Agoraphobia Help through Zoom

Agoraphobia Help through Zoom

Online Psychotherapist for the treatment of Agoraphobia

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy for Overcoming Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without relying on medications.

Talk to a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for effective online help and mindfulness therapy for Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder.

If you are trying to recover fully from agoraphobia you must treat the underlying conditioned anxiety reactions that underly your agoraphobia. Medications don’t address this because medications only treat symptoms and can not change the underlying psychological process that causes anxiety. You will need psychotherapy to do that. During Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy (Mindfulness Therapy) we work on healing these habitual reactions directly.

Online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy as long as you use Skype, FaceTime or Zoom so that you can see each other. Being able to see each other is necessary for effective communication and effective psychotherapy.

Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for Agoraphobia

Internally, every emotion is structured around imagery – inner pictorial representations that resonate with the emotion. For example, anger is usually associate with the color red and anger is structured around imagery that is red in color and probably hot as well. 

We can learn about the structure of our inner imagery by observing our emotions with mindfulness. From what we learn, we can intuitively see what changes in the imagery might be helpful. Change the imagery and you change the structure of the emotion.

People with agoraphobia typically have a great deal of inner imagery, very often based on the feeling of emptiness, an inner void or black hole that threatens to swallow up everything. 

Discovering the structure of this imagery provides a very powerful tool for changing the intensity of the anxiety underlying agoraphobia. This approach is one of the most effective treatment for agoraphobia and was pioneered by Dr. Strong in the 1980s.

Contact me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and arrange for an online therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!


Online Help for agoraphobia

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If you are suffering from social anxiety, also know as social phobia or agoraphobia, which is the more extreme form of social anxiety disorder, then you know how challenging it can be to find a therapist to work with. The challenge of leaving the security of your home to attend your therapy session may be too difficult for you to contemplate. This is why I provide online therapy for social anxiety disorders.

If you would like to learn more about Online Therapy sessions for Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder, please visit my website and contact me.

The style of therapy that I provide for anxiety is called Mindfulness Therapy, which teaches you specific ways of working with your emotions so that you do not become overwhelmed by them. You can learn much more about this approach by visiting my website.

In home counseling for social anxiety and agoraphobia - Get the help you need without having to leave home.

I welcome your inquiries and I look forward to meeting you and helping you break free from social anxiety, social phobia and agoraphobia. The methods I use are effective and you will see results after only a few sessions. The first session can be quite significant in getting you started on your road to recovery, so please contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session now. There is no charge unless you are completely satisfied with the first session.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer mindfulness-based online psychotherapy for agoraphobia, anxiety disorders and panic attacks. 

The mindfulness approach is extremely effective and during online therapy sessions I will teach you how to work with your agoraphobic anxiety using the techniques of mindfulness to help you prevent your becoming overwhelmed by the anxiety reactions. We do this by actually meditating on our anxiety before we do any challenges. 

Meditating helps to change the relationship that you have with your anxiety and this is absolutely essential, because the biggest problem that I encounter is that people suffering from anxiety tend to become identified with their emotions. They tend to become consumed by their emotions. They effectively lose their identity and become the emotions and this creates a very reactive place that is very difficult to escape from. 

So with mindfulness training you can change this pattern and learn to develop a relationship with your anxiety whereby you do not become identified with it where you can see the anxiety as an observer. This is essential for change. Once you begin to do this the rate of recovery from agoraphobic anxiety and panic attacks increases dramatically, and most people will see quite substantial changes after only four or five sessions with me once they start applying the mindfulness-based techniques. 

So the basic idea is that you will schedule sessions with me and we will work on setting up a series of challenges that you can manage and then you prepare for these challenges using mindfulness meditation. You do that challenge and you meditate on any anxiety that arose during that challenge. And each time we learn a little more about how to change our relationship to our anxiety so that we basically break free from the habit of identification and becoming overwhelmed by it. And this approach is, from my experience, the most effective there is for overcoming agoraphobic anxiety. So if you'd like to get started with me simply go to my website and then email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with me. 


Agoraphobia Therapy Online

How to beat agoraphobia through Online Therapy

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of agoraphobia. So if you're looking for online psychotherapy for agoraphobia, then I do ask you to visit my website and learn more about this online service that I offer via Skype and then feel free to email me using the contact page to ask any questions you may have about this online psychotherapy approach for treating agoraphobia. 

So Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I specialize in and have developed specifically for treating agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders, is extremely effective. It works in a very strategic and focused way on helping you resolve the fear reactions, the anxiety and panic attacks, that are a feature of agoraphobia. 

So the primary approach that I will be teaching you is called Mindfulness-based. Exposure Therapy. So all forms of successful psychotherapy for treating agoraphobia will employ some form of exposure therapy. Clearly that is a necessary component to help you extend the range of confidence that you have, to be able to move into areas that were previously very difficult for you, to move into different social situations and to leave your comfort zone and develop a much broader level of comfort. This is a necessary approach. 

So we work by extending the boundaries of our comfort zone and we do this by developing a systematic approach, that is, that you will design a series of challenges to go to your comfort zone and move a little bit beyond that comfort zone on a daily basis. 

But the important thing here that I teach in the mindfulness-based approach to exposure therapy is preparing before you do each challenge. I feel this is what is often missing. Simply throwing yourself into difficult and anxiety producing situations is not very efficient and probably not very effective for most people. You have to train yourself out of the habitual anxiety reactions before you do each of the challenges and that's the focus of mindfulness therapy and the mindfulness-based exposure therapy. 

So you set up a series of challenges and then we do the training. So the training is about meditating on each of those challenges. You start off by playing the challenge through in your mind in order to find those anxiety reactions. You want to get access to them under your terms so that you can work with them consciously rather than trying to struggle with them in the heat of the moment during the challenge. 


Online Therapist to treat Agoraphobia via Skype or Zoom

Online psychotherapist for agoraphobia

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional licensed psychotherapist based in Colorado and I offer online therapy via Skype for treating anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, PTSD and other common emotional psychological problems. I specialize in the treatments of agoraphobia. So if you're looking for an online psychotherapist for agoraphobia then please contact me. Go to my website and learn more about the services that I offer via Skype and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. 

I really enjoy working with agoraphobia and the mindfulness-based treatment plan that I have developed for agoraphobia is extremely effective. It's based on what we call mindfulness-based exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is very, very important and generally always incorporated in a treatment plan for agoraphobia. But exposure therapy really works best when it's accompanied by some form of training with the anxiety, how to deal with anxiety reactions that occur during those exposure challenges. So that's where the mindfulness-based exposure therapy comes in. We use mindfulness training to work with any anxiety reactions any panic attacks that may get triggers. 

So basically the approach is one of setting up a series of exposure challenges, first of all that's very important. You need to do this in a systematic way, in a regular way, in a disciplined way, doing exposure challenges every day in order to get on top of the anxiety reactions. 

But we take his challenge and then we prepare for it by playing it through in the mind and watching for any anxiety reactions, any form of anxiety-based thinking that gets triggered when we imagine doing the challenge, when we imagine walking outside of our comfort zone or going to a shop or a mall or whatever it might be or driving beyond a certain distance from home. 

Whatever form the agoraphobia takes, we set up a series of challenges and then we prepare for each challenge by playing through in the mind, finding the anxiety reactions and then responding to them with mindfulness, whereby we learn first of all to break free from that pattern of reactive identification which causes us to be completely overwhelmed by the anxiety reaction. 

If you would like to learn more about online therapy for agoraphobia and you would like to work with an online psychotherapist who specializes in Mindfulness Therapy for treating agoraphobia, then please go to my website and please email me and let's schedule a Skype therapy session. You will see results very quickly with this very strategic mindfulness-based approach. Typically after two or three weeks you will notice significant improvements. And this approach gives you the tools that you can continue to develop to get over your agoraphobia completely. That's our goal. Not to tolerate it, not to manage it, but to heal it so we are no longer a prisoner of our anxiety. 

So please contact me if this interests you. Lets schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you. 


Online Help for agoraphobia

Agoraphobia Help through Zoom

Agoraphobia Help through Zoom