Relationships & Society


Using Mindfulness to Combat Racial Bias

5 ways mindfulness tools can be used to break racial biases:

This is a synopsis of the article linked above from Mindful

  1. Be mindful of feeling, thoughts, and actions when interacting with others

  2. Stereotype replacement involves breaking the habit of putting people in boxes

  3. Individuation means to receive people as they are by actively pushing against preexisting notions of them

  4. Pro-Social Behavior practice loving kindness starting with yourself and Zooming out

  5. Perspective-taking put yourself in the other persons shoes

Self-Care in a Racist Society

Self Care strategies for discrimination-induced trauma & stress

Tips are provided by

  1. Take Deep Breaths

  2. Disconnect or take a break from triggers like phones or news

  3. Ask for help and support from others who can relate

  4. Volunteer

  5. Create Safe spaces to talk about lived experiences

  6. Take care of general Self-care: nap, sleep, eat, workout, journal, hug someone