Skype Therapy for Agoraphobia

Skype Therapy for Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia Help Online

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Stopping Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without relying on antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications.

Speak with a Psychotherapist Online using Skype for effective online help and psychotherapy for overcoming Chronic Agoraphobia, Chronic Anxiety, Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety.

If you want to recover completely from agoraphobia you must treat the underlying conditioned anxiety reactions. 

Anti-anxiety medications don’t do this. Medications only provide a temporary relief from anxiety symptoms, but do nothing to change the underlying psychological cause of your anxiety.  

During Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy (Mindfulness Therapy) we work on healing these habitual reactions directly at the psychological level. This approach is very effective and most of my clients see significant improvements after 3-4 Skype sessions.

Online therapy is very effective as long as you use Skype, FaceTime or Zoom so that you can see each other. Being able to see each other is required for effective communication and good psychotherapy.

Mindfulness Therapy for Agoraphobia

Mindfulness Therapy (MT) is a form of therapy that develops your ability to form a therapeutic relationship with your inner core emotions; your fears, anxiety and depression in which you first learn to stop the proliferation of reactivity and then embrace the painful emotion with the healing space of mindfulness. This is essential if you want to overcome anxiety and panic attacks. 

Most of the time, we avoid or resist our core anxiety and fears according to our learned patterns of habitual reactivity, but the truth is that nothing can change if we avoid or resist our emotions. We have to learn how to face our pain if things are to change. 

Mindfulness is a very compassionate practice that teaches us exactly how to go about doing this. It is not easy at first, but with continued practice using the tools I will teach you during online sessions, you will learn how to “sit” with your emotions and create that therapeutic relationship that is so essential for healing and transformation.

When you have learned how to “sit” with your anxiety and the other emotions associated with your agoraphobia then the emotions begin to change, and since you are not running away from them you can actually participate in helping the emotions heal. 

We learn to make friends with our emotions, a very important second step in the healing process. The age-old truth is that love heals. Reacting with hatred to your inner negative emotions can not help them heal, yet this is what we tend to do most of the time out of habit and wrong understanding.

Contact me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and organize a Skype therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!


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Online Therapy over Skype for treating Agoraphobia

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in online therapy and I offer online therapy for agoraphobia. 

So, agoraphobia online therapy is very effective for people who really can't get out of the house to work with a therapist in their local area. 

So, during these sessions that I offer via Skype, I focus on teaching you very effective mindfulness-based methods of working with your anxiety and panic attacks. 

The real important thing to understand here is that Agoraphobia is really a psychological habit. I prefer to call it a habit rather than a disorder because when you start labeling these psychological states as disorders that tends to reinforce your sense of helplessness as a victim, and we don't want to do that. 

The actual mechanism that generates the anxiety and panic attacks of agoraphobia is a habit and habits can be changed. So during online agoraphobia therapy sessions I will guide you in how to work with the underlying emotions and thought patterns that supports that anxiety. 

We do this in a surprising way. We actually learn to make friends with our fear. This is very, very important. You can't change the belief when it has a very strong emotional charge based on fear. No amount of rational arguments or persuasion that you don't need to feel this way is going to change that anxiety. You have to learn to work with the anxiety directly. And that's what you do during mindfulness therapy. We actually learn to meditate on your own fear as you imagine walking or traveling out of your safe zone. 

So, we set up a series of challenges, exposures, if you like, where you choose to do a particularly difficult exercise but one that you can manage. But then we prepare for this by playing it through in the mind it might be walking around the block or just simply leaving the house for a few minutes, whatever it might be. 

We design a challenge and then we prepare for it by meditating on it. We play it through in the mind and then we look for the fear reactions and we look for the thought reactions that feed that fear and then we develop a mindfulness-based relationship with these emotions and thoughts, and that relationship is based on friendliness. 

You learn, essentially, to sit with your emotions and thoughts without becoming overwhelmed by them, without losing your balance. This is central. This is a central part of mindfulness training, that you can be with your thoughts and emotions but not be overwhelmed by them. When you can do dance then you start to break the habits that get reinforced by re-traumatizing, essentially, that fear. 

So, we learn to sit with our emotions without becoming reactive and without identifying with those emotions. We learn to develop this other side of our identity, which we call the True Self, the Observer Mind, that which can be conscious of thoughts and emotions but is not identified with thoughts or emotions. 

We then work with those emotions and begin to treat them very much as you might treat a child that's afraid. we learn to comfort the emotion itself, the fear. you build a strong relationship with it, rather like a parent to a child. And in this way the fear reaction, that we might call the Little Self is able to let go of its fear by proximity to your True Self which is fearless nature. 

So, in this way we begin to build resolution pathways in the brain. You learn, basically, how to help the emotions resolve themselves, so that if they get triggered they simply resolve instantly, on the spot, through the training that you've done before you do the challenge And then you go out and walk around the block or whatever and put this training into action. 

So, we repeat this process over and over again. Meditation before challenge and we do the challenge and we may come back and meditate some more and then we repeat the challenge until we no longer feel any fear in doing that challenge. Then we move on to a harder challenge. And in this way we gain more and more confidence in the process. 

So, when you are able to neutralize these emotional reactions then the beliefs begin to change quite automatically. We don't need to try and change our beliefs. We simply need to change the emotional content that fuels those beliefs and makes them so powerful. 

If you would like to learn more about agoraphobia therapy online do please send me an email and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session. Thank you.


Agoraphobia Therapy Online

Online therapist for treating agoraphobia - Dr.Peter Strong

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy and I offer online agoraphobia therapy. 

Many people suffering from agoraphobia really struggle to get the help that they need simply because it's so difficult to leave the secure zone, the comfort zone of their own home, to see a therapist. So for many people suffering from agoraphobia the online therapy option is absolutely essential and that's what I've been trying to provide over the last 10 years or so now, is a well tested mindfulness-based approach to overcoming the anxiety of agoraphobia. 

So, agoraphobia is entirely treatable as long as you take a strategic approach to healing the individual anxiety reactions that make up that agoraphobia. 

So if you would like to learn more about mindfulness-based therapy and you like the idea of online agoraphobia therapy, then do please contact me. Let's schedule a trial session so you can see for yourself how this Mindfulness Therapy approach works. 

It is very effective and people start to see changes within weeks once you start applying this mindfulness-based exposure therapy strategy that I will be teaching you. So please reach out to me by email if you're suffering from agoraphobia and you are looking for online treatment for your agoraphobia.

Online Psychotherapy through Skype for agoraphobia with panic disorder

So if you're struggling with agoraphobia, you might consider online agoraphobia therapy. Being able to get online psychotherapy for your agoraphobia is very convenient and very necessary in many cases because it's so difficult to leave the security of your own home. This is the chief characteristic of agoraphobia and it's a great barrier to getting the help that you need to overcome this anxiety disorder. 

So I have developed a system of psychotherapy called Mindfulness Therapy that is extremely effective for anxiety disorders. And it works very well online. So during these online sessions that we can arrange via Skype, I will be teaching you a variety of mindfulness methods and techniques for working with that anxiety in a very focused and strategic way. And that's the key. You must take a very organized approach to working with your anxiety. 

So the first step is to really identify the triggers that trigger the habitual anxiety reactions of your particular agoraphobia. So you can write those down. Identify those triggers. And then we go about constructing a series of challenges. 

Exposure challenges. This is a very important part of the recovery process. You cannot hope to recover from anxiety if you seek to avoid the anxiety you must face in society and help it change. But it's not sufficient to simply try and struggle through the anxiety. It's not about that. It's not about developing willpower. It's about finding that anxiety and healing it. This is the main focus of Mindfulness Therapy. 

So if you're interested in doing online agoraphobia therapy via Skype, do please contact me and let's schedule a Skype therapy session. This approach is very effective. Most people see results within a matter of weeks, sometimes days. Once they start really changing the nature of their relationship with the anxiety. This is the key. 

So please contact me if you are genuinely interested in breaking free from your agoraphobia. 


Agoraphobia Help Online over Skype

Through progressive challenges and mindfulness training you will soon make progress in overcoming your agoraphobia. Email me if you would like online help for your agoraphobia.

Welcome. My name is Peter strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer online help for agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders that may be affecting the quality of your life. I offer online therapy, which is of course very convenient if you're suffering from agoraphobia. 

The style of therapy that I offer is called mindfulness therapy and this is a very practical hands-on approach that gives you tools that you can use between therapy sessions to progressively overcome your agoraphobia. 

So, mindfulness therapy consists of a combination of two important aspects. The first is designing a series of progressive challenges. That's very important, of course, that you try to face your fears and not simply give into them. But you need to do this in a progressive way starting simple and then progressing to more difficult challenges. 

The other part of this approach is to do training before you do any kind of exposure challenge. You need to prepare yourself so that if anxiety gets triggered, that you will have trained such that that that anxiety will dissipate or resolve itself on the spot in the presence of the particular triggers that trigger the fear, anxiety or panic attacks. So we train beforehand. 

We do this by developing a very different quality of relationship to our anxiety and this is the hallmark of mindfulness therapy. The real problem is not so much the anxiety itself but our reactions to that anxiety. We tend to develop patterns of fear-based reactions to our anxiety and other emotions that tend to feed that underlying anxiety and stop it resolving itself. 

So, during the preparation step before a challenge you actually will be learning how to meditate on your anxiety. So you will play through the scene of perhaps walking around the block or whatever challenge you decide to start with. You look for the anxiety that gets triggered in your mind and then you change the way that you relate to that anxiety. And the most important thing is not to become identified with the anxiety; to see the anxiety as if it was a visitor or simply an object in the mind. Then we can learn to develop balance in relationship to that object. So you can sit with your anxiety without becoming anxious. That's the most important first step in the training before you do any challenges. 

The second step is to respond to that anxiety with a quality of friendliness and compassion. This also is a vital part of the mindfulness approach. Mindfulness is this combination of consciousness and friendliness. 

Friendliness is immensely powerful in overcoming fear. So you could think that of the fear emotion itself as being like a child. It feels isolated. It's scared. And what does it need? The most important thing it needs is to feel a connection with its parent. The parent is not afraid. During meditation on our anxiety we establish this kind of internal parent which we call our true self. It is not afraid it is able to establish a relationship with the anxiety that is not based on fear based on compassion. This is exactly what the fear needs in order to resolve itself. And that is what we call the True Self-Little Self Alliance. 

So when people are stuck in patterns of anxiety it's because that alliance is missing within. So building that is essential. And there are many other things that we do during the training before each challenge session, but that's a taste of Mindfulness Therapy. It is very, very effective in deed, and most people see significant improvements after three or four weeks practicing the techniques that I will teach you. So, if you're interested in online help for your anxiety and your agoraphobia do please send me an email and schedule a therapy session via Skype. 

Mindfulness-based Skype Therapy

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

”The thing that distinguishes Peter’s approach from other forms of therapy is that the results are pretty much instant, but you are still working with your emotions at a very deep level (unlike, for example, CBT) so are able to create lasting change.”

You can read more testimonials on my Testimonials Page.


Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online psychotherapist. I've been offering psychotherapy through Skype for over ten years now. And I do this because most people really enjoy Skype Therapy. They find this to be a much better experience than going to see a therapist in their office. It Is much less intimidating. It's much more convenient for you and also more comfortable for you since you can conduct your therapy sessions from your own home or familiar surroundings that you feel comfortable in. And that's really important. 

So good psychotherapy, whether it's in person or online, needs to enable you. It needs to teach you strategies and ways of working with the mind. It needs to teach you how to work with difficult emotions, whether that's anxiety or depression or OCD or an addiction or grief or other difficult emotional problems, using methods that you can apply yourself. This is the important thing: that you learn how to work with your emotions yourself and good psychotherapy will teach you how to do this. 

You do not need to see a therapist in person to receive good psychotherapy. You simply need to have access to someone who understands how to teach practical ways of working with the mind. So as long as you can see each other, then online therapy is, in my opinion, just as good as meeting in person, and may also be actually better because you, as the client, feel more comfortable and at ease with the process. 

The style of therapy that I teach over Skype is called Mindfulness Therapy. And that works very well for anxiety and depression, particularly, and it will teach you those practical skills that I've been talking about that you can apply yourself between sessions to really change the way that you feel, to overcome anxiety and depression and to get back to a state of wellbeing and emotional resilience and the ability to meet life without emotional suffering. 

Emotional suffering is not the natural state of things. It's a product of habitual learned conditioned reactivity to life. Life may produce lots of ups and downs. pain and pleasure and so on, but that is not the same thing as emotional suffering. So emotional pain is something that we encounter and usually resolves quite quickly. Emotional suffering does not resolve quickly it persists and it persists through a process of habitual reactivity. It's a habit. That habit is what causes it to persist.  

We learn how to break these habits by actually meditating on the emotions directly. So emotional habits thrive because of unawareness. We simply are not aware of the reactive process that's going on in the mind. The stimulus simply activates the habits that creates the emotional suffering. 

But once we start to bring more conscious awareness to our emotional habits we can begin to change those habits. Consciousness allows us to break free from our habits. That's the first part of Mindfulness training, is learning to bring more consciousness to our emotional suffering so we can break these emotional habits. And we do that as I say by actively meditating on the emotions. 

That is the way to do it. Not trying to escape our emotional pain or just talking about them endlessly or indulging in the emotional suffering. That's another habit and it doesn't resolve the suffering. We need to change our relationship, we need to break this habit of reactive identification so that we don't fall victim to the emotional habits. 

So that's a very important part of mindfulness training. The other part that I'll explain to you and teach you during our sessions, is how to facilitate the healing of emotional suffering. So this is the compassionate aspect of mindfulness that's so important. And the combination of developing more consciousness and developing more compassion towards your own inner emotional suffering is what really produces the changes, and changes that last. 

So if you'd like to learn more about this approach than simply email me and we can schedule a session and you'll see, even after the first session, just how powerful the mindfulness therapy approach can be for overcoming anxiety, depression and other forms of emotional suffering. So please reach out to me by email and let's schedule a session. Thank you. 


Skype Therapy - Therapy over Skype for Anxiety & Depression

Learn how to more effectively control anxiety or depression. Speak to a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) and emotional trauma or any other forms of emotional stress not requiring treatment by a medical professional. Contact me to discover more about this online therapy service and to schedule a therapy session via Skype with me.

This online counseling service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is a good internet connection and you are ready to begin online psychotherapy with me.

Conventional talk therapy can be useful, but often it does not look at the underlying psychological process that is the real cause of your depression or anxiety.

This also applies to the use of medications - the medication may reduce symptoms for awhile, but medications are not able to change the underlying process that generates the anxiety or depression.

The type of psychotherapy that I offer is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which can be very powerful for handling anxiety as well as for treating chronic depression and other emotional issues where there is an underlying habit of reactive negative thinking.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist and I provide Mindfulness Therapy over Skype.

Skype therapy is becoming a very popular option these days as an alternative to traditional office-based psychotherapy. Many people prefer the convenience of Skype therapy. Therapy over Skype is just as effective as in-person therapy sessions because it really allows you to schedule therapy at a time that is convenient for you and if you have Skype, you can see each other as well as well as talk to each other so you get the right quality of communication as you would meeting with a psychotherapist in-person. So, that is one reason why Skype therapy has really revolutionized the whole psychotherapy industry.

If you would like to learn more about Skype therapy, do please send me an email and I will be happy to answer any questions you have about the process.

Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I specialize in, is a very, very good approach for working with difficult emotions, including anxiety and depression or even addictions. It help you change those emotional habits that tend to run our lives, if we are not careful. We do this by becoming more consciously aware of our habits, and the more conscious you become, the more mindful you become of your emotional habits, the more choice you develop, the more ability you have to break free from those emotional habits that create your anxiety or your depression.

If you would like to learn more, go to my website and email me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session at a time that works for you. I see people throughout the US and abroad, as well. I have many clients in Europe and further afield. 

So please simply email me and let's get started, and then when you are ready, we can schedule a Skype therapy session and we will see how well this works for you. Most people really enjoy the mindfulness approach and see results very quickly indeed. This is quite different than conventional counseling or talk therapy - we actually work on changing those habits that produce anxiety or depression or addiction or any other emotional suffering.

Sp, please contact me and let's learn how I can help you overcome your anxiety or depression. Thank you! 


Skype Therapy – Effective Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression

Learn how to break free from anxiety or depression. Speak to a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for highly effective online psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD and intrusive thoughts, Addictions, Post-traumatic stress or any psychological problems that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Email me to discover more about this online counseling service and to organize an online Skype therapy session with me.

This online psychotherapy service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is an internet connection and you can begin Skype therapy with me.

Email me to learn more about this online counseling service and to arrange for a therapy session with me.

This online psychotherapy service is available throughout the USA, UK and Europe and world-wide. All you need is a good internet connection and you are ready to start online psychotherapy.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist. I provide therapy through Skype for the treatment of anxiety disorders and with help with depression and for help, also, with recovery from addictions.

Skype therapy is a very effective alternative to traditional office-based therapy, especially of you are interested in being more self-directed in your recovery process. Good psychotherapy is really about learning techniques and methods for working with the content of mind, with thoughts and emotional reactions that tend to create problems when we become over-identified with them.

So, the style of Skype therapy that I offer is called Mindfulness Therapy and the focus is very much on breaking free from patterns of emotional reactivity. It works extremely well and most people see quite substantial changes after 3-4 sessions of Skype therapy using the mindfulness-based methods that I teach.

If you are interested in therapy through Skype, do please go to my website, CounselingTherapyOnline and email me and then we can schedule a Skype therapy session. So, I look forward to hearing from you.

This approach is very effective indeed and I offer Skype therapy throughout America and abroad as well. So if you would like to learn more, please visit me website and then email me.


Chat to an online psychologist via Skype

Let me answer your questions about seeing an online therapist, and when you are ready, you can schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

Discover how mindfulness training can help you better manage anxiety or depression. Talk to a Therapist Online using Skype for effective online psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorders and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD and intrusive thoughts, Addictions, PTSD and Traumatic Stress or any psychological problems not requiring treatment by a medical professional. Contact me to find out more about this online counseling therapy service and to arrange for a therapy session with me.

Conventional counseling can be useful, but often it does not look at the the underlying process that is the real cause of your emotional suffering.

The same can be said for medications - medication may provide a temporary relief from symptoms for a while, but medications can not change the underlying psychological process that generates your emotional pain.

The type of psychotherapy that I offer is called Mindfulness Therapy, which can be quite successful for handling anxiety and for treating chronic depression and other emotional problems caused by habitual reactive thinking. Most of my clients experience quite substantial changes after the first couple of sessions of Skype Therapy.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy. If you would like to chat with a Buddhist psychologist online then please do give me an email and we can schedule a Skype therapy session.

As an online mindfulness-based psychologist I specialize in teaching you how to change patterns of reactive emotional behaviors. We basically find ourselves being run by emotional habits. These are conditioned emotional reactions that operate really outside of our awareness. We suffer from the results of these emotional habits but we are not really aware of them. 

Of course, mindfulness work in general is concerned with making you more aware of these habitual emotional patterns, because the more conscious you become of your patterns of reactivity the more you are able to regain control, regain choice as to what is most skillful for you. You begin to break free from these automatic patterns that can run your life if you are not more mindful.

So, if you would like to learn more about working with emotional reactivity do go to my website and if you would like to learn more about Skype therapy, then please send me an email. Skype therapy is very effective and is a very good medium for learning the practical mindfulness-based methods that will help you overcome anxiety and depression and other forms of emotional reactivity.

Most of my clients see tremendous change once they start putting into practice the mindfulness-based techniques that I teach online. So, I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

Contact me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and to arrange for a Skype session with me. 


Online Therapy for agoraphobia

Also see:

Skype Therapy for Agoraphobia

Skype Therapy for Agoraphobia