Roger 部落格
2024/04/18 Strategic Management x Agile Thinking: The Case of Fast Fashion Zara's Agile Development
I am the founder and former president of the Dynamic Competition Society, having held the position for over five years. After obtaining the CST (Certified Scrum Trainer) qualification in Scrum Alliance, I felt a strong need to focus more on promoting agile methodologies, prompting me to step down as president. The Dynamic Competition Society primarily discusses practical approaches to strategic management, which is also the core subject of my doctoral dissertation. Each year, I invite 12 speakers to share their experiences and insights, all of whom generously provide their knowledge without compensation........More
2024/04/15 策略管理x敏捷思維-以快時尚Zara的敏捷開發為例
2024/03/29 AI Innovation Results Presentation as a Judge: The Power of Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration
I've noted that you've been involved in translating world-class agile works in Taiwan, including "Zombie Scrum", and worked with Mr. Lee Shi-Qin from the Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Association on this project. Your collaboration led to exploring AI from a Scrum perspective despite initial hesitations due to a lack of expertise in AI. This experience broadened your perspective to evaluate creative outcomes in a new domain not primarily focused on AI........More
2024/03/29 AI的創新成果發表擔任評審:跨領域合作的力量
我在台灣有翻譯了一些世界級經典敏捷著作,其中一本著作《Zombie Scrum》當中的一位翻譯志工是台灣人工智慧協會進修交流委員會 主委,李詩欽先生,他不僅是我們志工團隊的一員,也在其他領域以其卓越的領導才能,主辦了多場深具影響力的學習課程。當初他來向我提出邀請,希望我能從Scrum的角度來審視AI領域,我曾因為AI非我專長而猶豫。然而,他的堅持與說服,最終讓我接受了這一挑戰,進入了一個非以AI為主來評估學生創作成果的新領域。.......More
2024/03/27 Challenges of Scrum Mastery Team Translation Collaboration and International Submission
In this rapidly changing era, as an Agile coach and the first International Scrum Ambassador from Taiwan, CST, I encountered a profoundly influential book—Geoff Watts' "Scrum Mastery". This book has some overlap with Lyssa Adkins' "Coaching Agile Teams", with Lyssa's book being hailed as the contemporary Agile coaching bible, and Geoff Watts' work as the modern new testament. Its emergence inspired a new chapter in advocating Scrum for me, a passion that allowed me to organize a volunteer team of 70 people, surpassing the initial goal of 50. .......More
2024/03/27 Scrum Mastery團隊翻譯合作與國際投稿的挑戰
在這個快速變化的時代中,我,作為一名敏捷教練和台灣首位國際Scrum大使, CST,遇到了一本影響深遠的書籍——Geoff Watts的《Scrum Mastery》。這本書與Lyssa Adkins的《教練敏捷團隊》有著部分重疊之處,後者被譽為當代的敏捷教練聖經,而Geoff Watts的作品則是近代的新聖經。它的出現激發了我倡導Scrum的新篇章,這種熱情讓我得以組織一個70人的志工團隊,超出了最初的50人目標。 .......More
2024/03/20 科毅敏捷培訓: 創新與團隊動力
能夠到科毅進行演講,是因為科毅總經理林憲維先生來上我的CEO CSM課程中向我提問,想要找敏捷講師於公司進行敏捷實務工作坊。當他問及是否有適合的敏捷講師推薦時,我提議何不直接邀請我呢?他的顧慮在於我身為台灣唯一的國際敏捷大使,恐怕日程繁忙。然而,我對他說,身為台灣的國際敏捷大使,若不教授CSM與敏捷,那又能教授甚麼呢?於是,我們便開始著手規劃並展開了教學。 .......More
2023/11/20 Achieve cultivating 100 CEOs to become CSMs within six months, where there's a will there's a way. With great power comes great responsibility
Creating an agile environment requires a correct understanding of agile principles and principles; practicing agility requires an agile team with a shared vision and understanding; to implant agile values and culture into an organization, it needs to start from the top (CEO). As of November 19, 2023, I am delighted to announce that the first Sprint Goal of the CST Aspiration Declaration has been achieved: 100 CEOs have become CSMs, injecting new energy into Taiwan's agile ecosystem. Thank you to all stakeholders for their achievements. .......More
2023/11/20 半年內達成100位CEO培訓成為CSM,有願就有力,願有多大 力量就有多大
打造敏捷環境,需要正確的理解敏捷的原理及原則;實踐敏捷,需要有共同願景及共同理解的敏捷團隊;為組織植入敏捷價值觀及文化,需要從頭(CEO)開始。就在2023/11/19,我很開心 CST志業宣言的第一個Sprint Goal 達成:100位CEO成為CSM,為台灣敏捷生態注入新能量,感謝各位利害關係人的成就。
我很感謝在敏捷的旅程獲得的信任及肯定,也以無比欣喜即感動的心情跟各位分享,我們做到了最難的第一個 Sprint Goal:培育100位CEO 成為 CSM。 .......More
2023/10/19 Igniting Dreams, Shaping the Future: A Book for Taking Taiwan Global - 《Successful Agile Product Development》
To me, this book is more than just a publication; it represents a dream, a vision with profound implications for Taiwan's agile ecosystem. Can you believe that within just five short months, the book has undergone nine printings? That's why I've decided to translate it into English because I believe the world needs to see the dedication and effort Taiwan has put into the agile ecosystem. .......More
2023/10/19 燃亮夢想,共塑未來:讓台灣走向世界的一本書《Successful Agile Product Development》
對我來說,成為CST(Certified Scrum Trainer)不是終點,而是一個新的開始與使命。這是我改變世界的方式,我的第一個里程碑目標是培養100位CEO,而我知道,這個目標就快達成了。 .......More
2023/10/02 Teacher Roger's 4.5th Batch CEO CSM New Milestone
Hello everyone, because my mission with 100 CEOs can gradually change Taiwan's agile ecosystem, I'm spreading the word far and wide. Since launching the CEO CSM training in June, we have completed 4.5 batches of training, with a total of 74 CEOs participating. You might wonder, why 4.5 batches and not a whole number? This is because we added a special training session midway. The purpose of this special session is to prepare the trained CEOs to compete in the top ten global agile CEO awards. .......More
2023/10/02 Roger老師 第4.5梯CEO CSM新里程碑
大家好,因為我的100位CEO志業可以慢慢改變台灣的敏捷生態,因此我廣而發布。自從6月份開始啟動CEO CSM的培訓,到目前為止,我們已經完成了4.5梯的培訓,累加人數為74位CEO。你可能會好奇,為何是4.5梯而不是整數?這是因為我們中途增加了一個特別的培訓梯次。這一次特設的目的,是希望培訓過的CEO能參加全球十大頂尖敏捷CEO大獎的角逐。 .......More
2023/09/19 Gradual improvement of the fourth phase of CEO CSM
Hello everyone, I'm Roger, the first Scrum trainer in Taiwan to obtain official certification from Scrum Alliance (CST). I would like to share some of my reflections and insights from the fourth phase of the CEO CSM training, as well as the latest news and results.
After becoming a CST, there was a period where I suffered from insomnia for 109 days, which placed immense stress on both my mind and body. While the CEO CSM course had been on track since the third batch, there were some issues during the fourth batch. Whenever I reached the intense parts of the course, I would always feel my heart racing and palpitations. Sometimes, I even felt like I was about to faint. Thankfully, taking a pill that the doctor provided for me made a significant difference. However, this indeed posed some challenges to my teaching. .......More
2023/09/19 CEO CSM 第四梯的逐步完善
大家好,我是Roger老師,台灣首位取得Scrum Alliance官方認證的Scrum培訓師(CST)。想和大家分享我在CEO CSM 第四梯培訓過程中的一些心路歷程與感悟,以及最新的消息與成果。首先在成為CST後,有段時間我失眠長達109天,導致我身心受到了巨大的壓力。本來CEO CSM課程從第三梯開始已經穩穩的上軌道了,這次第四梯卻出了一些狀況,每當我講到課程激動的部分,我總是感到心跳加速與心悸,有時甚至覺得自己快要昏倒了。還好趕快的服用了一顆醫生為我提供的藥物,就改善了許多,但這確實對我的授課造成了一些困難。.......More
2023/08/24 RSG的永續傳承:台灣敏捷再創紀錄
在2022年,我是RSG TAIPEI的主辦者,一場在全球引起關注的大型敏捷聚會。我們締造了888人的參與紀錄,並突破了以往僅限於IT產業的敏捷觀念,推廣到了各種非IT產業,這不僅是台灣,更是全球的一大驕傲。此次盛大活動不僅帶來了全球的目光,也為我們帶來了五十萬的盈餘。
RSG TAIPEI 2022 PO (Prodcut Owner) 心得: 台灣首次「非IT導向」敏捷聚會 開創全新局面 :
RSG TAIPEI 2022 PO Experience: Taiwan's first "non-IT-oriented" Scrum gathering creates a new precedent :
2023/08/17 全球十大頂尖敏捷CEO大獎:一場敏捷領導的嶄新篇章
再者,我們需理解,敏捷不再只限於IT產業。雖然硬體研發需要長時間,但敏捷管理可將電視或汽車等產品分解為多個Scrum team與Sprint,每個月不斷地進行增量開發,進而實現目標。.......More
2023/08/17 Global Top 10 Elite Agile CEO Awards: A New Chapter in Agile Leadership
My mission is to spread the agile trend from the IT industry to all sectors in Taiwan, and to bring together the elites from various fields here. I believe there aren't many CEOs worldwide who have obtained the CSM certification. Even after these CEOs obtain the CSM, they might still find it challenging to promote agility within their enterprises, just like other CEOs without the certification.
Therefore, I hope to offer these CEOs a platform for learning and benchmarking against each other through the 'Global Top 10 Elite Agile CEO Awards........More
2023/08/16 PMP到CSM ACP 路線圖:為什麼PMP要學CSM
2023/08/16 Roadmap from PMP to CSM ACP: Why PMP Should Learn CSM
According to the latest data, 15,000 people hold the PMP certification, while only 1,600 have the CSM certification, equivalent to 9% of the PMP holders. However, many job seekers have found that there are few job vacancies that explicitly require CSM qualifications. You'll find that the number of PMPs far exceeds that of CSMs. But this doesn't mean that CSM lacks its inherent value. So, why should CEOs and PMs still pursue the CSM certification? Here are the reasons........More
2023/08/16 CEO CSM第三梯的結案花絮
大家好,我是 Roger老師,台灣首位取得Scrum Alliance官方認證的Scrum培訓師(CST) ,其實很多人都已知,我現在要招募200位CEO,且名額已經額滿。創建這種需求正是饑餓行銷的核心策略。當消費者發現無法報名,有的甚至願意支付高額。最大的問題是如何隱藏我們的行銷技巧。因此,我公開了所有的成本資料和一個名為Informartion Radiaitor的系統,它將所有的績效數據量化。看完這篇,你將發現許多CEO會自己支付費用參加CEO CSM。
我明確地告訴大家成本的細節。像是課務的薪水、專業攝影師的薪水都增加了兩倍。這些都是INFORMARTION RADIAITOR的一部分,透明地向你們展示。一些人可能會好奇,我到底賺了多少?答案是,根據我的計算,我一個月只開一期課程,所得並不如你想的那麼多。........More
2023/08/16 Behind-the-scenes of the third-ever CEO CSM closing
Hello everyone, I am Teacher Roger, the first in Taiwan to obtain the Scrum Alliance's official Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) certification. Many already know that I am currently recruiting 200 CEOs, and the slots have already been filled. Creating this demand is precisely the core strategy of hunger marketing. When consumers find they can't sign up, some are even willing to pay a premium. The biggest challenge is how to conceal our marketing tactics. As a result, I disclosed all cost details and a system called the Information Radiator, which quantifies all performance data. After reading this, you'll realize that many CEOs are willing to pay for the CEO CSM course themselves.
I've explicitly shared details about the costs. Salaries for course-related tasks and professional photographers have doubled. These are all part of the INFORMATION RADIATOR, transparently displayed to all of you. Some might wonder how much I actually earn. The answer is, based on my calculations, teaching just one course a month doesn't bring in as much as you might think.........More
2023/07/28 CEO CSM全球最高規格的CSM課程
Roger 博士說明: 以下內容由Jessica學員張貼在他的 Blog,經他同意將他內放放此文件好翻譯成英文,讓國際人士知道台灣Scrum推行的狀況。我是Jessica,台灣敏捷書籍出版社的副總經理,我與我們公司總經理 Simon一同參加 Roger博士的, CEO CSM.
他宣稱,他的CSM課程是全球最高規格的CSM,於是我把我的課程所見及感受詳實紀錄。期望你可以客觀評定這是否最高規格,因為我沒有參加其它國家的CSM課程。CSM旅程開始: 7/16-7/17 兩天的敏捷CSM課程,上課的地方位於出捷運站(南京復興站) 只要步行二分鐘即可抵達處,真的很方便,看圖便知是不是超級近的抵達六樓後就看到指示 (PCBC 犇亞會議中心6樓D會議室)。 ........More
2023/07/28 CEO CSM, the Zenith of CSM Courses on a Global Scale
Dr. Roger explained: The following content was posted on her blog by Jessica, a student. With her permission, it is included in this document for translation into English to let the international community know about the state of Scrum implementation in Taiwan.
I am Jessica, the deputy general manager of a Taiwanese Agile book publishing company DrMaster. I and our general manager, Simon, attended the CEO CSM course taught by Dr. Roger. He claimed that his CSM course was the highest standard globally, so I recorded my observations and feelings from the course. I hope you can objectively determine whether this is indeed the highest standard, as I have not attended any CSM courses in other countries.
Our CSM journey began with a two-day Agile CSM course on 7/16-7/17. The venue was just a two-minute walk from the Nanjing Fuxing MRT station, which was very convenient.
Upon arriving at the sixth floor, we found directions to the PCBC Asia Meeting Center's 6th-floor D meeting room. ........More
2023/07/25 在韓國RSG SEOUL演講: 如何有效的運作敏捷虛擬社群
最近我榮幸被邀請參與韓國RSG SEOUL的盛會,這次的體驗對我而言既重要又意義深刻。在此,我與你們分享我與RSG SEOUL的協同合作,以及對於台灣敏捷未來的深思,引發了我更多思考。 我曾經於2022年在台北舉辦RSG,創造了Scrum Alliance 十年來RSG參與人數最多的世界紀錄,總共有888人參與。在活動結束的時候,我為這次成功的活動製作了一份完整的結案報告,希望能分享給全世界的RSG主辦單位。因此,當Scrum Alliance Mallory 熱情地邀請我協助南韓首次RSG,名為『RSG SEOUL』,我毫不猶豫的答應了。 ........More
2023/07/25 Speaking at RSG SEOUL in Korea: How to Effectively Operate Agile Virtual Communities
Recently, I was honored to be invited to participate in the grand event of RSG SEOUL in South Korea. This experience was both significant and deeply meaningful to me. Here, I share with you my collaborative efforts with RSG SEOUL, as well as deep reflections on the agile future of Taiwan, which has sparked further thought in me.
In 2022, I held RSG in Taipei, setting the world record for the highest number of participants in a Scrum Alliance RSG in the past decade, with a total of 888 people attending. At the end of the event, I prepared a comprehensive final report for this successful event, hoping to share it with RSG organizers worldwide. Therefore, when Mallory from Scrum Alliance enthusiastically invited me to assist with the first RSG in South Korea, known as "RSG SEOUL", I agreed without hesitation. ........More
2023/07/17 CEO CSM第二梯後的行動: 從一位CEO的對話,讓我把100位CEO培訓計畫增加為200位
我是Roger老師,台灣國際首位Scrum大使CST,以台灣Scrum推廣到各產業為志業的Scrum官方認證培訓師。在這回的第二梯CEO CSM,我觀察到一群熱切學習敏捷的CEO如何深入內化敏捷思維,並且將其植入他們的商業帝國。這次的探索及啟發,不只讓我有更深入的反思教學方法,也使我再次感受到Scrum所擁有的潛力。我熱切期盼與您分享這趟旅程的洞見,並讓更多的人共享CSM的智慧。 ........More
2023/07/17 From a conversation with one CEO, I have expanded my plan to train 100 CEOs to 200
I am Dr. Roger, the first Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) and Scrum Ambassador in Taiwan, dedicated to promoting Scrum across various industries as my mission. As an official certified trainer, my goal is to adopt Scrum and its principles to businesses and help them introduce agile mindset. In the second -ever of the CEO CSM training, I had the opportunity to witness a group of CEOs who were eager to learn and understand how to internalize agile mindset and incorporate it into their business empires. This exploration and inspiration not only deepened my reflection on teaching methods but also reaffirmed the potential of Scrum. I am excited to share the insights from this journey with you and enable more people to benefit from the wisdom of CSM. ........More
2023/07/11 From PMP Section Chief to PMP General Manager: A Paradigm of Project Management Success
I'm delighted to share some news with everyone: the Director Lin Chao-Yang of Chunghwa Telecom from 13 years ago has now successfully been promoted to the position of General Manager of Chunghwa Telecom's main company. This is currently the most influential PMP in the business world. His journey and accomplishments are not only a testament to the honor of PMP but also shine as a highlight of our 'Top Ten Special Award' ........More
2023/07/10 金融業如何推動敏捷開發:從CSPO的培訓經驗分享
2023/07/10 How the Finance Industry Promotes Agile Development: Sharing Experiences from CSPO Training
In this rapidly changing and innovative era, I am delighted to have the opportunity to conduct a Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) training course for colleagues at Shin Kong Bank. Shin Kong Bank has a department dedicated to studying digital transformation, which is staffed by professionals from various backgrounds, including IT personnel and project managers. The participants in this training came from this department, some of whom attended to meet company needs. They are passionate about learning the skills of a Product Owner (PO), and with as many as 34 participants, this was the largest CSPO course we have conducted in the past eight years........More
2023/07/05 Roger專訪Geoff Watts在台灣出版Scrum Mastery
到目前我們已經專訪國際級的大師, 已有4位了: Roman Pichler, Mike Cohn, Lyssa Adkins, 及Geoff Watts,所有的記錄我都有放在社群的網頁上, 包含昨天專訪的影片及共筆, 我相信全世界沒有一個社群可以訪談這麼多敏捷大師, 台灣卻做到了.
我們在專訪完Geoff Watts, 他馬上在他的Linkedin PO文感謝台灣翻譯志工對他書的貢獻,甚至引起其他國家翻譯他書籍的風潮
Geoff Watts PO文:
2023/07/05 Roger Interviews Geoff Watts on the Publication of Scrum Mastery in Taiwan
Foreword by Roger
Title: "From Good to Great: Journeying into the World of Scrum Mastery with Geoff Watts"
As the founder of Taiwan Agile Tribe and Taiwan's first Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), I, along with a volunteer team of over 70 people and ChatGPT, have successfully completed the translation of the second edition of Geoff Watts's book, "Scrum Mastery: From Good to Great Servant Leadership." Our mission is to disseminate the wisdom of "Scrum Mastery" to Chinese readers worldwide, enabling them to gain a deep understanding of Scrum's practice and theory.
Three years ago, after leading the translation of a major project management system guide for a large team of over 100 people, I proactively reached out to Simon, the General Manager of Booky, hoping for more opportunities to translate classic agile books. We found several influential works, five in total, including Geoff Watts's "Scrum Mastery."........More
2023/07/04 群創光電的產品管理之旅:探索轉變與創新的啟示
2023/07/04 Innovative Leap: The Transformation and Enlightenment of Innolux Corporation
Hello everyone, I recently held a distinctive course for Innolux Corporation. As a company focusing on the manufacture of TV panels, Innolux stands out in the market with its unique corporate culture. They have found a balance between the gentle demeanor of Chimei Electronics and the ambition of Foxconn, which is a manifestation of their unique charm. From being a company that was not a market leader, after being acquired by the Foxconn Group, Innolux has gradually grown into the largest panel manufacturing company in Taiwan.........More
2023/06/15 我的首航CEO CSM培訓 及CEO回饋
大家好,我是周龍鴻 Roger老師,台灣首位取得Scrum Alliance官方認證的Scrum培訓師(CST),我一直以來對於敏捷和Scrum的應用有著濃厚的興趣和熱情。我與大家分享我參與的首航CEO CSM培訓班的心路歷程。在這篇部落格中,我將回顧這段旅程的點點滴滴,以及學員學習後對CSM所燃起的熱情。先從我的願景及產品藍圖開始說起吧,還記得前篇的我CST願景部落格嗎? ........More
2023/06/15 My first-ever CEO CSM training and CEO feedback
Greetings everyone, I am Roger Chou, also known as Teacher Zhou Longhong, the first Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) from Scrum Alliance in Taiwan. I've always held a profound interest and passion in the applications of Agile and Scrum. Today, I would like to share with you the journey I have taken while conducting my inaugural CEO CSM training class. In this blog post, I will be reflecting on the ins and outs of this journey, as well as the enthusiasm ignited in my students after learning about CSM. Let's start by discussing my vision and product blueprint. Do you still remember my previous blog post about my CST vision? (A decade-long journey and insights from Taiwan's first CST ........More
2023/06/03 拜會政府文官, 邀請加入CEO CSM培訓
我花了十年的時間成為CST (Certified Scrum Trainer)。當我從美國波特蘭返回台灣時,我向CS社群表達,希望能在未來兩年內在台灣培育一百位CEO成為Scrum Master。這則消息迅速傳播,短短三天內,就有113位CEO表示興趣。在這些申請人中,有一項條款是,符合資格的政府公務員(簡任以上)也可以獲得CSM資格。然而,我發現,只有兩位公務員報名,這樣產生了一種不平衡的狀態。
2023/06/03 Meeting with Government Officials, Inviting Them to Join the CEO CSM Training
It took me a decade to become a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST). When I returned to Taiwan from Portland, USA, I expressed to the top executives in the Taiwan agile community that I hoped to cultivate 100 CEOs to become CSMs in Taiwan within the next two years. This news spread quickly, and in just three days, 100 CEOs registered to join, with 13 candidates. Among these applicants, high-ranking government officials can also apply for this CEO training qualification. However, I found that only two senior civil servants signed up, thus creating an imbalance.
Promoting agility is not something that can be accomplished by a single unit if the same case involves many units. All units must work together; otherwise, it's like a single hand trying to make a sound, it takes both hands to create a spark. Therefore, I visited government officials with Mr. Yeh Wei-Chuan, who served as the deputy chairman of the Insurance Training Association before his retirement. I hoped that through my explanation, they would understand the spirit of agility and ignite their interest, allowing them to participate in Scrum learning and practice as well........More
2023/05/30 如何找到減肥的動力
教練的力量最佳示範 圖片是我的減肥執行結果,一點就是一天
一個月前, 我在教練課堂上提出這議題
2023/05/24 台灣首位CST的十年歷程及心得
大家好!今天我要與大家分享我成為Certified Scrum Trainer(CST)的心路歷程以及我未來的願景。這是一段挑戰的旅程,從最初想要取得CST認證的念頭,到最終成功獲得認證,整個過程耗費了10年的時間。正如古人所說:「10年磨一劍」,這句話完美地詮釋了我的努力與堅持。 ........More
2023/05/24 Taiwan's First CST: A Ten-Year Journey and Reflections
Hello everyone! Today, I'd like to share with you the journey and experiences that led me to become a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) and my future aspirations. This has been a challenging journey, from initially aspiring to attain the CST certification to ultimately earning it, which spanned over a decade. As the old saying goes, "It takes ten years to sharpen a sword," which vividly illustrates my perseverance and dedication. ........More
2023/05/24 在實踐敏捷道路上,如果有需要增強信念或探索職涯發展,長宏無償提供一對一教練會談。
這是其他學員的教練回饋分享 ( )時勾勒起Roger 老師一開始學習教練的願景:『我期望在教練學成後可以為1000位長宏學員,幫助他們看到不一樣的視角,打破他們的限制與框架。』這是在15個月前我學習教練時所設定的目標,因為我是一個很有主見的知識工作者,所以在學習教練碰了不少的牆壁,教練學習過程我發現我自己有不少的中心思想,當然這些思想也造就了長宏今天的成功。
2023/05/08 一段挑戰不斷省思回顧成長的敏捷Scrum培訓師 CST旅程
2023.5.5 (五)在美國波特蘭凱悅飯店三樓的Columbia-5 會議室,是我終生難忘的時刻及所在。這日,是我被Scrum Alliance 的5位CST專家評審團宣布"恭喜,你被核可成為CST, 歡迎加入CST 社區"的地方,雖是短短2小時的面試時間,但是從台灣來到美國波特蘭的航程超過10,000公里,時差15小時,也是我這半年來無數次練習的驗收時刻。
即使在台灣,我已是敏捷高度影響人士,經歷過無數次高難度、高挑戰的頂級國際考試經驗,但是,我必須說,這是我人生中最沒有把握的一場面試,也是最長期抗戰的一次。因此,即使我已信心滿滿的充分準備,有家人的溫暖陪伴、滿滿的親友、智囊團擔綱啦啦隊的祝福、鼓舞,這場面試依然讓我緊張萬分,無法入眠,即使我已不斷不斷的練習再練習,從2020年提出CST申請,一路過關斬將走到這裡,也是取得CST 的最後一關,我依然宛如小學生的心情,有著不安,深怕Failed, 不知道如何面對,甚至不敢期待過關的結果,因為,沒有期待才能平心靜氣,從Retro 中,再進步找到Action Item,如同在Scrum Alliance 的CST官網上所寫的Growth Mindet (成長心態):"重要的是要注意,成為 CST 的過程是一個嚴格的申請過程,一些候選人在第一次嘗試時沒有通過預審、正式審查和/或正式面試和模擬。我們發現,最成功的候選人將此過程視為檢查/適應和成長為Scrum培訓師的機會。繼續前行,繼續堅持的人,成功率很高!"。從許多CST的分享,也都可以知道這是一段Patience effort,耐心是連接努力與成功的關鍵。但沒有親身走過、經歷,是無法感受這過程的甜酸苦楚及收穫,是一趟No Pain、No Gain 值得的旅程,我很欣喜,在今日,我做到了,成為CST,也是台灣第一位及唯一的一位Scrum培訓師。......More
2023/05/08 A Journey of Reflection and Growth: The Path to Becoming a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST)
On May 5, 2023, an unforgettable moment took place in the Columbia-5 conference room on the third floor of the Hyatt Hotel in Portland, USA. It was here that I was officially welcomed into the CST community by a panel of five Scrum Alliance CST experts, who congratulated me on becoming a Certified Scrum Trainer. The two-hour interview process was the culmination of countless practice sessions and a long journey that began in Taiwan, covering over 10,000 kilometers and crossing a 15-hour time difference.
Although I was already a highly influential Agile professional in Taiwan, having experienced numerous top-level international exams and challenges, this was the most uncertain interview of my life. Even with thorough preparation, the support of my family, and encouragement from friends and advisors, I found myself unable to sleep, filled with anxiety about the outcome. I dared not hope for success, as my growth mindset aligned with the Scrum Alliance's description of the CST application process: a rigorous journey that some candidates do not pass on their first attempt. Embracing this mindset allowed me to approach the process with a calm and steady heart, learning from each retrospective and continuously improving........More
2023/05/03 從熱情到專精:一位Scrum專家的勵志之旅
我並沒有一次通過, 但我以最勇敢精神面對最嚴格的Scrum測試挑戰
我是一位學習Scrum十年的實踐者,在許多企業教導著如何有效地導入Scrum,也成功為許多大企業CEO做敏捷導入的企業教練。雖然台灣沒有人與我走相同的路線,但是我還是期望以全球最嚴格的Scrum專家測試 “PSM3 證照” 來考驗自己的Scrum實力。目前通過這嚴苛的Scrum專家試金石者,全球僅有的1000位PSM3,在台灣僅有三位,其中兩位是PST。.......More
2023/05/03 From Passion to Mastery: An Inspiring Journey of a Scrum Expert
I didn't pass PSM3 on my first attempt, but I faced the most rigorous Scrum test challenge with the utmost courage and determination.
As a devoted Scrum practitioner for over a decade, I have guided numerous enterprises on effectively implementing Scrum and have proudly served as an Agile coach for various CEOs of major corporations. Though the path I have taken is unique within Taiwan, I eagerly pursued the challenge of obtaining the most demanding Scrum expert certification – the PSM3. Currently, a mere 1,000 PSM3-certified individuals exist worldwide, with only 3 hailing from Taiwan, two of whom are PSTs.......More
2023/04/28 Agile Transformation: Key Insights from a Captivating Lecture
今I had the honor of being the keynote speaker at the 2023 Global Business and Management Academic Conference at Cheng Shiu University, where I shared my insights on "Agile Transformation" with over 250 professors and students. I discussed how Scrum framework were used to create Taiwan's largest agile gathering, "RSG," which set a world record with 888 participants, as well as my book, "Successful Agile Product Management."
The Importance of Product Vision
During my talk, I posed three critical questions about product vision to provoke thought:
1️⃣ Does your company have a product vision?
2️⃣ Is the vision driven by the product owner, the company, or the customer?
3️⃣ How long will it take for your company's product to become number one in the market?......More
2023/04/28 敏捷如何實現數位轉型 - 250人國際研討會激勵人心的演講分享
今天在正修科技大學的2023全球商業經營管理學術研討會上,我有幸成為唯一的keynote speaker,向超過250位教授和學生分享「敏捷如何實現數位轉型」。在演講中,我向大家介紹了如何運用敏捷方法創造台灣最大敏捷聚會「RSG」並締造世界紀錄888人參加,以及我所寫的書《成功的敏捷產品管理》。
在演講中,我提出了三個關於產品願景的問題,希望引導大家思考:1️⃣ 你們公司是否有產品願景?2️⃣ 願景是產品負責人的、公司的還是客戶的?3️⃣ 你們公司的產品要多久才能成為市場第一?......More
2023/04/14 企業轉型加速器:啟碁科技敏捷工作坊探秘
為了讓工作坊效果最大化,我將參與者分為跨職能的小組,這樣的多元化組合有助於激發創意與協同效應。在一開始,參與者都不相信敏捷可以應用在硬體開發,我直接詢問大家,做戰鬥機要十年,他們如何用Scrum方式,在一個月內產出一台戰鬥機? 大家試著回答,但沒人答對。我向參與者詳細介紹了紳寶公司如何成功地將Scrum方法從軟體開發擴展到整個公司的案例。......More
2023/04/14 Corporate Transformation Accelerator: Unveiling the Agile Workshop at WNC Technology
WNC Technology is the foremost global leader in the wireless communication industry, since its establishment in 1996, WNC Technology has been dedicated to the design, research, and manufacturing of wireless communication products, gradually expanding into the automotive, mobile, home, and enterprise sectors. In a fiercely competitive market, agile product management enhances a company's flexibility and competitiveness in product development. This time, I personally invited Dr. Gao Jianrong, CEO of WNC Technology, to participate in the Agile Workshop I organized. To my surprise, he agreed and fully engaged in the event.
To maximize the workshop's impact, I divided the participants into cross-functional teams, fostering diverse collaboration that encouraged creativity and synergy. Initially, the participants were skeptical about the applicability of Scrum framework to hardware development. I asked them how they could use Scrum to build a fighter jet within a month when it typically takes ten years. They attempted to answer, but none were correct. I introduced the participants to the case study of how Saab Corporation successfully extended Scrum from software development to the entire company.......More
2023/03/20 陽明交大經管所MBA成功的敏捷產品管理演講
中午在凱撒用餐時,我才知道原來溫所長居然也是我中山企管系博士班學長,只不過他1994年入學, 我是2018年入學。他還跟我指導教授林豪傑老師是同門師兄呢。溫所長在用餐期間也向我灌頂他擅長的組織理論,真是國內少見的敏捷學者。......More
2023/03/10 Roger上FETC 產品負責人實體敏捷工作坊--又一里程碑解鎖
最近我有幸為遠通電收(就我們熟知的高速公路ETC, 以下簡稱FETC)公司的產品團隊進行了一場敏捷產品負責人課程的工作坊,又是另一個敏捷里程碑的解鎖。
FETC公司是一家專門提供無線電子收費服務的公司,他們的服務不僅讓台灣國民能夠更加便利地通行,還有助於減少交通壅塞和空氣污染,對台灣社會的發展有著非常大的貢獻。能夠這樣為一家對社會有著積極貢獻的公司提供協助,感到非常榮幸。因此FETC 向德成協理在台灣敏捷部落裡,邀請我到他們公司分享,我二話不說就答應了,展開了全長4.5小時敏捷實作工作坊......More
2023/02/27 麗琇換車記,Roger老師不專業車評 Toyota Sport 2023
2022年底,因為麗琇的橘色Toyota 86小跑車已經八歲了,於是興起換車的念頭。我把Toyota業務忠原找過來幫忙估價,沒想到八年的小跑車居然還有45%的殘值(55萬/原價128萬),真是令人驚喜。也順了麗琇的意,換了一台她喜歡白色的5門掀背進口小跑車,這台車很少見,不會像Altis滿街都是且很吸晴。旗艦款含乙式保險大約100萬到好。......More
2023/01/26 導讀影片: 如何快速內化《成功的敏捷產品管理》
一、花1.5小時觀看我為您準備好的我導讀《成功的敏捷產品管理》的讀書會影片 (如下連結),這影片全程以精彩的超大型活動來貫穿「如何設計高度競爭力的產品」及「從行銷倒推回來設計產品」。這影片值得您投入時間觀看,很輕鬆,像是說TED演講者在講故事一般。如果你看了有所啟發,也想要影響您的部屬、同事、長官或者客戶,也可以把影片分享給他們看。
影片: 230118 RogerTAT分享 成功的敏捷產品管理......More
2023/01/23 感謝50位CNS志工努力完成2份國家標準
大家新年快樂。兩個月前我們成立了50位CNS國家標準志工團隊,將新ISO 21500總綱及21502專案管理指引轉化為中華民國國家標準。兩個月時間,志工帶狀努力不辭辛勞,我們完成了共同願景的一大步「奠定符合國際水準的專案管理標準,與先進國家並駕齊驅。」期間共有四位審查委員及兩位國家標準正式審查委員一起把關。產出品質是有史以來最好,也是最快的(第一份約花了6個月以上)。過年後將送入國家標檢局審查。......More
2023/01/21 RSG TAIPEI 2022 PO心得: 台灣首次「非IT導向」敏捷聚會 開創全新局面
2022年11月4~6日,由台灣敏捷部落(Taiwan Agile Tribe, TAT)主辦的RSG Taipei 2022系列活動,在掌聲中劃下圓滿句點,為期三天的線上活動共吸引888人報名參加,創下全球RSG有史以來最多人次參與的紀錄(,成功讓世界看見台灣敏捷愛好者的熱情與凝聚力。
TAT之所以能締造傲人成績,「創新」扮演重要關鍵,策略上突破過往限制,包括以非IT產業的敏捷為主軸、邀請三百位以上高階主管參與、善用Scrum的 Cross-functional Team 及許多獨家活動滿足與會者需求,進而成就這場獨樹一幟的RSG Taipei 2022,接下來我將以產品負責人 Product Owner (以下簡稱: PO) 視角分享本次活動的細節。.......More
2023/01/21 RSG Taipei 2022 Experience: Taiwan's First "Non-IT Oriented" Agile Conference Breaks a New Ground
The RSG Taipei 2022 series campaign (from November 4th to 6th, 2022), hosted by the Taiwan Agile Tribe (TAT), has come to a successful conclusion. Attracting 888 people to sign up, the three-day online event has set a record for the most participants in the global RSG ( and successfully showcased the passion and cohesion of Taiwan’s Agile enthusiasts to the world.
“Innovation” plays a critical role in this TAT’s impressive achievements. This campaign broke through the previous limitations by using strategies such as focusing on Agile mainly from non-IT industries, inviting over 300 senior executives to participate, utilizing Scrum cross-functional teams, and offering many exclusive events to meet the needs of participants to result in the remarkable RSG Taipei 2022. Here I will share the details of the event from the perspective of the Product Owner (PO) of this campaign.......More
2022/12/30 Roger敏捷里程碑的解鎖: 上完叡揚資訊心得
2022/12/14 為30所學校校長上PO敏捷課程(下): 推廣敏捷到非IT不是口號
THE ONE學校的跨領域校長李惠銘經營一個校長社群。全國的中小學校大概有3700所,而他的校長社群居然有900位校長參加。10月找Roger老師一起規劃給校長的跨領域敏捷盛會。上週末執行2天的敏捷工作坊,讓30所學校的校長們學習如何將敏捷落實於學校治理。因為學校的產品大多是無形的產品,比如說怎樣把學校經營好、如何行銷,還有舉辦各式各樣活動,像是:招生、開發新課綱、學校校慶、畢業典禮或者是成果展,敏捷原理倒也是相通的。 .....More
2022/12/14 為30所學校校長上PO敏捷課程(上): 兩天PO實務工作坊
緣起是在於RSG的前1個月,大概10月份的時候。有一位 THE ONE學校的跨領域校長李惠銘,他經營一個校長社群,讓一群中小校長能擴增其跨領域的能力。全國的中小學校大概有3700所,而他的校長社群居然有900位校長參加。但是他找我的時機是我最忙碌的時候,因為在11月初我要舉辦國際敏捷論壇RSG,於是我婉拒了。不過在他不斷熱情邀請之下,而且在極有限的預算情況下,所以我決定全力贊助他幫他完這的校長跨領域的敏捷學習里程碑。 .....More
2022/12/13 RSG 4場大師回顧的線上演講影片
RSG TAIPEI 為了擴大敏捷智慧的影響力,特舉辦4場大師回顧的線上演講,這4場都是對大眾開放,不論他們是否有購買RSG的門票。我們因此將我們的影響力擴散到1萬人以上。做到了將「敏捷擴散到非IT產業」的RSG願景。
以下4支影片由4位人氣講師:葛仲安、Roger、孟繁強及Lance老師導讀4位國際級大師:Dave West、Roman Pichler、Geoff Watts、Lyssa Adkins 的演講重點。他們極其用心,不但回顧了重點,自己也做了相當深度的延伸。4場大師回顧影片,非常的寶貴,供大家留存及散播。......More
2022/12/13 Roger受中國RSG邀請為演溝者, 台灣唯一受邀請者
Roger老師受中國RSG邀請為演溝者, 成為台灣唯一的講師代表,其演講使用台灣RSG為案例說明我們如何使用OKR及敏捷推動造就888人的世界紀錄。
我們向中國RSG索取可在台灣播放此影片的回放權限,已取得主辦單位的同意,如以下影片,值得大家珍藏 (影片仍設為不公開):
RSG CHINA 2022_周龍鴻 博士_動態競爭如何造就組織敏捷性
動態競爭如何造就組織敏捷性(中國RSG) Prezi動畫講義:
(使用電腦或 Prezi App才能看到動畫).....More
2022/12/07 RSG視覺筆記共35張電子檔,歡迎免費下載, 請分享給100位好朋友
充滿知性分享的RSG TAIPEI 大師回顧公益活動在22/12/06二 結束了。
就在11/29及12/06, 由RSG TAIPEI所主辦的 "大師回顧系列" 四場演講, 由4位人氣講師: 葛仲安, Roger, 孟繁強及Lance老師導讀4位國際級大師: Dave West, Roman Pichler, Geoff Watts, Lyssa Adkins 的演講重點. 他們極其用心, 不但回顧了重點, 自己也做了相當深度的延伸. .....More
2022/11/07 敏捷讓台灣看見我們:RSG台北締造世界紀錄 讓國際敏捷看見台灣里程碑的解鎖
讓台灣看見我們:RSG台北締造世界紀錄 讓國際敏捷看見台灣 :
RSG 11/4~6 完美落幕,3天虛擬活動+最後一天實體餐桌上的敏捷,我們真的讓台灣看見我們了,今天Google 搜尋一下,找到 Yahoo 、Line Today及幾大媒體對RSG的報導,其中也把我們提供的RSG完整團隊照片的陣容一起刊了出來,我們一起在台灣敏捷史留名了 .....More
2022/11/25 RSG TAIPEI 2022的英文結案報告
這份是RSG TAIPEI 2022的英文結案報告,我們將8個月的集體智慧及經驗匯整於此,並分享給全世界的RSG,同步提供給Scrum Alliance留存,期望可以將台灣敏捷的影響力擴散到國際舞台.
RSG TAIPEI 2022 Closing Report_221125
同時附上RSG TAIPEI 2022中文版結案報告......More
2022/11/22 RSG TAIPEI 2022 民視節目影片欣賞
YouTube影片搜尋:" #RSGTAIPEI " (已觀看人數11.5萬)
VUCA世代 敏捷正在崛起
Be Agile ! Run Scrum !
RSG台北締造888人的世界紀錄,含300位高階主管,讓國際敏捷看見台灣,讓台灣跟全球敏捷接軌,RSG (Regional Scrum Gathering) TAIPEI是臺灣最大的敏捷國際聚會,主辦人周龍鴻博士,集結50位志工推動辦理,並在25位CEO級顧問協力下盛大舉辦,全程運採用敏捷原理及原則結合OKR方式運作,實踐敏捷精神。除了活動的成功外,也留下了一次敏捷及OKR成功應用的實績,藉由此次活動為台灣社區創造的正面影響力,把敏捷開發/領導力擴散到非IT產業,讓敏捷落地各角落。Be Agile !Run Scrum !......More
2022/11/08 RSG TAIPEI閉幕歌: Together is better than One
#Together is better than One #代表曲 #真的很合適敏捷
當選這首代表歌曲及影片當閉幕曲目,大家深有同感,真的是很棒 。
特別跟大家介紹,歡迎品味《Together is better than One》......More
2022/11/07 RSG TAIPEI 圓滿完成了
RSG TAIPEI 圓滿完成了,謝謝參與的各位,有滿滿的收穫,打造一個以人為本,安全感的環境,迭代交付價值。在敏捷實踐有所啓發,也有新的看見,也勇敢的改變,成為更好的自己,打破限制性思維。
2022/10/16 Roger老師敏捷經典著作上新聞了
【Roger老師敏捷經典著作上新聞了, 歡迎團購可到企業或單位演講】
博客來《成功的敏捷產品管理》作者 周龍鴻 博士:
2022/09/15 天下沒有不散的筵席, SM/Retro聖經志工慶功宴
220914 天下沒有不散的筵席, SM/Retro聖經志工慶功宴Roger老師感言
2022/09/04 那一夜,RSG堅強的CEO顧問團一起來相聚
一群CEO在台北花園的RSG聚會, 這是台灣敏捷社區罕見
他們一樣卸下華服, 展現凝聚力 穿上RSG制服. 成為RSG TAIPEI 推廣大使. 其中也有多位CEO+CSM喔。
留意他們的共同手勢都是 Scrum 的 333-55手勢喔
第一排左起: 台灣敏捷部落社長 陳麗琇、前保訓會常務副主委 Jim、輝瑞大藥廠 總裁 Cellina、RSG 主辧人 Roger老師、RSG顧問團召集人 台灣理光 常務董事 Bruce、多益前總經理 Ben、存在設計 創辦人 Arvin......More
2022/08/08 RSG與強勢媒體《經理人》月刊合作
【RSG與強勢媒體《經理人》月刊合作_Line Today+五大媒體報導全球RSG台北Scrum敏捷聚會】
RSG活動採敏捷開發進行,邀約主講人及活動逐步清晰,熱度持續延燒。RSG今年度與《經理人》月刊強強聯手,發揮各自優勢及所長,線上、線下大會師。經理人月刊在9月21日以線下實體聚會舉辦2022 未來經理人年會,以「全員敏捷,打造成長團隊」為題, 提供從決策到執行,啟動全員敏捷行動計畫。而RSG TAIPEI 2022 以線上聚會,大會主題為「VUCA年代之敏捷崛起」緊扣「轉型」、「新知」、「技能」等3大主軸帶來28場精彩主題演講。......More
2022/05/27 什麼是生命教練及教練會談?
2021/09/13 PMBOK 7 副總編輯序:台灣業界最高翻譯品質的專案管理聖經
翻譯國際經典著作似乎已經成為我的職志,自從PMI的《PMBOK 5》、《計劃管理標準》開始,到《商業分析實務指南》、《PMBOK 6》、《敏捷實務指南》,到敏捷經典著作Roman Pichler的PO聖經 《Scrum敏捷產品管理:打造客戶喜愛的產品》、Mike Cohn的US聖經《使用者故事:敏捷軟體開發應用之道》,到這本《PMBOK 7》已是第七本國際經典著作了。多人翻譯協作手法從瀑布式專案管理、混合式專案管理到Scrum框架,到現在最佳模式LeSS大型敏捷方法。這些史詩級專案已經把我的敏捷手法磨地非常地純熟了。越到後期的專案,團隊共識及自組織成份越來越高,控制的成份越來越低,也與PMBOK七版的精神走向一致......More
2020/02/17 能讓虛擬社群活化的專案經理是如何運作的?
2018/09/06 轉型領導如何影響台灣的專案管理(下)
2018/08/30 轉型領導如何影響台灣的專案管理(上)
2018/08/22 協同創作翻譯PMBOK,為何使用混合式專案管理手法(Hybrid Project Management)?
2017年PMBOK® Guide(專案管理知識體系指南)9月7日出版後,我帶領100位志工一起翻譯這本書直到今年的3月3日出版時,許多人問起,為何不是應用純Waterfall(瀑布式)手法或是純Agile(敏捷式)手法,其實是有原因的。我做了以下三種專案管理手法的探討,在最後選擇Hybrid(混合式)手法,也得到了最佳解,在此分享......More
2018/08/06 全球唯二!台灣政府頒布CNS 21505(專案治理指引國家標準) 有望大幅改善企業專案能力
在2016年成功將第一個關於專案管理的國際標準 ISO 21500轉化為國家標準 CNS 21500之後,PMI-Taipei Taiwan Chapter(PMI-TW) 再接再厲、號召志工陸續把 ISO 21504、ISO 21505 轉化為國家標準 CNS 21504、CNS 21505,2018年的目標則是將 ISO 21503、ISO 21508、ISO 21511也進行轉化,以期能加速接軌國際的腳步......More
2018/05/24 大型專案危機如何化險為夷?用敏捷手法在最短的時間產出最有價值的結果
2018年3月3日,我受社團法人國際專案管理學會台灣分會(PMI-TW)陳威良理事長的邀請,在PMI-TW新春團拜的活動,向200位與會者分享這半年來挹注全力心思投入的PMBOK V6繁中化計畫專案過程,這個專案預計於4月18日正式宣告結案(Agile Practice Guide敏捷實務指南完成出版),但從專案起始的志工召募與團隊組建、完整的翻譯教育訓練、翻譯期的種種磨合、排版期頻繁的來回溝通,到PMBOK V6正式出版前最後一刻的大型專案的危機處理,回憶起這一個專案轟轟烈烈的執行過程,仍令我內心感到洶湧與澎派......More
2018/05/24 Roger老師考取中山大學企管系博士班心得
2017/12/04 創新敏捷在不可能的時效完成史詩級大型計畫 百人志工團隊用維基百科方式共同翻譯啟動 PMBOK V6繁中化計畫
2017/04/10 前進台灣專案管理的下一步-起草計畫法案,讓台灣未來更好
2016年10月底,為慶賀CNS21500台灣專案管理標準通過,我與舉辦的專案管理風雲會的來賓正一同思考怎樣讓台灣CNS21500專案管理標準能夠發揮它應有的成效時,在群組內傳來美國剛通過計畫管理法案(Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act, PMIAA)的新聞。原以為這只是網路謠言,但經天宇兄把美國國會的法律條文下載後,方知道是真的,這是過去我在台灣曾努力過的專案管理法案,8年後竟在美國實現.....More
2016/03/09 我在CNS Scrum專案的奇幻之旅
2015/10/11 Roger老師邀請好朋友線上投票,讓台灣敏捷在世界舞台脫穎而出
2015/09/17 讓全世界看到台灣的 Scrum!虛擬團隊如何運作 Scrum 的實際案例:以 Spotify 影片翻譯中文字幕為例
為了精進自己在敏捷專案管理的學習,我上了大陸唯 5 CST, Bill 老師的 CSM 課程,以當作取得 Scrum Alliance 最高階證照 CSP 的基礎證照。在課堂上,Bill 老師撥放了 Spotify 如何運作敏捷的案例.....More
2015/05/27 Roger 老師推薦 Scrum 課程及證照 CSM&CSD
近來Roger老師因推廣台灣的敏捷專案管理教育及敏捷專案管理師PMI-ACP証照,於是深耕敏捷專業領域,進而取得了Scrum Alliance的CSM (Certified ScrumMaster,台灣第83位)、CSPO (Certified Scrum Product Owner,台灣第29位) 及CSP (Certified Scrum Professional,台灣第3位)。學成後期望培育台灣更多的CSM、CSPO、CSD及CSP.....More
2015/05/21 Roger老師 考上 國際商業分析師 PBA 心得
在3個月前的2015年1月底,我才考取PMI的高階証照『風險管理師PMI-RMP (Risk Management Professional)』,5/15這一天,我又考取了PMI最火紅的証照『商業分析師PMI-PBA (Professional Business Analysis)』,同時也提前在半年內完成了我原本設定在一年內所要達成的四個里程碑:RMP (風險管理師)、CSPO (產品經理認証)、CSP (台灣第3位Scrum認証專家)及PBA (商業分析師).....More
2015/04/08 Roger老師成為台灣第三位CSP
Roger 老師居然打破 Scrum Alliance 申請 CSP (Certified Scrum Professional) 申請紀錄了。正常要三週, 遲者還要更久,這應是最快的紀錄了,Scrum Alliance 才一週就核准了。I am a CSP now! 這是Scrum Alliance 最高階的証照,地位如同PMI証照的 PgMP 一般,我成為了台灣第三位 CSP.....More
2015/04/03 Roger老師推動的「PMA與PMP接軌」策略
我是教導PMP的 Roger 老師,您還記得否?您能放下身段歸零學習PMP,是我所敬仰的。在您考上PMP之後,專案管理視野已不同,相信在教學及學校研究計畫已更上一層樓.....More
2015/02/09 Roger老師 CSPO揪團邀請信
就在今年的 1月30日中午時,Roger 老師在花了3週又5天的時間,順利完成了今年四個里程碑的第一個里程碑,就是考上風險管理師 RMP 証照.....More
2015/02/02 Roger老師 考上 RMP 心得 2015/1/5~2015/1/30
長宏推廣PMP十年有大成,因應時代的變遷,又開發了時代熱門証照「敏捷專案管理師 ACP」。這時講師們正在討論著,若是兩年後(2016年)長宏要挑選第三張PMI証照成為鼎立三足,我們應挑選哪一張呢.....More