News Articles/Blogs

There are several different articles from several different companies, I'll do my best to categorize them but it still might be a little confusing.. Sorry!!

Asagei (1)- This article has the basics on the whole case, I recommend showing this to those who are new to the case.

Asagei (2)- Explains in detail what happened on Roro's last stream. Afterwards, shows some interviews from people from her school.

Asagei (3)- Continues the interview, and then, analysis of the case from a psychiatrist is written

Niconama Bibouroku- This article is essentially the same as Asagei (1), but it mentions the noise the Mother heard.

J-cast- This article explains why Roro's case wasn't heavily reported.

Sankei- This article gives a little more information regarding the trash can Roro used for the suicide, and the location.

Ameblo (Dokuzetsuka De Ikou!)- A blog by some guy who read a magazine. It's the only source to mention the Knuckles article, and the chorus contest.