All over the World


Although San Gaetano is an Italian Saint who was born in the latter part of the 15th century and lived all his life in Italy, his name and the devotion towards him have spread all over the world. There are few corners in Italy where one cannot find at least a niche or a small painting of the Saint or a small chapel dedicated to him. It is surprising how in my forays across the world wide web, I found how nearly all the small Italian, Spanish and some other islands of the Mediterranean and elsewhere have some place or church named after him! It seems he was attracted to the littlest of us! There are various parishes in south America of whom he is Patron Saint and 'Barrios' or districts that bear his name. In Brazil there is even a large city named after him called 'Sao Caetano do Sul'. His sanctuaries can be found in the Indian subcontinent in Goa, and in Buenos Aires Argentina. A parish church with San Gaetano as Patron exists in the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe and a church with his dedication exists in the southernmost area of South America in Tierra del Fuego. Please see details of the above in the linking page to his presence in many countries of the world.

On the other hand it is easy to imagine, with Malta's proximity to Italy, how an Italian Saint became the Patron of a Maltese town. Actually he was the namesake of the Bishop of Malta when Hamrun was still a small village starting to build its Parish church. But that's another story which will be dealt with in more detail further on, so will the devotion towards him around the world and his Spirituality.

Because of the amount of information Italy had to be divided into four alphabetically by province.

My home town and Parish Church dedicated to the Saint is also in a separate page: Malta - Hamrun.

Argentina Australia Austria

Belgium Bolivia Brazil

Canada Chile China

Colombia Costa Rica Croatia

Cuba Czechia Dominican Rep

Ecuador El Salvador France

Germany Greece Guatemala

Honduras India Ireland

Italy Malta Malta - Hamrun

Mexico Montenegro Mozambique

Netherlands Nicaragua Paraguay

Peru' Philippines Poland

Portugal Puerto Rico Romania

San Marino Spain Sri Lanka

Switzerland United States Uruguay

Vatican Venezuela