Regarding a Recently Published Book

So Apparently Hikari Wrote a Book?

Note- Hikari(me) is the translator/owner of this website, and creator/former owner of the Roro Info Discord server.

Short answer -- NO. Someone decided to "compile" what I wrote and publish it as a book without my knowledge. I have been credited as the translator for this book despite not even hearing about it after it was published.  I never intended for any of the translations I post to be put behind any sort of paywall, and that will never be the case in the future. 

Longer answer -- It was recently brought to my attention that there was a book that was published, and as of August 2023, available for purchase regarding Rorochan_1999. Turns out, I have been credited on that book as an author. I had no knowledge whatsoever that this book was being created and I only found out after it was published through people pointing it out to me. I don't know if there were any attempts by the author to contact me, since I had logged out of my Hikari accounts on both Discord and Reddit until very recently. (I left this place for two reasons, firstly for my own mental health, and secondly, there isn't anything more to translate that would actually be helpful. I only came back now because of this whole book incident, once this is over I will be inactive once more.)

I thought I would never have to say this, but please don't use anything I translated for your own monetary gain. Using things I translated in a YouTube documentary and gaining ad revenue is treading on some gray territory but I've not really said anything of this since at least, the content is still free to access. However, publishing a physical book that requires real money to gain access to is definitely crossing some lines here.

The whole reason I even created the Roro Info Discord server, this archive website, was to clear up any misconceptions caused by inaccurate translations. I regret this decision, treating a real-life girl who passed away and treating it as some sort of "investigation" was wrong, and I realize my actions caused her death to be sensationalized and discussed in an unnecessary manner.  However, I also realize that I can't take back what I did either. People are going to see content regarding Rorochan_1999, and have questions. This site aims to be a place to answer them,  without machine translation and rumours causing misinformation to spread any further than it already has. 

Please let Rorochan_1999 rest in peace. She doesn't need any discussions on why she may have passed away. We don't need to know about every single personal detail of her life. We don't need to know where she lived, went to school, or where her gravestone is. These are all questions which were discussed in the past within the Roro Info Discord server among other places online, and tried to answer at one point. I truly regret that any of these topics were even talked about in the first place, and I didn't realize at the time how morally messed up this whole thing was. This is a shared sentiment among myself and other moderators of the Roro Info Discord, and we do not endorse this type of discussion any longer.

Thank you for reading,
