Where to find online therapy for treating agoraphobia 

Where to find online therapy for treating agoraphobia

Online Psychotherapist for the treatment of Agoraphobia via Skype

Online Mindfulness Therapist for Stopping Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without using antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications.

Speak with a Therapist Online through Skype for highly effective online help and therapy for overcoming Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety.

If you want to recover completely from agoraphobia you must treat the underlying conditioned anxiety reactions. 

Anti-anxiety medications don’t do this. Medications only provide a temporary relief from your anxiety symptoms, but do nothing to change the underlying psychological cause of your anxiety.  

We concentrate on repairing these habitual reactions directly at the psychological level during Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy (Mindfulness Therapy). This method is incredibly effective, and after 3-4 Skype sessions, most of my clients notice major improvements. 

If you use Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom to see each other, online counseling can be highly beneficial. It is critical to be able to see each other in order to have effective communication and treatment.

Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for Agoraphobia

One of the most effective ways of overcoming the intense anxiety reactions of agoraphobia is through training in Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for Agoraphobia. 

Effective strategies for the management of agoraphobia will involve some form of Exposure Therapy, but what make Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy particularly effective is that it involves training with the anxiety reactions before you do your exposure challenges. 

Repeated exposures are unlikely to have much of an effect on their own, but if you train yourself to neutralize your anxiety emotions before each test, the results will be significantly better. 

Focused Mindfulness Meditation is a technique for neutralizing anxiety reactions in which you deliberately play through the challenge in your mind in order to access the anxiety and then neutralize that anxiety by changing your relationship to the anxiety using the Mindfulness Therapy techniques that I will teach you during our sessions together.

Email me to find out more about this online psychotherapy service and book a therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!


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How to overcome agoraphobia without medication - Online Mindfulness Therapy for managing Agoraphobia

Contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression.

How to overcome agoraphobia without medication - Online Mindfulness Therapy for Agoraphobia

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong, and I'd like to introduce myself. I am a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, and a variety of other emotional issues that benefit from mindfulness therapy. I work a lot with agoraphobia, which is a type of anxiety disorder. So, if you're interested in curing agoraphobia without medication by learning the strategic approaches of mindfulness training and treatment, please email me and tell me more about your issue. I'll be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

When you feel ready you can schedule a Skype Therapy session with me and I will teach you how to overcome agoraphobia without medications. 

It's important to understand that medications are only a temporary solution. They do not and are not designed to change the underlying psychological habitual process that generates anxiety. Medications simply reduce symptoms but really they are not really a good choice in the long run because they leave you vulnerable to those underlying psychological habits that create the anxiety. You want to change those habits and that's the focus of mindfulness therapy. I will teach you how to neutralize those underlying habits that create anxiety. 

So what triggers anxiety in agoraphobia? Well is generally triggered by thoughts and beliefs and anticipation and rumination whereby you get trapped in cycles of fear-based thinking. 

What will happen if I have a panic attack away from home? How will I get home? The fear of being trapped, the fear of not being able to get back to a secure zone, basically. 

So agoraphobia is characterized by being a prisoner of a comfort zone which often gets smaller and smaller as the disorder progresses. So we have to work on building strategies to get you out of that prison, and we do that by working on those emotional habits directly. Typically we are not really aware of our anxiety producing habits. They operate unconsciously like most habits and we just blindly accept them. We identify with these habits and we suffer because of that. 

So the first thing that we do in mindfulness therapy is identifying those thought reactions themselves that trigger the anxiety. We then work in a very specific way with those thoughts reactions and beliefs using various techniques. The first and most important one is learning to overcome this habit of identification so that we can hold the thought in our mind whatever it might be. The fear of fainting, the fear of being out of control, the fear of having a panic attack, whatever it might be. 

We do this by meditating on those thoughts. We make every effort not to avoid those thoughts.

So that's very important. That is the first part of training. We call this mindfulness-based exposure therapy. We are exposing ourselves to those thoughts; those triggers and we train ourselves out of the habit of blindly identifying with them and feeding the anxiety.

The second way we work with the anxiety thoughts is to work with their imagery. We look at the imagery of the thoughts, how we see the emotion in the mind that gets triggered by these reactive thoughts is very important. That imagery is what actually creates the identity. And we work with that imagery in a way that neutralizes the anxiety.

Now the next part of our approach to overcoming agoraphobia that doesn't require medication is to design a schedule of daily challenges. So this is where we will expose ourselves to a particular situation that would tend to generate those reactive anxiety-producing thoughts. 

And with the mindfulness-based exposure therapy that I've been describing, you can expect to see really effective progress within a few sessions. Usually after the first three or four weeks of applying the mindfulness techniques that I will teach you, you will notice significant reduction in anxiety and the ability to now start extending your range out of that prison. 

So if you'd like to learn more about how to overcome the agoraphobia without using medication, then please email me and let's schedule a Skype Therapy session. 

Best Online Help for Agoraphobia


Agoraphobia Therapy Online

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy and I offer online agoraphobia therapy. 

Many people suffering from agoraphobia really struggle to get the help that they need simply because it's so difficult to leave the secure zone, the comfort zone of their own home, to see a therapist. So for many people suffering from agoraphobia the online therapy option is absolutely essential and that's what I've been trying to provide over the last 10 years or so now, is a well tested mindfulness-based approach to overcoming the anxiety of agoraphobia. 

So, agoraphobia is entirely treatable as long as you take a strategic approach to healing the individual anxiety reactions that make up that agoraphobia. 

So if you would like to learn more about mindfulness-based therapy and you like the idea of online agoraphobia therapy, then do please contact me. Let's schedule a trial session so you can see for yourself how this Mindfulness Therapy approach works. 

It is very effective and people start to see changes within weeks once you start applying this mindfulness-based exposure therapy strategy that I will be teaching you. So please reach out to me by email if you're suffering from agoraphobia and you are looking for online treatment for your agoraphobia.

Online Psychotherapy over Skype for agoraphobia with panic disorder

If you're suffering from agoraphobia, online agoraphobia therapy can be a good option. Because it's so tough to leave the safety of your own home, being able to receive online psychotherapy for your agoraphobia is very convenient and important in many circumstances. This is agoraphobia's most prominent feature, and it serves as a significant impediment to receiving the support you require to overcome this anxiety disorder.

So I have developed a system of psychotherapy called Mindfulness Therapy that is extremely effective for anxiety disorders. And it works very well online. So during these online sessions that we can arrange via Skype, I will be teaching you a variety of mindfulness methods and techniques for working with that anxiety in a very focused and strategic way. And that's the key. You must take a very organized approach to working with your anxiety. 

So the first step is to really identify the triggers that trigger the habitual anxiety reactions of your particular agoraphobia. So you can write those down. Identify those triggers. And then we go about constructing a series of challenges. 

Exposure challenges. This is a very important part of the recovery process. You cannot hope to recover from anxiety if you seek to avoid the anxiety you must face in society and help it change. But it's not sufficient to simply try and struggle through the anxiety. It's not about that. It's not about developing willpower. It's about finding that anxiety and healing it. This is the main focus of Mindfulness Therapy. 

So if you're interested in doing online agoraphobia therapy via Skype, do please contact me and let's schedule a Skype therapy session. This approach is very effective. Most people see results within a matter of weeks, sometimes days. Once they start really changing the nature of their relationship with the anxiety. This is the key. 

So please contact me if you are genuinely interested in breaking free from your agoraphobia. 

Get Help from an Online Therapist for Agoraphobia


Mindfulness Therapy by Skype with an Online Therapist for Agoraphobia

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist and I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders including agoraphobia. 

So, if you're looking for an online therapist to help you with your agoraphobia, please get in touch with me. Please visit my website. Learn more about the Online Mindfulness Therapy service I offer, then contact me via email. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about online counseling or the mindfulness technique that I practice. 

Mindfulness Therapy is extremely powerful, and in this treatment plan that we'll devise together, you'll learn how to use mindfulness to gradually conquer your anxiety of leaving your house.

So the way we go about this is called mindfulness-based exposure therapy.

You then work using mindfulness to completely change your relationship to that anxiety to prevent it from overwhelming you and to prevent it from proliferating, but also to help it heal and resolve itself so that you can imagine doing the challenge with no anxiety at all before you go on to do the exposure challenge. So that's the secret. 

Exposure therapy by itself is not sufficient. You must do some kind of training to neutralize the anxiety before you actually do the live challenge, and that's what makes the difference. So when you take this very strategic approach you will see changes quite quickly. I have worked with people who have suffered from agoraphobia for sometimes many years and they have been able to progressively expand their area of activity in the matter of a few weeks and usually within a month they are able to go to the supermarket, the mall and other places that would have been impossible before. 

So anxiety is simply a habit. It's a condition reactive habit and we need to change these habits and the first way you change any habit is by bringing more mindfulness to it, more consciousness. Habits operate automatically, unconsciously. So you must make those habits conscious. 

First of all we do that through this process of mindfulness meditation on the emotions and the triggers that form those habits. 

We work on changing our relationship to that anxiety so that instead of just becoming overwhelmed by it we change the relationship to becoming the Observer. This is a critical shift. When you can observe your fear without reacting, then you are well on the way to changing that anxiety habit.

But the primary focus really is on developing a compassionate relationship with that fear. So the reactive habit is usually based on hatred, on fear itself. Fear of the fear is the real problem here. When you can change that relationship to one of compassion towards that fear that you're now observing instead of reacting to, then you can begin to help it heal. 

You can think of the fear as being like a child. The child is not very capable of solving its own suffering. If it’s afraid it can't heal that fear very effectively by itself. It needs to make contact with the child's father or mother in order to make a connection between the fear in the child and the fearlessness in the parent. So when that bond is strong then the child is able to overcome his or her fear by absorbing the fearlessness of the child's parent. 

It's the same process that we will be applying to work with our internal fear. We build a compassionate relationship with our fear, and in a sense, we become the parent to that fear. And when that fear feels the connection to that part of you that is not reacting, that is your observer self, your True Self, then that is what allows the fear to heal. So the fear learns how to heal itself through this internal relationship that you build through meditation on the fear. 

This may be novel for you. It's a different way than is typically taught by other therapists, but it is very effective, and I have helped many people over the years now using this mindfulness-based exposure therapy. 

If you would like to get started on a treatment plan using mindfulness-based exposure therapy, then contact me and let's schedule a therapy session via Skype. I do all my online sessions using Skype and it works extremely well. 


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