
Mindfulness can mean different things to different people and there are many ways to practice. The basic concept is to be aware of the present. Below you can click on various buttons to try on different aspects of mindfulness and also see an example below the buttons.

Featured Mindfulness Tools


"Try this Mindfulness Tool called RAIN. It stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture. This tool is useful for identifying feelings and handling big emotions while fostering self compassion. Find out more about the technique here "Try this Mindfulness Tool shared on NPR Life Kit called RAIN for Take a Moment Tuesday. It stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture. This tool is useful for identifying feelings and handling big emotions while fostering self compassion. Find out more about the technique here.

Mindful Walking - Picking up Litter

Power- Posing

Did you ever wonder how body language and posture can contribute to your mental wellbeing?

Here is a TedTalk Full and Cliff Notes version about power posing and the science behind it.