles Borromeo and St Agatha. This painting is by the Domenico Fiasella school. 


An oil on canvas painting with the unusual setting of San Gaetano giving a drink to a sick old man. Dated 1895.


An oil on canvas painting of San Gaetano from the middle of the 17th century by artist Giuseppe Galeotti. It shows our Saint standing near a large cross and surrounded by angels.


An elliptical oil on canvas gilt framed painting showing San Gaetano in chiaroscuro holding the Child Jesus and with a couple of putti hovering on the right.

Genova - Alpe di Vobbia:

Consecrated in 1894, this church dedicated to Our Lady of Snows and San Gaetano is situated high up in the Genovese Alps. 

Genova - 'Babuino' Auction House

Among the antique furnishings of a Venetian villa in 2008 were four oil paintings on canvas by the Venetian painter Francesco Migliori, Delia done during his later years. Each of the four depicted Saints played an important role in relation to the Catholic reformation. The image of San Gaetano Thiene shows him receiving a crown of roses from an angel.

Genova - Bacessa1:

A statue of San Gaetano with Jesus in his arms. This was made out of wood, painted and gilded in the first half of the 17th century.

Genova - Bacessa2:

An altar dedicated to San Gaetano made out of different colour marble. Above there is an oil on canvas painting depicting our Saint receiving Baby Jesus from Our Lady to hold dated 1690.

Genova - Bacessa3:

Partly gilded and painted wooden statue of San Gaetano holding Baby Jesus. This artifact was made in the middle of the 18th century.

Genova - Bacessa4:

Our Lady and Child and St Gaetano Thiene, by Dellepiane Giovanni Maria known as Mulinaretto. The 18th Century canvas resides at the Nostra Signora dell'Ulivo Sanctuary.

Genova - Biscaccia:

The Archconfraternity of St.Anthony of Padova in the church of the convent of Biscaccia, has this statue of San Gaetano.

Genova - Busalla:

Church of St.George: Statue of San Gaetano and also a canvas of the Virgin Mary appearing to San Gaetano, done by Pietro Raimondi.

Genova - Pieve Ligure:

Small Chapel (Niche) dedicated to San Gaetano, one of the many chapels and niches in this area. It can be found on a street of the same name and is situated looking down on the beautiful gulf of Portofino.

Also in Pieve Ligure, in the parish church of St.Michael Archangel, there is an altar of San Gaetano and The Immaculate (Mary).

Genoa - Rapallo.

In the seaside castle from the second half of the sixteenth century to the Middle Ages there is also a small chapel dedicated to St. Gaetano, that was built in 1688, and has the characteristic bellcot which is clearly visible outside the castle.

Genova - Sanpierdarena:

Church of St.John Bosco and San Gaetano. Church and adjoining convent were built for the Theatines in 1595. Church and convent fell into civil possession in 1796 being used as a barracks. In August 1872 both were acquired by the future Saint John Bosco and now in the hands of the Salesians.

Genova - Sestri Levante:

Church of San Gaetano.

Genova - Vallenzona:

Highest in the Genovese Alps, Parish church of Our Lady of Snows and San Gaetano, built in 1843. In 1896, the locals started to build the small belfry themselves. In 1965 it was made the principal church of Vallenzona and lately completely restored.