Get help for agoraphobia from home

Get help for agoraphobia from home

Mindfulness-based Online Help for Agoraphobia

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist for Stopping Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without relying on drugs.

Online Therapy Service - Effective Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

Let me answer your questions about therapy via Skype, and when you are ready, you can schedule a Skype counseling session with me.

Discover how mindfulness training can help you overcome anxiety or depression. Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype for highly effective online psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorders, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD and intrusive thoughts, Addictions, PTSD and Traumatic Stress or any other forms of emotional stress that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Contact me to discover more about this online therapy service and to arrange for a online Skype therapy session with me.

Traditional talk therapy can be helpful, but often it does not transform the habitual psychological process that creates your anxiety and depression.

The same can be said for medications - they may reduce symptoms for a while, but medications  will not transform the underlying psychological process that causes your anxiety or depression.

The style of psychotherapy I offer is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which can be very powerful for handling anxiety and for treating depression as well as other psychological issues where there's an underlying process of reactive thinking.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide psychological counseling online for help with common emotional problems such as anxiety and depression or addiction or compulsive thinking or any other form of emotional reactivity that is affecting the quality of your life.

I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, this is a non-medical approach that teaches you how to change those habitual patterns of reactive thinking that feeds your anxiety or depression or addiction.

This is the key to successful psychotherapy in my opinion, you need to form a very stable and conscious relationship with your emotions. Our habit is to avoid painful emotions, but avoiding them simply strengthens them. Also, excessively indulging in the emotion, becoming overwhelmed by the emotion, becoming identified with the emotion also feeds the emotion.

What we learn during Mindfulness Therapy is how to sit with your emotions without feeding them. If you don't feed them they begin to change, and that change is inevitable, they will change if you don't feed your anxiety or depression or addiction. You learn to sit with your emotions, you learn to explore that relationship. You learn to identify all of the different forms of reactivity to your emotions and you learn to overcome that reactivity to your emotions, so that you can sit completely still in relationship to your anxiety, depression or other painful emotions. When you do this you create the right conditions in which that pain will start to resolve itself.

This is what we focus on during the psychological counseling sessions that I offer online. If you are interested in learning more about Skype therapy and psychological counseling using mindfulness then simply go to my website and send me an email and when you are ready we can set up a session via Skype and you can see for yourself just how effective the mindfulness approach is for overcoming emotional reactivity such as anxiety and depression.

Most of my clients see quite dramatic changes even after the first session when they start to apply the mindfulness-based methods that I will teach you. So, please go to my website and email me. Thank you!

Email me to learn more about this online psychological counseling therapy service and to book a Skype therapy session with me.


Online Help for agoraphobia

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Get help for agoraphobia from home

How to beat agoraphobia - Online Mindfulness Therapy for Agoraphobia 

Contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist offering online therapy as a way of helping you overcome your anxiety or depression or addiction. And it's much more convenient and much more comfortable for you. I really enjoy working with people over Skype. It is much more empowering than going to see a therapist in an office. This approach, I feel, is much more effective, especially if you're working with anxiety and particularly if you're struggling with agoraphobia. 

So agoraphobia usually begins with a series of panic attacks often appearing for no particular reason but that are very distressing, very unpleasant. And what happens is that we tend to develop fear, reactive fear to the reoccurrence of these panic attacks, and that fear then converts into avoidance. So we try to avoid any situation in which that panic attack may reoccur. So these patterns of avoidance tend to proliferate and we start avoiding more and more things based on that fear. 

The problem is that avoidance fuels fear, so the more you become wrapped up in patterns of avoidance the more fear you will experience and then that leads to more avoidance behaviors. And so it sort of spirals out of control and you become more and more limited and confined to a smaller and smaller space. Sometimes people are unable to leave their house. They're afraid of any kind of zone that is out of that immediate comfort zone of their house. So going to the grocery store, driving a car, even walking around the neighborhood may be way too challenging. And this is the result of this accumulation of avoidance and the fear that is fed by avoidance. 

So the first understanding we must have if you want to beat agoraphobia, if you want to overcome agoraphobia, is that you must not accept these avoidance habits. Instead we must turn that around and start facing each situation. But we have to do this in a strategic way and with lots of training and that is what we find is usually lacking in classical exposure type therapy. 

It is not enough to just force your way through a traumatic situation. That will simply reinforce the fear. It will not resolve it. So exposure therapy as it's usually taught is basically going to be mostly ineffective. You cannot expect yourself to habituate to that situation simply by repeating it over and over again. That could also simply repeat the fear, the trauma, over and over again. 

In many ways agoraphobia is really a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder. It's that reaction to the trauma of the panic attacks that you had originally. 

So exposure therapy by itself is absolutely not enough. You must take a much more strategic approach, but it is, of course, a necessary part of your recovery. If you want to beat agoraphobia you must undertake progressive exposures. We understand that. But how do you do that? That's the question. 

So in the mindfulness approach, what I call mindfulness-based exposure therapy, we will start by making a list of all of our challenges, those situations that we are currently avoiding. We turn that into a list and we train with each one of those challenges on that list and we do it thoroughly until we experience no anxiety whatsoever. 

The way that we train is the vital component here. This is what makes the difference. You must train in a very thorough way before you do any of those challenges so that you can avoid that re-traumatization. 

So we train through a process called mindfulness meditation. And this, basically, is where you would meditate on the challenge before you do it. So you play that challenge through your mind in detail and you look very carefully for any fear reactions and any thought reactions that get triggered as you imagine going into the grocery store, or whatever it may be. 

So if you'd like to learn more about this approach then please contact me and we can discuss this further and we can set up some online therapy sessions via Skype. 


Online help for agoraphobia from your home

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy which I offer online via Skype for treating anxiety disorders including agoraphobia. 

So I'm often asked if there is a cure for agoraphobia. Can agoraphobia be cured? And the answer is yes it can, as long as you take a very strategic and disciplined approach to overcoming the underlying anxiety of agoraphobia. 

The biggest problem that I encounter is that people tend to get into patterns of avoidance. They tend to try to avoid any triggers that might create anxiety. But you have to understand that avoidance itself is a form of anxiety-based reaction and that simply feeds the underlying anxiety. So taking a disciplined approach that's against avoidance is very important. You must not avoid your anxiety. You will not help it heal or change if you do. 

So we have to learn to work with our anxiety, but in a very skillful and effective way and that's where Mindfulness Therapy comes in. It's a very effective way of working with anxiety and reducing and eliminating anxiety so that you can restore your freedom to move that you had before the onset of your agoraphobia. 

So the methods that I teach are basically mindfulness-based exposure therapy for agoraphobia. So this is where we set up series of challenges, progressive challenges of increasing difficulty that you work through in a very strategic and focused way using mindfulness. And I will teach you how to work with your anxiety using mindfulness during these online therapy sessions. 

If you take this very strategic mindfulness-based approach to exposure therapy you'll see results very quickly and most of my clients see dramatic changes within a matter of weeks once you start applying these techniques yourself, that is what is most important. 

I will teach you in great detail exactly how to do this. I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome your anxiety. I will teach you how to set up a schedule of exposure challenges. I will teach you how to meditate and train with your anxiety. That's what we do during these sessions. 

So if you would like to learn more about this approach for overcoming your anxiety and curing your agoraphobia, then please contact me and we can schedule some Skype therapy sessions. So please contact me now. 


Find an online therapist for help with recovery from agoraphobia

How to get help for someone with agoraphobia - Skype Therapy

Please feel free to contact me if you are suffering from agoraphobia and if you would like help in overcoming your agoraphobia. Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy is very effective and gives you the tools through which you can progressively overcome your anxiety. Most of my clients see big improvements after 3-4 weeks when they practice the methods that I teach.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online therapist specializing in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression and also for help with agoraphobia. 

If you are suffering from agoraphobia and you'd like to get help from an online therapist like myself then I invite you to go to my website. Learn more about the Mindfulness Therapy Service that I offer for treating anxiety conditions like agoraphobia and then contact me and we can schedule a therapy session over a Skype. 

I see lots of people throughout the USA and Canada and also the UK and Western Europe and as far away as Australia. People like the convenience of online therapy and of course if you're suffering from agoraphobia then be able to talk to an online therapist is really essential because it's usually so difficult to leave home to see a therapist in their office. 

So online therapy works very well for people suffering from anxiety disorders. It also works very well for helping you learn skills that you can apply yourself between therapy sessions that basically help you build the confidence to be able to overcome your agoraphobia. This of course involves what we call Exposure Therapy, that is really designing a series of challenges designed to extend the range of your comfort zone, so that you are progressively working with the anxiety and not avoiding it. That is the most important thing when working with agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders. You must not avoid the challenges. You have to do them in a well constructed way, extending your exposure challenges each day, going a little further from home. 

But you must also learn how to prepare for these challenges. It is not sufficient to simply jump into a exposure challenge. So I have developed a system called mindfulness-based exposure therapy whereby you will learn to prepare yourself for each challenge and get a successful outcome in managing and resolving your anxiety so that you feel completely comfortable leaving home. And then you feel ready to try the next level of your challenge. 

So the mindfulness-based approach to exposure therapy gives you the tools to overcome your anxiety and it works extremely well. Most of my clients see dramatic improvements after three or four weeks of practicing mindfulness-based exposure therapy along with other techniques designed to help you actually resolve your anxiety, to overcome the anxiety and panic attacks that accompany agoraphobia. 

So if you would like to learn more please go to my website and email me and we can schedule a therapy session via Skype.

Online help for anxiety and depression - Online Mindfulness Therapy

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional mindfulness-based psychotherapist and I offer online therapy via Skype for help with anxiety and depression. If you would like online help for anxiety or depression then please go to my website and learn more about the online therapy service that I offer via Skype. 

This service is available worldwide. I'm based in America and most of my clients live in the USA, but I also see clients in Canada and as far away as Western Europe and Australia. If you're interested in learning how to work with anxiety and depression using mindfulness then please contact me. 

Mindfulness is extremely effective for treating anxiety and depression and mindfulness therapy is a process of teach you how to do this, how to Use mindfulness effectively. 

We actually learn how to meditate on our anxiety and depression. Learning to meditate on our emotions is a central feature in mindfulness therapy. Generally, we tend to do the opposite. We spend all our time trying to avoid anxiety or depression, even using meditation as a distraction from our emotional pain, trying to get away from the mind in every way we can, and most of us generate internal aversion towards our emotional pain. We don't like anxiety, we don't like our depression, we don't like our loss of control, we don't like these compulsive drives that seem to ruin our life. So, really, from a mindfulness perspective, avoidance and aversion are your main enemies and they are the main forms of reactivity that actually feed anxiety and depression and prevent it from healing. So this is why we learn to meditate on our anxiety or depression. 

We actually learn to develop a friendly and conscious relationship with our emotions because this is essential for their healing. You cannot overcome anxiety if you try to avoid it, or if you try to avoid situations that might trigger anxiety. That is not recommended. In fact, I will teach you the opposite - you need to face your anxiety. You need to go to those very situations that cause anxiety or trigger anxiety and you need to practice with those situations using mindfulness until you have overcome the anxiety habits, because it is habit that causes our anxiety or our depression and these habits thrive on not being seen, on ignorance, unawareness. 

So that's what we overcome by meditating on our emotions. We actually bring conscious awareness to them and non reactivity to see our emotions very clearly. This is the first part of mindfulness training. 

THe second part of mindfulness training is actually interacting with your emotions and helping them change. This is the response of compassion, which is an essential feature of mindfulness. 

If you would like to learn more about how to get online help for your anxiety and agoraphobia using mindfulness therapy, then simply go to my website and learn more about the mindfulness approach to healing agoraphobia, and then contact me to schedule a therapy session. I have many spaces available and we simply email each other to find the time that works, taking into account your timezone, etc. So if you'd like to learn more about how to use mindfulness to overcome agoraphobia, then do please send me an email.


Online Help for agoraphobia

Get help for agoraphobia from home

Get help for agoraphobia from home