Online therapy for agoraphobia Jacksonville, Florida

Online therapy for agoraphobia Jacksonville, Florida

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Agoraphobia is available in Florida, including: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Orlando.

Best treatment for agoraphobia without drugs

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy for Overcoming Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without relying on medications.

Speak with a Psychotherapist Online using Skype for effective online help and treatment for overcoming Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder.

If you want to recover effectively from agoraphobia you must treat the underlying conditioned anxiety reactions.

Medications don’t address this. Medications only provide a tempry relief from anxiety symptoms, but do nothing to change the underlying psychological cause of your anxiety.

During Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy (Mindfulness Therapy) we work on healing these habitual reactions directly at the psychological level. This approach is very effective and most of my clients see significant improvements after 3-4 Skype sessions.

Online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy as long as you use Skype, FaceTime or Zoom so that you can see each other. Being able to see each other is essential for effective communication and good psychotherapy.

Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for Agoraphobia

Working with Inner Imagery – The secret to healing Agoraphobia

Internally, every emotion is structured around imagery – inner pictorial representations that resonate with the emotion. For example, anger is usually associate with the color red and anger is structured around imagery that is red in color and probably hot as well.

We can learn about the structure of our inner imagery by observing our emotions with mindfulness. From what we learn, we can intuitively see what changes in the imagery might be helpful. Change the imagery and you change the structure of the emotion.

People with agoraphobia typically have a great deal of inner imagery, very often based on the feeling of emptiness, an inner void or black hole that threatens to swallow up everything.

Discovering the structure of this imagery provides a very powerful tool for changing the intensity of the anxiety underlying agoraphobia. This approach is one of the most effective treatment for agoraphobia and was pioneered by Dr. Strong in the 1980s.

Contact me to learn more about this online counseling service and arrange for a therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!


Online therapy for agoraphobia Florida

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Online Therapy for agoraphobia

Online Treatment for Agoraphobia without using drugs

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer mindfulness based online therapy for agoraphobic anxiety and panic attacks. The mindfulness approach is extremely effective and during online therapy sessions I will teach you how to work with your agoraphobic anxiety using the techniques of mindfulness to help you prevent your becoming overwhelmed by the anxiety reactions.

We do this by actually meditating on our anxiety before we do any challenges. Meditating helps to change the relationship that you have with your anxiety and this is absolutely essential, because the biggest problem that I encounter is that people suffering from anxiety tend to become identified with their emotions. They tend to become consumed by their emotions. They effectively lose their identity and become the emotions and this creates a very reactive place that is very difficult to escape from. So with mindfulness training you can change this pattern and learn to develop a relationship with your anxiety whereby you do not become identified with it where you can see the anxiety as an observer.

This is essential for change. Once you begin to do this the rate of recovery from agoraphobic anxiety and panic attacks increases dramatically, and most people will see quite substantial changes after only four or five sessions with me once they start applying the mindfulness-based techniques.

So the basic idea is that you will schedule sessions with me and we will work on setting up a series of challenges that you can manage and then you prepare for these challenges using mindfulness meditation. You do that challenge and you meditate on any anxiety that arose during that challenge. And each time we learn a little more about how to change our relationship to our anxiety so that we basically break free from the habit of identification and becoming overwhelmed by it. And this approach is, from my experience, the most effective there is for overcoming agoraphobic anxiety. So if you'd like to get started with me simply go to my website and then email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with me. Thank you.


How do I overcome my agoraphobia without medication?

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Agoraphobia

Email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders, including agoraphobia, and depression.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online psychotherapist based in Colorado and I offer online therapy via Skype to help people manage anxiety and depression more effectively using the techniques of mindfulness therapy.

This is a system of psychotherapy that I've been developing over the last ten or more years now that seems to be extremely effective for anxiety and also depression but basically is very effective for helping you heal the underlying anxiety itself directly. And it does this and a variety of ways one of which is by helping you work on those patterns of reactive thinking that feed the anxiety.

So with agoraphobia the typical situation is that we get obsessed with anxiety producing thoughts about what will happen to us if we leave our safety zone for example that's a common kind of thought pattern. You know the fear of having a panic attack in public. The fear of fainting or being sick or anything else like that. These are these are fed by a whole system of internal dialogue that is relentless and feeding that anxiety.

So I'm often asked how can I overcome my agoraphobia without using medication and to do this effectively you have to address this underlying psychological process of reactive thinking that's feeding your anxiety. Medications have their prey's place you know the selective serotonin uptake inhibitors you know these have their place but medications can change that underlying process. All the medication will ever do is reduce symptoms for a while. But that's not really healing the problem is not changing the essential underlying psychological habits that are creating your anxiety and fear.

So this is why it is recommended that you look into process oriented psychotherapy like cognitive behavioral therapy or exposure and prevention type protocols. Because these help you actually deal with that underlying reactive process.

I teach mindfulness based exposure therapy which is really great very effective indeed for agoraphobia specifically. It really helps you develop a strategic approach to overcoming your anxiety. So some of the exposure therapy models are OK up to a point but they don't really tell you how to process the anxiety itself directly. What to do with that emotion? In mindfulness work we work exclusively on reprocessing that emotion, that habit that gets activated.

If you'd like to learn more about the mindfulness approach for healing anxiety including agoraphobia then simply go to my website. Learn More and e-mail me with any questions you may have. Of course it's very convenient to be able to do your psychotherapy sessions online if you're suffering from agoraphobia, and that's one of the reasons why I specialize in Skype Therapy. It's very important that you can see each other. That's why we use Skype. This improves the quality of communication and makes the therapy sessions much more effective.

So during our sessions together I will teach you how to develop a strategy for overcoming your anxiety using mindfulness based exposure therapy. So what does this entail? Well it it entails designing a series of challenges that are manageable but that tend to produce anxiety. So it might be simply leaving the comfort of your own home and walking to a shop or going to a mall or any number of things. You will know what those triggers are that trigger your anxiety and panic attacks.

We design a series of challenges where we basically take one challenge and we prepare for it using mindfulness methods. This basically means playing the challenge through in the mind, visualizing going to the mall for example, and then watching for the anxiety reaction and all of the reactive thoughts that get triggered when that anxiety is triggered in the mind.

When we find those anxiety thoughts and the emotion itself we then start to build a different kind of relationship with it that is based on consciousness, on mindfulness, where we can become the observer of these thoughts and emotions but without becoming identified with them. In this way we break the habit that causes our anxiety.

Let me help you break free from your agoraphobia through Mindfulness Therapy.


Online psychotherapist for agoraphobia

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional licensed psychotherapist based in Colorado and I offer online therapy via Skype for treating anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, PTSD and other common emotional psychological problems. I specialize in the treatments of agoraphobia. So if you're looking for an online psychotherapist for agoraphobia then please contact me. Go to my website and learn more about the services that I offer via Skype and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

I really enjoy working with agoraphobia and the mindfulness-based treatment plan that I have developed for agoraphobia is extremely effective. It's based on what we call mindfulness-based exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is very, very important and generally always incorporated in a treatment plan for agoraphobia. But exposure therapy really works best when it's accompanied by some form of training with the anxiety, how to deal with anxiety reactions that occur during those exposure challenges. So that's where the mindfulness-based exposure therapy comes in. We use mindfulness training to work with any anxiety reactions any panic attacks that may get triggers.

So basically the approach is one of setting up a series of exposure challenges, first of all that's very important. You need to do this in a systematic way, in a regular way, in a disciplined way, doing exposure challenges every day in order to get on top of the anxiety reactions.

But we take his challenge and then we prepare for it by playing it through in the mind and watching for any anxiety reactions, any form of anxiety-based thinking that gets triggered when we imagine doing the challenge, when we imagine walking outside of our comfort zone or going to a shop or a mall or whatever it might be or driving beyond a certain distance from home.

Whatever form the agoraphobia takes, we set up a series of challenges and then we prepare for each challenge by playing through in the mind, finding the anxiety reactions and then responding to them with mindfulness, whereby we learn first of all to break free from that pattern of reactive identification which causes us to be completely overwhelmed by the anxiety reaction.

If you would like to learn more about online therapy for agoraphobia and you would like to work with an online psychotherapist who specializes in Mindfulness Therapy for treating agoraphobia, then please go to my website and please email me and let's schedule a Skype therapy session. You will see results very quickly with this very strategic mindfulness-based approach. Typically after two or three weeks you will notice significant improvements. And this approach gives you the tools that you can continue to develop to get over your agoraphobia completely. That's our goal. Not to tolerate it, not to manage it, but to heal it so we are no longer a prisoner of our anxiety.

So please contact me if this interests you. Lets schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you.

Talk to a therapist via Skype

Looking for a Skype Therapist?

Traditional counseling can be useful, but often it does not transform the habitual psychological process that creates your depression or anxiety.

This also applies to the use of medications - they may relieve symptoms for a while, but medications are not effective for healing the underlying cause of your emotional pain.

The kind of psychotherapy that I provide is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is extremely powerful for overcoming anxiety as well as for treating chronic depression and other emotional issues resulting from conditioned reactive thinking. Most people experience quite dramatic changes after 3-4 sessions of Skype Therapy.

If you are looking for a Skype therapist to help you overcome anxiety or depression then please go to my website and then email to schedule a therapy session.

Skype Therapy - Online Therapy - See a Psychotherapist online through Skype for highly effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other emotional problems, including PTSD.

Email me to find out more about this online counseling service and to book a therapy session with me.

This online psychotherapy service is available throughout the USA, UK and Western Europe and world-wide. All you need is a reliable internet connection and you are ready to start online psychotherapy.

Discover how mindfulness therapy can help you break free from anxiety and depression. Speak with a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for highly effective online treatment for Anxiety Disorders, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, PTSD or any psychological problems that do not require treatment by a medical professional.

Contact me to discover more about this online therapy service and to arrange for an online therapy session with me.

Visit my website to learn about Online Psychotherapy through Skype for managing anxiety and depression.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist. I specialize in Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders and depression and help with addictions.

Now, anxiety therapy online is becoming increasingly popular for many reasons. Convenience is certainly one of those reasons, but another reason is, of course, because of the condition itself - anxiety. People plagued by anxiety often find it very difficult to visit a therapist in his or her office, in-person. So the online therapist option provides a very attractive alternative for the treatment of anxiety and also for other anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia and social phobia.

Whatever the style of therapy that you like, you need to work with the underlying structure of the anxiety or depression itself.

Traditional Talk Therapy can be helpful, but often it does not transform the underlying structure, the underlying process that creates your anxiety and depression.

The same can be said for medications - the prescription medications may provide a temporary relief from symptoms for awhile, but medications are not going to change the underlying psychological process that generates the anxiety or depression.

So, it's very recommended that you find what we can call a process-centered therapy to try and change the underlying process that creates the anxiety or depression. CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is an example of a process-oriented therapy. Mindfulness Therapy, which is a form of psychotherapy that I developed in the 1980's incorporates CBT with the addition of mindfulness, and this is another very popular process-oriented therapy.

Contact me to find out more about this online psychotherapy service and to organize an online therapy session with me.

This service is available throughout the USA, UK and Europe and world-wide.

Discover how mindfulness training can help you more effectively control anxiety and depression. Talk with a Psychotherapist Online using Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD and intrusive thoughts, Addictions, Post-traumatic stress or any psychological problems not requiring treatment by a medical professional.

Email me to find out more about this online counseling therapy service and to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

If you are struggling with anxiety or panic attacks or you can't break out of a period of depression then you might want to consider working with a Skype therapist like myself who specialized in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression. This approach is far superior to conventional counseling because it will show you how to transform the psychological habits that keep you trapped. Email me if you would like to learn more about getting help from a Skype therapist.


See a therapist via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist based in Boulder, Colorado, but I offer online therapy via Skype worldwide. I see people throughout the USA but also in the UK and Western Europe and as far away as Australia.

People come to me because they're looking for a different way of working with anxiety or depression. A different approach that doesn't involve using medications or endless sessions of just talking about your emotions and your family history, and so on.

The conventional approaches that are what is most widely available for treating anxiety and depression don't seem to work particularly well for most people. Medications may produce short relief from symptoms, but medications will never change the underlying psychological process that's causing your anxiety or depression. And the same for conventional counseling or talk therapy.

Generally just talking about your emotions is not sufficient to change these underlying powerful habits that create your anxiety or depression. You need more than just talking about them. You need to explore the mechanism of how your mind works, how it actually creates anxiety or depression and that's the approach that we take in Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I specialize in and have worked on over many years now and find to be most effective.

My clients really enjoy the mindfulness approach for healing because it gives you practical and very effective tools for overcoming anxiety and depression, for healing anxiety and depression, not just coping with it. If you're interested in learning more about Mindfulness Therapy, then go to my website and read more pages and watch more videos there. And of course, email me anytime with any questions you may have about the mindfulness therapy approach.

So I offer online therapy via Skype. I really enjoy working with people over Skype because it's basically just as good as working in person if you can see each other, but it means that I can work with people all over the world. All you need is a good Internet connection. So I find that very appealing, myself.

It's also of course, very convenient for you to work with an online therapist over Skype. Being able to see a Skype therapist means you don't have to leave home, and if you're suffering from anxiety or depression or addiction, often it's difficult to leave home and it's often difficult to go and meet a therapist in their offices; it is too intimidating. So they added convenience and comfort of being able to talk to a therapist like myself from your own home is a very important factor, and it actually improves the effectiveness of your psychotherapy sessions.

It is really important. You should not really depend on treatment-based therapies, whatever they are, certainly not medications. But treatment-based approaches are not really empowering you; they are reinforcing the sense of being a victim that has to go to someone else to get their problems solved. And that's not my approach. I don't believe in that approach.

What I believe in is giving you the tools to work on your emotions yourself so that you can heal inside you can heal past trauma, which is often the starting place for anxiety and depression. It's about empowering you. That's the whole focus of mindfulness therapy.

We work on our emotions by bringing mindfulness to them. We learn how to form a different kind of relationship with our painful emotions that is not based on fear, that is not based on avoidance, that is not based on hatred, but is based on compassion. It's about learning how to develop a compassionate and conscious relationship with your anxiety or depression or any other emotion. This is central to Mindfulness Therapy. It's what really makes the difference.

Just talking about your emotions is not the same as developing a conscious and compassionate relationship. Typically, that is more of a process of being silent in relationship, the same way that you would comfort a child that was in pain. You don't just talk to the child endlessly about their emotions and trying to convince them not to feel afraid, if they're feeling fear, or not to be angry, if they are feeling anger. Talking like that is not really very effective.

And it's the same with our emotions. Just talking at them or trying to talk yourself out of feeling those emotions is not really a very effective approach. What is a pro effective is to learn to embrace those feelings with a great deal of compassion and acceptance, in addition to the other important quality of mindfulness, which is investigation, which means curiosity. How does it work?

In the case of emotions the emotions are fed by reactive thoughts. The first part of Mindfulness Therapy is learning to see all these reactive thoughts. That's part of the underlying habitual process that causes your anxiety and depression and that is not touched by medications. We get to see these thoughts in great detail and then as we become more conscious we can begin to change our relationship to those thoughts so that we gain more power and we can begin to reverse the habit of becoming identified with those thoughts and becoming imprisoned by the thoughts and beliefs that feed our anxiety or depression. That's really very important.

So, the first part of Mindfulness Therapy is learning how to relate to thoughts. When you can change that then you stop feeding the emotions that are in pain.

And then the second part is bringing this compassionate relationship to the emotion itself and exploring how you can comfort that emotion; seeing it very much as if it was an inner child or a small animal or, any case, something that you can relate to that's in pain. How would you comfort it? You already know how to do that. That's part of your true nature, your True Self. You know how to be compassionate and how to care for a child or an animal that is in pain. We need to apply this to our own emotions and this is very much of a focus in Mindfulness Therapy.

So if you'd like to get started with me. If You like the idea of working with a Skype therapist, then please contact me and let's schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for you and we can begin to explore how to apply mindfulness to produce effective and fast healing of your anxiety or depression or your addiction. Addiction is what we call a behavioral reaction to an unresolved emotion, generally some form of depression. That's the most common core emotion behind addiction. So if you want to get started with some online therapy sessions with me, then please contact me now.


Online therapy for agoraphobia Florida

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Online Therapy for agoraphobia

Online therapy for agoraphobia Jacksonville, Florida

Online therapy for agoraphobia Jacksonville, Florida