Online psychotherapist for agoraphobia

Online psychotherapist for overcoming agoraphobia

Overcome agoraphobia through Online Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy via Skype.

You will learn how to work with your anxiety in a way that neutralizes your anxiety and prevents you from becoming overwhelmed by anxiety.

I will guide you through the process and you will see significant improvements after each therapy session.

Most people see significant improvements after 3-4 sessions.

Contact me to learn more about Online Mindfulness Therapy for agoraphobia and to schedule Skype Therapy sessions with me.

Find an online psychotherapist to treat agoraphobia

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist for Overcoming Agoraphobia and other Anxiety Disorders without using antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications.

See a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for highly effective online help and counseling for Chronic Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Social Anxiety Disorder.

Email me to learn more about this online counseling service and schedule an online therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!


Online Psychotherapist for agoraphobia

Speak to a psychotherapist online for help overcoming agoraphobia

See an online psychotherapist for treating agoraphobia

Agoraphobia Therapy Online over Skype

Email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy via Skype for anxiety and depression and particularly for the treatment of agoraphobia. So if you're looking for agoraphobia therapy online I invite you to go to my website. Read more about this online therapy service that I offer hand please contact me if you would like to schedule some Skype Therapy sessions with me to help you overcome your agoraphobia. 

So if you are suffering from agoraphobia it is essential that you are able to find an online therapist to work with simply because it's so difficult for you to leave home. And there are a number of services now offering online psychotherapy for the treatment of agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders too. 

Whether you choose me or someone else, the important thing is that you find a therapist to work with who uses Skype or similar video platform because it's very important that you can see each other. That will improve the quality of communication and the quality of the therapy that you are getting. 

The other thing is make sure that you feel completely comfortable with the therapist that you select. Make sure that they answer your questions about the therapist's approach and trust your own judgment, your own intuition. That is by far the best guide, much more so than how many letters the therapist has after his name. What's important is that you feel comfortable with the therapist and you like the approach that they are offering. 

So in the style of agoraphobia therapy that I offer is based on the application of mindfulness. Mindfulness Therapy is a very effective way of working with anxiety disorders like agoraphobia. It also helps you manage panic attacks and any other aspect of anxiety that's causing you distress and that are limiting the quality of your life. 

So in Mindfulness Therapy the primary approach that we take is called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, and that is where you will basically design a series of challenges with my help so that you can begin to train yourself out of the anxiety habits. 

So in mindfulness training we teach that suffering like anxiety and depression is basically an emotional habit. It is the result of conditioning. This habit formation gets started, often in childhood, and it never gets resolved. And this anxiety shows up in different forms different types of anxiety such as agoraphobia or social anxiety or a phobia or panic attacks or driving anxiety, etc. 

 So the first stage is to set up a schedule of exposure challenges. And then what is most important is to train using mindfulness for each challenge that you schedule. Exposure therapy by itself is not sufficient. You must train with the anxiety beforehand. 

 So we do this by a technique called Rehearsal Meditation, whereby you imagine doing that challenge in order to find the anxiety and then you start working with that anxiety using mindfulness and compassion. 

 You look at the structure of the anxiety, you find out how it works. You look at the patterns of reactive thoughts that feed that anxiety and you begin to change your relationship to the anxiety formation. You start to break free from its influence by becoming more and more aware of it, more conscious of the thoughts and the emotion. The basic rule here is that the more you see, the less fear you will experience. That may seem counter-intuitive but it's actually the case. Fear is based on what you don't see much more than what you do see.

So we do this in great detail with the challenge in our imagination before we do the challenge. That's why it's called a Rehearsal Meditation. When you can visualize doing that challenge, whatever it might be, perhaps just walking around the block or driving in the car, if you can do that, whatever it might be, when you feel that you can do that with the complete absence of anxiety then you do the live challenge, the exposure challenge, and your training that you did in the Rehearsal Meditation will take effect and will effectively inhibit any anxiety reactions during the challenge. 

And when you take this approach you'll start to see dramatic improvements in a very short time. Typically, most of my clients see quite dramatic changes after three to four weeks of doing this kind of progressive exposure challenge using mindfulness. 


Agoraphobia? See an online psychotherapist

Online Therapy for Agoraphobia without Medication

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy which I offer online via Skype for treating anxiety disorders including agoraphobia. 

So I'm often asked if there is a cure for agoraphobia. Can agoraphobia be cured? And the answer is yes it can, as long as you take a very strategic and disciplined approach to overcoming the underlying anxiety of agoraphobia. 

The biggest problem that I encounter is that people tend to get into patterns of avoidance. They tend to try to avoid any triggers that might create anxiety. But you have to understand that avoidance itself is a form of anxiety-based reaction and that simply feeds the underlying anxiety. So taking a disciplined approach that's against avoidance is very important. You must not avoid your anxiety. You will not help it heal or change if you do. 

So we have to learn to work with our anxiety, but in a very skillful and effective way and that's where Mindfulness Therapy comes in. It's a very effective way of working with anxiety and reducing and eliminating anxiety so that you can restore your freedom to move that you had before the onset of your agoraphobia. 

So the methods that I teach are basically mindfulness-based exposure therapy for agoraphobia. So this is where we set up series of challenges, progressive challenges of increasing difficulty that you work through in a very strategic and focused way using mindfulness. And I will teach you how to work with your anxiety using mindfulness during these online therapy sessions. 

If you take this very strategic mindfulness-based approach to exposure therapy you'll see results very quickly and most of my clients see dramatic changes within a matter of weeks once you start applying these techniques yourself, that is what is most important. 

I will teach you in great detail exactly how to do this. I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome your anxiety. I will teach you how to set up a schedule of exposure challenges. I will teach you how to meditate and train with your anxiety. That's what we do during these sessions. 

So if you would like to learn more about this approach for overcoming your anxiety and curing your agoraphobia, then please contact me and we can schedule some Skype therapy sessions. So please contact me now. 


One of the most effective ways of overcoming the intense anxiety reactions of agoraphobia is through training in Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for Agoraphobia. 

Effective strategies for the management of agoraphobia will involve some form of Exposure Therapy, but what make Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy particularly effective is that it involves training with the anxiety reactions before you do your exposure challenges. 

Repeated exposures by themselves is not likely to have much beneficial effect, but if you train yourself to neutralize your anxiety reactions before each challenge then the results from each challenge will be very much better.

The method used to neutralize your anxiety reactions is called Focused Mindfulness Meditation, where you deliberately play through the challenge in your mind in order to access the anxiety and then neutralize that anxiety through changing your relationship to the anxiety through the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy that I will be teaching you during our sessions together.

Contact me to learn more about this online therapy service and book a therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!


How do I overcome my agoraphobia without medication? Online Mindfulness Therapy for Agoraphobia

See an online psychotherapist for agoraphobia

Email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders, including agoraphobia, and depression.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online psychotherapist based in Colorado and I offer online therapy via Skype to help people manage anxiety and depression more effectively using the techniques of mindfulness therapy. 

This is a system of psychotherapy that I've been developing over the last ten or more years now that seems to be extremely effective for anxiety and also depression but basically is very effective for helping you heal the underlying anxiety itself directly. And it does this and a variety of ways one of which is by helping you work on those patterns of reactive thinking that feed the anxiety. 

So with agoraphobia the typical situation is that we get obsessed with anxiety producing thoughts about what will happen to us if we leave our safety zone for example that's a common kind of thought pattern. You know the fear of having a panic attack in public. The fear of fainting or being sick or anything else like that. These are these are fed by a whole system of internal dialogue that is relentless and feeding that anxiety. 

So I'm often asked how can I overcome my agoraphobia without using medication and to do this effectively you have to address this underlying psychological process of reactive thinking that's feeding your anxiety. Medications have their prey's place you know the selective serotonin uptake inhibitors you know these have their place but medications can change that underlying process. All the medication will ever do is reduce symptoms for a while. But that's not really healing the problem is not changing the essential underlying psychological habits that are creating your anxiety and fear. 

So this is why it is recommended that you look into process oriented psychotherapy like cognitive behavioral therapy or exposure and prevention type protocols. Because these help you actually deal with that underlying reactive process. 

I teach mindfulness based exposure therapy which is really great very effective indeed for agoraphobia specifically. It really helps you develop a strategic approach to overcoming your anxiety. So some of the exposure therapy models are OK up to a point but they don't really tell you how to process the anxiety itself directly. What to do with that emotion? In mindfulness work we work exclusively on reprocessing that emotion, that habit that gets activated. 

If you'd like to learn more about the mindfulness approach for healing anxiety including agoraphobia then simply go to my website. Learn More and e-mail me with any questions you may have. Of course it's very convenient to be able to do your psychotherapy sessions online if you're suffering from agoraphobia, and that's one of the reasons why I specialize in Skype Therapy. It's very important that you can see each other. That's why we use Skype. This improves the quality of communication and makes the therapy sessions much more effective. 

So during our sessions together I will teach you how to develop a strategy for overcoming your anxiety using mindfulness based exposure therapy. So what does this entail? Well it it entails designing a series of challenges that are manageable but that tend to produce anxiety. So it might be simply leaving the comfort of your own home and walking to a shop or going to a mall or any number of things. You will know what those triggers are that trigger your anxiety and panic attacks. 

We design a series of challenges where we basically take one challenge and we prepare for it using mindfulness methods. This basically means playing the challenge through in the mind, visualizing going to the mall for example, and then watching for the anxiety reaction and all of the reactive thoughts that get triggered when that anxiety is triggered in the mind. 

When we find those anxiety thoughts and the emotion itself we then start to build a different kind of relationship with it that is based on consciousness, on mindfulness, where we can become the observer of these thoughts and emotions but without becoming identified with them. In this way we break the habit that causes our anxiety.

Let me help you break free from your agoraphobia through Mindfulness Therapy.


Online treatment plan for agoraphobia using Mindfulness Therapy

Get help from an online psychotherapist for agoraphobia

Exposure Therapy is an essential part of the recovery process, but is not sufficient by itself. You have to engage in thorough training before you do each exposure challenge to prevent simply re-traumatizing yourself. Hence the development of Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, an approach that I developed several years ago and have found to be very effective when working with clients suffering from agoraphobia.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer online therapy, which of course, is very convenient and necessary if you're suffering from agoraphobia or other anxiety condition that keeps you housebound. 

So I'm often asked, "What is the best treatment for agoraphobia?" "What's the best way to overcome the anxiety and panic attacks that accompany agoraphobia?" From my experience working with people suffering from agoraphobia, over the last ten years or so now, I find that the best approach is what I call Mindfulness Therapy. This is a system of work that I've been developing for many years which really works at the underlying core level of your anxiety. It helps you break free from those patterns of habitual reactivity that cause your anxiety. It works by changing the anxiety directly so that it is not habitually triggered by the common triggers that you encounter in your agoraphobia. 

We have to uncover these underlying anxiety habits and then work on changing them. And the best way to doing this is what I call Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy. So this means that you actively create a series of exposure challenges. That might be walking around the block or driving a short distance if you can still drive or even just stepping outside the front door. But it doesn't matter what the challenges are. But it is essential that you identify challenges that are accompanied by a degree of anxiety and then start working on those challenges and training yourself out of the reactive anxiety that has become habitual. 

The way that we train ourselves out of the anxiety reactions is not by simply repeated exposure as is often taught. Repeated exposure is very inefficient and you risk intensifying the anxiety. 

So in mindfulness-based exposure therapy we prepare for each challenge in a very thorough way before you do the challenge, and this preparation is called a rehearsal meditation. It's all about training. So in a rehearsal meditation you imagine doing that challenge and then you look specifically for any anxiety that gets triggered. And then you start to work with that anxiety, working with its structure and helping change that anxiety directly. 

So if you would like help with your agoraphobia, please contact me and let's schedule some therapy sessions over Skype and I will teach you exactly how to apply mindfulness to overcome your agoraphobia. So please contact me if you'd like to get started with the mindfulness approach to overcoming agoraphobia. 

Online Psychotherapy for agoraphobia is available throughout the USA, including:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

This online therapy service is based in Colorado and available worldwide, serving USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Greece.


Online Therapist for Agoraphobia

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