

What matters more than talent in success? It's grit or persistent effort. Four tips to develop Grit include: Developing a fascination in what you are doing, making daily improvements, thinking of the greater purpose, and developing a growth mindset.

To learn more about Grit: Consider reading the book Grit or Take the Grit Scale to see how much Grit you currently have; don't worry if it is low you can become grittier.

Goal Visualization

Here are some tips for setting goals and achieving them. One practice you can try is goal visualization.

1)The first step is to set a goal that you want to achieve within the next two days

2) Then you visualize the goal and write down the small steps you will need to take to achieve the goal.

This practice can be good if you feel overwhelmed and it allows you to break a goal down into manageable steps. To find out more about Goal Visualization and the science behind it visit the Greater Good in Action Center,

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