Roro Info Discord Archive

All Translations by Hikari :)


Welcome to the online archive of the Roro Info Discord server!

Click here if you would like to join :)

This site was created and written by Hikari, aka the translating slave of the server.

I did all of the translations on this site, so if you ever see anyone saying that these translations are theirs(unfortunately, it's happened before), please let me know on Reddit or Discord.

I'm a Japanese person, living in Japan, going to a regular Japanese school, so I'm pretty sure my translations are a lot more accurate than google.

This site is supposed to be 

The only thing that's on this site, but not on the server are the tweet translations. They're not done yet, and they won't be for a while, doing 1-2 days worth of tweets can take 2-3 hours since I type these translations and notes out by hand, and I often have to research specific terms etc. Please understand that it's going to take a while before any real progress is made(exams aren't helping either...).

Please understand that this whole thing is still under construction, so there is a lot that's on the server that isn't on here.

If you have no clue about what this site is talking about, I suggest taking a look at Who Was Rorochan_1999? . If you would like to read some articles written at the time,  Asagei's article on her gives a brief summary on what happened. Niconama Bibouroku's article is basically the same, but adds the small detail of the noise the Mother heard at around 1:40 am.

Hope this helps!!

Update log

02/08/2023 [IMPORTANT] Added Regarding a Recently Published Book, due to recent events I(Hikari) took no part in.

23/02/2021 Added Who Was Rorochan_1999?, and added trigger warnings to all articles/posts that mention any triggering subjects.

07/02/2021 Added 2chan (Others), which is essentially a list of the currently known threads about Roro.

06/01/2021 Tweets from Nov 3 were translated 11-3-2013 (Sunday).

19/12/2020 Added Ameblo (Dokuzetsuka De Ikou!).

03/12/2020 Added J-cast, Sankei, Asagei (2), Asagei (3). Take a look at News Articles/Blogs for a brief description on the articles.

21/11/2020 Added a conversation between two supposed classmates of Roro. Horidaikon and Gifir 

11/11/2020 Added a few more questions/debunks to DEBUNK/FAQ.

06/11/2020 Added links to video footage of how her home looked like in Basic Information.

03/11/2020 Tweets from Nov 1-2 were translated November 2013.

19/10/2020 A list of debunked theories has been added. DEBUNK

18/10/2020 2 articles were translated, Asagei and Niconama Bibouroku. All tweets from October complete October 2013. A list of all known videos and social media platforms has been made. Basic Information

17/10/2020 All stream chat logs were transferred to the site. 2chan (Roro) Tweets from Oct 19-22 were translated. October 2013

This site was created on 17/10/2020 :)