Argentina F-Z


Church and feast of San Cayetano in the Provincial Capital.

Small rural San Cayetano Chapel.

Formosa - Clorinda:

Small San Cayetano Church.

Formosa - Estanislao del Campo:

San Cayetano is one of ten simple, rural and humble chapels which are no more than four walls with a cross on the roof, denoting the purpose of the building.


In the great Salt Mines of Jujuy one comes across a statue of San Cayetano made out of Salt. One can also buy small versions of this statue from the miners.

Jujuy - Caimancito:

In the side chapel of San Cayetano in the parish church of St.Michael Archangel there is a relic, supposedly a thorn from Christ's crown, brought over by the Europeans in the 19th century.

Juyjuy - La Quiaca:

Beautiful San Cayetano church with two bell towers.

Jujuy - Palpala:

Monument to San Cayetano Patron Saint of the city. The quartermaster of the city Alberto Ortiz inaugurated this large statue in 2003 on the feast day of the Saint, the 7th of August. 

Jujuy - San Salvador de Jujuy:

Church dedicated to San Cayetano.

Jujuj - Tilcara:

A niche dedicated to San Cayetano on the way up a long flight of steps.

La Pampa - General Acha:

San Cayetano Church.

La Pampa - General Pico:

Church dedicated to San Cayetano.

La Pampa - Prado Espanol:

Parish of San Cayetano with a great number of local devotees. The Saint's statue is enthroned on the main altar of the church on his feast day for worship throughout the day including the celebration of Mass. This statue is taken out in procession around the streets in the afternoon, and other outside activities including exhibitions are also held.

La Pampa - Trenel:

Beautiful though unusual niche of San Cayetano in the form of a pair of praying hands.

Mendoza - Bowen:

Parish church of San Cayetano consecrated in 2005, Statue and feast of San Cayetano.

Old San Cayetano College located behind the church.

Mendoza - Dormida:

Chapel of San Cayetano with a statue of the Saint.

Mendoza - Godoy Cruz:

A small well kept San Cayetano chapel with a belfry.

Mendoza - Junin:

A sanctuary church built by the pioneer Orfila in honour of San Cayetano. His feast is celebrated every year in this church. 

Mendoza - Malargue:

A San Cayetano Church with an integrated open belfry in front.

Misiones - Obera:

San Cayetano Church.

Misiones - Posadas:

Flat roofed church of San Cayetano.

Misiones - Puerto Piray:

Church of San Cayetano with two bell towers, still in the process of being finished.

Misiones - Wanda:

Chapel of San Cayetano in a rural area.

Nequen - Caynata:

Small wayside chapel dedicated to San Cayetano.

Nequen - City:

On the 7th August, hundreds of faithful take part in the annual pilgrimage from the Nequen Cathedral to the Chapel of San Cayetano which lies within the parish of the same name in the industrial district.

Neuquen - Colonia Nueva:

San Cayetano Parish.

Nequen - Confluencia:

Recently built church and parochial centre dedicated to San Cayetano.

Nequen - Cutral Co:

San Cayetano Church.

Nequen - Junin de los Andes:

San Cayetano Church.

Rio Grande - Tierra del fuego - Cabo Domingo

In an area full of devotional niches, one dedicated to our Saint was destroyed by an accidental fire from votive candles. This happened in 2007.

Rio Grande - Tierra del fuego - Ushuaia:

Mountain niche dedicated to the Virgin of Lourdes and San Cayetano, set in picturesque area. This is the furthest southern part of the American Continent.

Rio Negro - Allen:

Chapel dedicated to San Cayetano.

Rio Negro - Bariloche:

Church dedicated to San Cayetano.

Rio Negro - Cinco Saltos:

On the border with Neuquen, there is a Chapel of San Cayetano. A pilgrimage with his statue is held to this chapel on each 7th August which is the Saint's feast day.

Rio Negro - Viedma

A small San Cayetano church in the Catholic community of the Merced parish where space was lately created to house 10 homeless people for the night of the coldest days of the yearof support from the State, according to the priest himself. In this case, it was clarified that the chapel located at 1656 Miter Street in the Don Zatti neighborhood will function only as a place to spend the night and "have something warm," not for the permanent accommodation of people.

Rio Negro - Villa Regina:

San Cayetano Church with a tall belfry in the facade.


San Cayetano large church with a pointed steeple.

Also in Salta, a smaller San Cayetano Church.

Salta - Almirante Brown:

Chapel and Parish of San Cayetano.

Salta - Cafayate:

Small whitewashed church of San Cayetano. Built around 1915. Remodelled and expanded in 2012. Inside are buried the remains of Father Chifri, who died on 11/23/2011.

Salta - El Carril:

Church of San Cayetano.

Salta - Estacion Alvarado:

Simple small San Cayetano Church.

Salta - General Guemes:

Parish with church of San Cayetano.

Salta - Indipendencia:

San Cayetano Church with an ornate front and a belfry.

Salta - La Fe:

A very modern Church dedicated to San Cayetano.

Salta - La Merced:

Small San Cayetano chapel for the locals.

Salta - Olivera:

The 1970s church of San Cayetano stands adjacent to the University College San Cayetano.

Salta - San Jose de Metan:

San Cayetano Church.

Salta - Vaqueros:

An upscale San Cayetano Vicarage and College.

Salta - Villa Esmeralda:

San Cayetano Church.

San Juan:

Simple but spacious San Cayetano Church.

San Juan - Alto de Sierra:

Chapel dedicated to San Cayetano – Originally a railway shed, the space was transformed into the chapel of San Cayetano in High Sierra. Currently there are three different spaces: the chapel with its altar, a space for meetings and catechesis, and the kitchen which was recently expanded with the purchase of a furnace.

San Juan - Chimbas:

Parish church of San Cayetano.

Villa San Cayetano: Parochial dining room.

San Juan - Rivadavia:

Modern Church of San Cayetano.

San Luis - La Estrella:

San Cayetano chapel.

San Luis - Potrero de los Funes:

San Cayetano chapel.

San Luis - Villa Mercedes:

San Cayetano Parish Church.

San Luis - Yapeyu:

San Cayetano Church designed like a Nissen hut.

Santa Cruz - Caleta:

Chapel of San Cayetano.

Santa Cruz - La Prensa:

Chapel of San Cayetano patron of workers where a 7th August pilgrimage ends which started at the Parish Church of St,John Bosco with the Statue of San Cayetano. In this chapel, there are also frequent Masses celebrated on the Saint's feast day.

Santa Cruz - Puerto Santa Cruz:

Mass is celebrated on the 7th August in honour of San Cayetano in a tiny chapel dedicated to the Saint. This little church can barely contain the priest and altar, while the congregation is outside.

Santa Cruz - Rio Gallegos:

Barrio San Cayetano with San Cayetano church.

Santa Fe:

San Cayetano Institute.

Also, in the southernmost part of the city of Santa Fe there is a Parish Church of San Cayetano where the devotion for the Saint started in the chapel of San Cayetano College a few decades ago and now is increasing in leaps and bounds.

In a Santa Fe square an unusual niche with San Cayetano caged on a pole and with a clock on top!

Santa Fe - Bernardo de Irigoyen:

Chapel of San Cayetano. 

Santa Fe - Romang:

Small San Cayetano Chapel in a poor locality.

Santa Fe - El Trebol:

San Cayetano Church with a simply decorated facade.

Santa Fe - Galvez:

Spacious modern San Cayetano Church with an open bell tower.

Santa Fe - Guadelupe Oeste

Parish church of San Cayetano built in 1986.

Santa Fe - Pilar:

Church dedicated to San Cayetano.

Santa Fe - Pozo de los Indios:

Festivities in honour of San Cayetano.

Santa Fe - Rafaela:

Parish church of San Cayetano. Lately this church of San Cayetano was broken into and some microphones and other elements used in liturgy were stolen. Some damage was caused and the perpetrators were not found.

Santa Fe - Rosario:

Parish church of San Cayetano has a beautiful "Elegir" Pipe 

organ. Lately, the inside of the church was installed with rich marble.

Santa Fe - San Lorenzo:

Modern Chapel dedicated to San Cayetano.

Santa Fe - Sarmiento:

Chapel of San Cayetano and the Virgin of the Rosary of St.Nicholas.

Santa Fe - Suardi:

San Cayetano church. Started going up in 1936 with money donated by Cayetano Ripamonti and his son. Inaugurated in March 1957. Plan has three aisles and a dome 21 metres high.

Five of the ten frescos on the walls of the main aisle of this church depict instances from the life of San Cayetano.

Santa Fe - Venado Tuerto:

Church of San Cayetano recently in need of roof repairs.

Santa Fe - Villa Ocampo:

Church, Statue and feast of San Cayetano.

Santiago del Estero:

San Cayetano Church beautifully set in a corner of an intersection.

Santiago del Estero:

A church of San Cayetano and San Expedito.

Santiago del Estero - Frias:

Modern San Cayetano Church in the form of a tent-like structure.

Santiago del Estero - Loreto:

Simple small San Cayetano Church which has a statue of the Saint.

Santiago del Estero - Malbran:

Beautiful modern chapel with a bell-tower, dedicated to San Cayetano.

Santiago del Estero - Sumampa:

Small church dedicated to San Cayetano. 

Santiago del Estero - Termas de Rio Hondo:

Chapel dedicated to San Cayetano.

Tucuman - Aguilares:

Small but beautifully built Church of San Cayetano.

Tucuman - Bella Vista:

Small simple Church of San Cayetano.

Tucuman - Catamarca:

This 25 year old church of San Cayetano is situated between Tucuman and Gobernador Fortunato Rodriguez. For the 25th anniversary the feast of the Saint is going to be celebrated with an improvement in church lighting and a special banner in the sacristy.

Tucuman - Catamarca - La Costa:

Chapel of patron San Cayetano where his feast is celebrated every 7th August. Festivities usually include a Procession, Lunch, Mass and a visit by the local Bishop.

Tucuman - Catamarca - Las Juntas:

In a poor, remote mountainous region of Catamarca, San Cayetano is revered and his feast is celebrated with procession and Pilgrimage.

Tucuman - Catamarca - Las Talitas:

A simple San Cayetano Church which was refurbished in recent years on the inside.

Tucuman - Rio Colorado:

Small San Cayetano rural chapel.

Tucuman - San Jose:

Church of San Cayetano in the area of San Jose.

Tucuman - San Miguel:

San Cayetano Church.

Tucuman - Tafi Viejo:

Church of San Cayetano.

Tucuman - Villa Carmela:

San Cayetano Church.