Italy T - U


In the cathedral of Taranto, a statue of San Gaetano holding a crucifix and an open book.

A small Chapel of San Gaetano with an elegant facade, built in 1918 in a rural area, now caught up in the midst of residential spread. Confraternity of San Gaetano.

Church of San Gaetano - Just a shell left. There is a suggestion for a project for turning the space into a cultural, tourist and social centre for the city.

Taranto - Lizzano:

In the parish church of St Nicholas, San Gaetano has an altar dedicated to him which contains some of his relics. Around the 7th August, his feast day, the congregation takes his statue out in procession around the town. 

Taranto - Manduria:

Private Collection: Canvas of Our Lady and San Gaetano by the hand of Gian Vincenzo Gargano (died 1756) from the same locality of Manduria.

A small rural chapel which has deteriorated and lost its roof.

Taranto - Massafra:

San Gaetano, in via del Santuario, was built in 1918 and was a rural chapel at that time. Nowadays it is incorporated in a block of private urban residences. 

Taranto - Monteparano:

Feast of Patron San Gaetano who is thought to have delivered the town from the 1655 plague. Chapel and statue of the Saint in the Church of the Assumption.

Votive niche of the Saint near Monteparano.

Teramo - Atri1:

Church of Santa Chiara: The altar of San Gaetano Thiene was built in 1766 by artists from Naples and Abruzzi and has some neo-classical influence. San Gaetano adoring the Madonna and Child, was commissioned by Sister Gertrude Onofrio and was painted in 1766 by Francesco de Mura (Naples, 1696 - 1782), one of the leading artists of the his time. 

Teramo - Atri2:

An 1882 heavily decorated altarpiece in painted plaster. It contains bas reliefs of angels and designs. In the middle there is a small painting of San Gaetano in clerical garb holding the Holy Child.

Teramo - Fontanelle di Atri:

The Church of San Gaetano Thiene was erected in the early nineteenth century and has a gabled roof. The façade is divided by pilasters and it has a simple portal and two tall windows on either side, all within a round arch, while higher up there is a round window. The peculiarity of this church, perhaps unique, is to having the bell tower made completely out of brick, nestled in a separate building located behind the church. 

Teramo - Giulianuova:

In Giulianova there is the noble De Bartolomei Chapel, dedicated to San Gaetano. Built in 1876 by Gaetano De Bartolomei to honor the memory of his uncle Angelo Antonio Cosimo. The chapel was consecrated to San Gaetano 22 August 1876. The sleek exterior facade feature matches the inside small hall with a domed roof, this topped by a small lantern. The entire facade is in red brickwork and above the fanlight surmounting the main entrance there is the coat of arms of De Bartolomei made of marble. The chapel once also had a back entrance and behind the altar one can still see the steps that allowed access to the area. Inside are an altar and three beautiful marble works in the artist Raffaello giuliese Rompers, including the bust of Angelo Antonio Cosimo. A good restoration was carried out in the mid 1900s.

Teramo - Silvi Marina:

Church of San Francesco ad Atri: The Chapel of St Cajetan, one of the most beautiful churches, is by the architect Giovan Battista Gianni. The painting dates from about 1770 and depicts St Cajetan of Thiene adoring the Virgin and Child. It is a mediochre copy of the one in the church of Santa Chiara the latter of which is the work of Francesco de Mura. The canvas is the work of the Neapolitan school, but some attribute it to Joseph Provost.


In the Cathedral museum is a painting of the apparition of Christ to San Gaetano done in the first half of the 18th century.


Parish church dedicated to San Gaetano of Thiene. In 1887, Cardinal made possible the building of the Church of San Gaetano da Thiene on the plans of Rivetti and Scarampi. The style is a mix of Gothic, Romantic and Byzantine. 


In the Church of San Lorenzo in Torino Piazza Castello, there is a Chapel dedicated to San Gaetano first right as you enter. The ornate altar is from the 18th century and has a statue on top of the altar. The chapel is clad in different colours of marble. On the cornice between two angels is inscribed San Gaetano's motto in Latin: 'Querite primum Regnum Dei'.

Torino - Asti Barrano

Small wayside church dedicated to St Donato and San Gaetano.

Torino - Moncalieri:

A chapel dedicated to San Gaetano exists in the complex of the Poor Clares. It was decorated with artificial marble inside in 1959 by Silvio Dellavedova.

Torino - Pancalieri:

San Gaetano retirement home.

Torino - Pratonuovo di Camorone:

In this small picturesque mountain village is a church dedicated to San Gaetano of Divine Providence. It has a distinctive bell tower.

Torino - Rivara:

The chapel of San Gaetano built in 1730 in Rivara lies in the area of Crosaroglio. Like others in the Rivara area it was renovated by the zealous parishioners.

Trapani - Pantalleria island - Scauri:

San Gaetano Parish Church.

Also on Pantalleria island: Cineteatro San Gaetano, San Gaetano Heights and San Gaetano Point on the coast.

Trapani - Partanna:

In the castle of Partanna, on the right wall of the entrance hall, one can admire an anonymous depiction of San Gaetano from the 18th century but most probably done by an artist from Trapani. San Gaetano is being inspired to write by the Risen Christ.

Trapani - Salemi:

Church of the Holy Rosary: One of the four side chapels used to be dedicated to San Gaetano. The church is in total ruin and after the 1963 earthquake all that remain are walls and the Sanctuary.

Also in Salemi: A retirement home and Orphanage San Gaetano.

Church of St. Gaetano: Small church attached to the rest home for the elderly founded in 1951 by Gaetano Salemi Uddo. Was used, after the earthquake of '68, as a first hospitalization for a good part of the works of sacred art. 

In the sacristy of St Augustine church of Salemi, An old painting showing San Gaetano's heart being set on fire by the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 


The church of San Gaetano da Thiene was built between 1929 and 1931 by architect Gino Larcher. The building has a rectangular plan and a gabled facade. Also a belfry with four windows stands right against the west side.

Trento - Scurelle:

A small urban chapel dedicated to San Gaetano.

Trento - Telve:

Countryside chapel of San Gaetano with an added covered parvis..


San Gaetano church built in the beginning of 13th century and first dedicated as 'San. Battista del Tempio'. The apse and some Romanesque frescoes are the only parts left of the old building near the bell tower. In the beginning of the 16th century it was renovated and re-dedicated to San Gaetano. In the middle of the 1700s, a second restructuring took place. In 1770 an organ (with 23 pipes) by Gaetano Callido was installed. 

Nowadays the church is used as a cultural space not as a church.

A holy picture of the painting of San Gaetano venerated in this church. 

Also in Treviso: Orthodox 'Biserica' San Gaetano.

Treviso - Asolo:

Villa Barbini Rinaldi: In the ample estate there were two Oratories one of which is dedicated to San Gaetano.

Treviso - Castelcucco:

San Gaetano Oratory also called Church of Good Health. An 1880 inscription on the facade: D.O.M. in honour of blessed Mary and of San Gaetano of Thiene. In 1912 a small belfry was built and during WWI, it served as an ammunition depot. The feast of the Saint is celebrated every year. The church has one nave, one altar and a sacristy. A large copy of a 1700s canvas shows Our Lady of Good Health surrounded by Saints Gaetano, Carlo Borromeo, Girolamo Emiliani, Jerome and it is said, also by a king of France.

Treviso - Castelfranco:

In this church dating back to 1900, an extraordinary maintenance intervention replaced the secondary structure which was deteriorated, creating a waterproofing layer with new plumbing and a new roof with roof tiles. New flooring with underfloor heating was also installed after creating a crawl space to avoid rising damp problems. Internal paintwork touchup was done respecting the pre-existing historical covering. Externally, the fresco on the façade was restored and completed.

Treviso - Colle Umberto:

Oratorio di Ca' Gamba: The public oratory of St.Anthony and San Gaetano is close to Villa Gamba. The graceful building from the 17th century used to be frequented by the locals but nowadays it is in a notable state of decay.

Treviso - Cimadolmo:

Church of St Sylvester Pope: An altar dedicated to San Gaetano in 1745.

A small chapel of San Gaetano and Sta Lucia.

Treviso - Montebelluna1:

Parish church of San Gaetano. Town developed around small oratory of San Gaetano which was built in 1683. The present church was built in 1853 and is of an octagonal shape with four chapels and three entrances. In 1881 the belfry was built. Nowadays the township also boasts of having built a beautiful parish centre behind the church. 

Treviso - Montebelluna2:

A tiny oratory dedicated to our Saint and built in 1683, also exists close by the church of San Gaetano

Treviso - Montebelluna3:

In the Cathedral of St Mary on the Hill, an altar with a painting is dedicated to our Saint.

Treviso - Moriago della battaglia:

An old San Gaetano Oratory.

Treviso - Ponzano Veneto - Paderno:

This oratory in Via Cicogna, Paderno was erected in 1837 and dedicated to St. Cajetan of Thiene. On the roof, above the pediment, there is a beautiful wrought iron cross, inside, is a canvas with San Gaetano in prayer in front of Our Lady, painted by G.B. Carrer. The remains of Prof. B. G. Cicogna, are buried here with a plaque commemorating this generous benefactor who bequeathed all the property to the City of Ponzano Veneto. 

Treviso - Prealpi:

In the lower reaches of the Alps of Treviso, where it is very suitable for hiking, one can find a votive niche of San Gaetano. 

Treviso - Rustigne':

Oratory of San Gaetano Degli Ottoboni.

Treviso - Trevignano:

The 'Abbazia di Colle' (Friary of the hill) can be seen with the Church of St.Peter as a detail in an altarpiece in the same church. The canvas shows Our Lady with Baby Jesus and also San Gaetano and St.Anthony. The detail can be seen between these two Saints in the background. 


Casa delle derelitte for wayward women run by the nuns of San Luigi Scorsoppi. One of the protector Saints is San Gaetano. A small church dedicated to him is annexed to the complex.

Udine - Buttrio:

Painting by Antonio Carneo in a private collection originally commissioned for the oratory of San Gaetano in Buttrio. It depicts the Holy Family with Gaetano and another Saint.

Udine - Manzano:

Villa Ottelio: Courtyard with two wings, one of which is a Chapel dedicated to San Gaetano. The simple front has a semicircular light above the doorway with a very small belfry on top. Inside the rectangular chapel there used to be a canvas of San Gaetano, St.Peter and St.James, painted by Antonio Carneo in 1680.

Udine - San Canzian D’Sonzo:

Small church dedicated to San Gaetano.