
Bahia - Contagem:

Church of Sao Caetano.

Bahia - Itapetininga:

Church of Sao Caetano.

Bahia - Jacuipe:

Parish Church of Sao Caetano whose outside colour was completely changed on renovation.

Bahia - Sao Salvador da Bahia:

Parish of Sao Caetano da Divina Providencia - 1972. 

Smaller church of Sao Caetano.

Bahia - Tijuco:

In 1943, the Salesian order built a church dedicated to Sao Caetano on the site of an older one from the 18th century which was pulled down in 1864.

Ceara - Naraniu:

In 1755 Joao da Cunha Gadelha, gave some of his land in Naraniu' for the building of a church which was eventually dedicated to Sao Caetano. Lately, the historical significance of this church was recognized by the authorities and it was restored in a proper manner for the population.

Goias - Luziana:

Church of Sao Caetano.

Mato Grosso do Sul - Campo Grande:

In the sacristy of the parish church of the Three Kings at Campo Grande: two panels dated 1798, one representing Nossa Senhora da Conceicao, Santo Antonio and Sao Marcal, and the other showing the Crucified Christ with Sao Caetano.

Maranhao - Balsas:

Simple church of Sao Caetano for the locals.

Minas Gerais - Amarantina:

Main Parish church of Sao Caetano in the Monsenhor Horta district. Built in 1752, it has a traditional Portuguese colonial style and is richly decorated in the Baroque inside. 

Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte:

Sao Caetano do Paraopeba district formed in 1850.

In the Museo de Ouro one can find an 18th century multicoloured and gilt statue of Sao Caetano in wood, size 60x30x31cm, by an unknown craftsman. 

Minas Gerais - Brasopolis:

Parish church dedicated to Sao Caetano (da Vargem Grande). 

Minas Gerais - Capelinha:

Recently built parish church of Sao Caetano.

Minas Gerais - Caputira:

Church of Sao Caetano with a front central belfry.

Minas Gerais - Chavez:

Small chapel of Sao Caetano.

Minas Gerais - Cipotanea:

Parish church Sao Caetano dedicated in 1857.

Minas Gerais - Cristiano Ottoni:

Built in the 19th century it took the place of an earlier Sao Caetano church that existed in nearby Paraoeba. In this church one can find a recently restored statue of the Saint made in the 17th-18th century. 

Minas Gerais - Dom Correa:

Town with church of Sao Caetano.

Minas Gerais - Moeda:

Small mining town with church of Sao Caetano.

Minas Gerais - Nova Era:

Modern style Parish Church of Sao Caetano. 

Minas Gerais - Paraopeba:

Sao Caetano do Paraopeba district formed in 1850

Minas Gerais - Sabara:

In the parish church of Sabara, an 18th Century statue of Sao Caetano on a side altar.

Para - Sao Caetano de Odivelas (municipality):

Sao Caetano Parish church started by Jesuit missionaries during colonial times. 

Parana - Ponta Grossa:

Forte Sao Caetano: An old Battery, nowadays barely visible, built in 1740 as part of the defenses of the North Bay. 

Pernambuco - Betania:

Modest whitewashed church of Sao Caetano.

Pernambuco - Caetes:

Church of Sao Caetano.

Pernambuco - Sao Caetano da Raposa:

Sao Caetano da Raposa district created on the 2nd May 1844. Sao Caetano Parish Church.

Pernambuco - Sao Caetano do Navio:

Sao Caetano da Navio district Sao Caetano Church. 

Rio de Janeiro:

Monastery church of St.Benedict: Chapel of Sao Caetano.

In the 'Museu Nacional de Belas Artes' (Museum of fine arts) of Rio de Janeiro, there is a beautiful Sao Caetano painting by Gianbattista Tiepolo, with three symbols: A crucifix (love of Christ), a Bible (his preaching vocation) and a cane of lilies (indicating his purity).

As in other South American countries, the government is trying to curb the tide of illegal export of local art. This statue of Sao Caetano from the 19th century by an unknown sculptor, was seized at the customs. It is wooden, painted in various colours and gilded. The size is 41x16cm.

Rio de Janeiro - Duas Barras:

Small chapel of Sao Caetano on a hill.

Rio de Janeiro - Sumidouro:

Barrio of Sao Caetano and close by is Sao Caetano rock. This rock or hill is of 2km diameter and is topped with vegetation. 

Rio Grande do Norte - Vera Cruz:

A recently built church of Sao Caetano. 

Rio Grande do Sul - Boca do Monte:

Parish created in 1953 with patron Sao Caetano. This old chapel of Sao Caetano built in 1914 is within the pastoral area of Sao Pedro. The building is nowadays used as a community hall.

Rio Grande do Sul - Bento Goncalves:

Small rural church of Sao Caetano.

Rio Grande do Sul - Caixas do Sul:

Simple small church of Sao Caetano for the locals.
Another rural small chapel of Sao Caetano

Rio Grande do Sul - Dois Lajeados:

Small rural shrine of Sao Caetano

Rio Grande do Sul - Doutor Ricardo:

The parish church here is dedicated to Sao Caetano and is built in neo-gothic style. 

Rio Grande do Sul - Erechim:

Simple but modern church dedicated to Sao Caetano. 

Rio Grande do Sul - Flores da Cunha:

Gothic style Sao Caetano church with a steeple. 

Rio Grande do Sul - Garibaldi:

Chapel of Sao Caetano.

Rio Grande do Sul - Lajaeado:

Church of Sao Caetano.

Rio Grande do Sul - Linha Guerra:

Built in 1900/04, It was at first dedicated to Santo Antonio then it was rededicated to both Sao Caetano and Santo Antonio. The present structure is from 1960 and can take a congregation of 113. The bells, which are from the first church, were made in Madeira.

Rio Grande do Sul - Marau:

Modern Sao Caetano rural church.

Rio Grande do Sul - Nova Esperanca do Sul:

Parish Church of Sao Caetano. In stone and Spanish style this church was built by Italian immigrants a century ago. At the dawn of September 12, 2016 a gale ripped out the roof of this century-old building that according to a resident is a tourist point of that locality. The community united for the rebuilding of the Church through campaigning and donations. And on May 7 2017 there was a party for the re-inauguration, with Creole Mass in the morning, lunch and popular festivities during the afternoon.

Rio Grande do Sul - Nova Prata:

A small church of Sao Caetano which has a belfry. Nearby there is also a cemetery dedicated to the Saint. 

Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre:

A small rural church of Sao Caetano. 

Rio Grande do Sul - Rio da Prata:

A small church of Sao Caetano. 

Rio Grande do Sul - Santa Maria:

Parish church of Sao Caetano.

Rio Grande do Sul – Serafina Correa:

A church of Sao Caetano. 

Rio Grande do Sul – Sao Jose do Norte:

A simple rural church of Sao Caetano lately restructured with a new facade. 

Rio Grande do Sul - Severiano de Almeida:

Settled by Italian immigrants, a church was built dedicated to Sao Caetano which is now considered to be one of the most beautiful in the state. 

Rio Grande do Sul - Viamao:

In the church of the Immaculate Conception: On the altar of our Lady of Sorrows, is a statue of Sao Caetano.

Rio Grande do Sul - Vila Flores:

A small church dedicated to Sao Caetano. 

Sao Luis - Povoado - Tijuca:

A small rural church dedicated to Sao Caetano. 

Sao Paulo:

In the Metropolitan area of Sao Paulo alone, there are twelve streets named for Sao Caetano.

In the church of Our Lady of the Rosary: A beautiful statue of our Saint holding Baby Jesus.

Sao Paulo - Guarulhos:

Well kept church of Sao Caetano.

Sao Paulo - Prosperidade:

Church of Sao Caetano with two belfries in front.

Sao Paulo - Santo Antonio do Pinhal:

In the 'Barrio' of Rio Preto, a small chapel dedicated to Sao Caetano.

Sao Paulo - Santos:

An old church by South American standards, this Sao Caetano parish church was built in 1640.

Sao Paulo - Sao Caetano do Sul:

A city named after Sao Caetano founded in 1631 with a Parish Church of Sao Caetano. The first chapel dedicated to Sao Caetano was built 1717 - 1720. The actual temple was started in 1883 by Italian immigrants. Completed with its belfry in 1908, it was declared a Parish church in 1924. In 1965 it was declared a heritage site while in 1992, archaeological excavations brought to light the floor of the 1777 chapel, part of which floor is now exhibited on one side of the church. In 2015 it was given a thorough refurbishing. 

Large outdoor statue of Sao Caetano in Chico Mendez park and a Sao Caetano Cemetery.

Sagrada Familia Church: Beautiful statue of the Saint donated by the family of Caetano Coppini in 1932 on an altar dedicated to the Saint. Also in the city one can find:

Top Brazilian soccer team Sao Caetano; Hospital Sao Caetano; Philharmonic orchestra Sao Caetano.

Sao Paulo - Tatui:

Small simple rural church of Sao Caetano for the locality. 

Sao Paulo - Tatuape:

Beautiful and colourful Church of Sao Caetano with an ample parvis in front.