Online Therapist for Agoraphobia Canada

Online Therapist for Agoraphobia serving Canada and USA

Although I am based in Colorado, USA, I offer online psychotherapy worldwide, including Canada. All you need is Skype and PayPal to get started with me.

I offer Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for the treatment of agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders. This is a non-medical approach that is extremely effective for overcoming agoraphobia and most people see significant improvements after 3-4 Skype sessions with me.

Contact me by going to and ask any questions you may have.

Online Psychotherapist for help with Agoraphobia

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy for Overcoming Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without using medications.

Talk to a Therapist Online using Skype for highly effective online help and mindfulness therapy for overcoming Agoraphobia, Chronic Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Social Anxiety.

If you want to recover fully from agoraphobia you must treat the underlying habitual anxiety reactions.

Prescription medications don’t do this. Medications only provide a temporary relief from anxiety symptoms, but do nothing to change the underlying psychological cause of your anxiety.

During Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy (Mindfulness Therapy) we work on healing these habitual reactions directly at the psychological level. This approach is extremely effective and most of my clients see significant improvements after 3-4 Skype sessions.

Online therapy is very effective as long as you use Skype, FaceTime or Zoom so that you can see each other. Being able to see each other is required for effective communication and good psychotherapy.

What Treatment Methods work Best for Agoraphobia?

In my experience, the best therapeutic approach for helping people overcome agoraphobia is a combination of Cognitive Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy (Mindfulness Therapy).

Cognitive-based therapy helps you identify the underlying habitual and reactive thoughts and beliefs that create anxiety. Developing awareness of these habitual negative thinking patterns is a very important first step in changing them.

Mindfulness Therapy helps you neutralize and resolve the underlying emotional panic anxiety and fear that fuels the thoughts and beliefs. Learning how to diffuse and resolve the underlying emotions is essential and mindfulness is one of the best awareness tools for doing this.

With practice, you begin to completely change your relationship to the emotions from being a victim to being aware. the more aware you are, the less reactive you become. As you become less reactive, you can begin to explore ways to heal the anxiety-fear directly. Instead of fighting your emotions or avoiding them, you learn how to be with them as a friend. Mindfulness training makes this possible.

The combined approach teaches you how to work with panic anxiety thoughts without becoming overwhelmed by them and this makes it possible to do Imaginal Exposure Exercises, where you imagine leaving your house or going on a journey or being in a crowded place. Through repetition you quickly learn how to process any anxiety reactions as they arise and you prepare yourself for an actual real-life challenge.

At first, we make the challenge small and manageable. We begin to build direct experience and confidence and build on what we have achieved. This very systematic process of preparation through guided Imaginal Exposure followed by real challenges is a proven and effective method for breaking free from agoraphobia and panic attacks.

Contact me to learn more about this online counseling service and schedule an online therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!


Online Psychotherapy over Skype for agoraphobia with panic disorder

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy. This is a system of psychotherapy that works very well by Skype and it's extremely effective for the treatment of agoraphobia. People suffering from agoraphobia find it very important to work online because it's so difficult to leave the comfort of your home or secure place. This is the biggest feature of agoraphobia, this fear of having a panic attack if you leave a secure comfort zone, and it can become progressively worse over time. Many people I've worked with have had agoraphobia for sometimes as much as 10 years.

Agoraphobia is very debilitating and limits just about every aspect of a person's life. So it's very important to seek treatment. Mindfulness Therapy is a very good way of working with anxiety in general. It helps you change the underlying patterns of habitual conditioned reactions that feed and sustain your anxiety and panic attacks.

Panic attacks are simply a very acute form of anxiety. It's like a storm, an anxiety storm.

The best strategy, the best approach, to overcoming agoraphobia is a very systematic system of exposure therapy. But not classical exposure therapy, which is based on the idea of becoming familiar and habituated through repeated exposure to the stressful situation or area or other triggers. That can work but often it's very inefficient because it simply re-traumatizes you, it simply feeds that anxiety.

So what I have developed is called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy. And this is a different approach. It certainly will involve exposure challenges in a systematic approach where you will set yourself goals each day and carry those out. But the key ingredient with mindfulness-based exposure therapy is the preparation and training before and after each challenge. That is what is vital and I feel is often missing in traditional, conventional exposure therapy.

So what do we do in mindfulness-based exposure therapy for agoraphobia? Well you set up a series of challenges. You then do what we call a rehearsal meditation before you do your first challenge. This is where you will play through that challenge in your imagination and specifically look for those triggers and the anxiety reactions that get triggered.

When you find the anxiety you then work with that and train with that anxiety using mindfulness. You build a relationship with that anxiety that's based on openness and friendliness. These are the two vital requirements for healing anxiety.

Very often people fall into reactive patterns of avoidance and self-criticism or hatred towards that anxiety, and that will not help the healing process. In fact, avoidance and aversion are the two main factors that feed the underlying fear.

So we build a different kind of relationship based on consciousness and compassion for the emotion itself. We learn to see the emotion as being an object in our awareness. We start to break the habit of reactive identification, where we become completely consumed by that anxiety, where we take on the identity of our emotions. Instead we learn to develop a conscious observing relationship where we observe our emotions but we don't become them. This process is very, very important because if you identify with your anxiety, then you end up feeding it. It is another reactive process like avoidance and aversion that simply feeds the fire of anxiety.

So if you would like to get started with me and you would like to do online psychotherapy for your own agoraphobia and panic attacks and you'd like to schedule some Skype therapy sessions and please go to my website and send me an email.

This approach, the mindfulness-based exposure therapy approach is very efficient and typically people see progress, tremendous progress, within the first three to four sessions. It's quite different than conventional talk therapy. It's much more practical. And of course it gives you a set of tools that you can apply yourself between the session, because that's where the real change happens as you gain more and more experience of applying mindfulness with your exposure challenges. So if you would like to get started with me please contact.

Looking for online help to overcome your agoraphobia?


Online Help for Agoraphobia over Skype

Email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy, and I provide online help for agoraphobia. Many people suffering from agoraphobia find it very difficult to leave home or leave a secure area where they feel comfortable and so the online therapy option is very convenient and sometimes essential.

So I've been offering online help for people suffering from agoraphobia for about ten years now and it works extremely well. The online therapy sessions are organized via Skype and all you need is an internet connection and we can set up a Skype Therapy session to help you learn how to manage the anxiety and panic attacks associated with your agoraphobia.

During sessions I will teach you a practical mindfulness-based methods of working with agoraphobia that have being well tested and have proved very effective over the last ten years or so that I've been offering this service.

The most important thing that you will learn is how to change the way that you relate to your emotions and to your thoughts.

The biggest problem for most people is that as soon as anxiety or fear gets triggered that they become completely overwhelmed by that emotional reaction, and that identification with emotion leads to the proliferation of reactive thinking which then feeds the underlying fear and anxiety. So this produces a perfect storm, essentially, a feedback mechanism that reinforces the fear and prevents it healing and resolving, and this is what we attempt to change during mindfulness therapy sessions for agoraphobia.

If this interests you then please go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service and then contact me and we can schedule a therapy session over Skype to help you overcome your agoraphobia.

So if you're looking for online help for agoraphobia please go to my website and EMAIL ME.

Online Therapy for Agoraphobia & Social Anxiety Disorder without medication


How to get help for someone with agoraphobia - Skype Therapy

Please feel free to contact me if you are suffering from agoraphobia and if you would like help in overcoming your agoraphobia. Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy is very effective and gives you the tools through which you can progressively overcome your anxiety. Most of my clients see big improvements after 3-4 weeks when they practice the methods that I teach.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online therapist specializing in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression and also for help with agoraphobia.

If you are suffering from agoraphobia and you'd like to get help from an online therapist like myself then I invite you to go to my website. Learn more about the Mindfulness Therapy Service that I offer for treating anxiety conditions like agoraphobia and then contact me and we can schedule a therapy session over a Skype.

I see lots of people throughout the USA and Canada and also the UK and Western Europe and as far away as Australia. People like the convenience of online therapy and of course if you're suffering from agoraphobia then be able to talk to an online therapist is really essential because it's usually so difficult to leave home to see a therapist in their office.

So online therapy works very well for people suffering from anxiety disorders. It also works very well for helping you learn skills that you can apply yourself between therapy sessions that basically help you build the confidence to be able to overcome your agoraphobia. This of course involves what we call Exposure Therapy, that is really designing a series of challenges designed to extend the range of your comfort zone, so that you are progressively working with the anxiety and not avoiding it. That is the most important thing when working with agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders. You must not avoid the challenges. You have to do them in a well constructed way, extending your exposure challenges each day, going a little further from home.

But you must also learn how to prepare for these challenges. It is not sufficient to simply jump into a exposure challenge. So I have developed a system called mindfulness-based exposure therapy whereby you will learn to prepare yourself for each challenge and get a successful outcome in managing and resolving your anxiety so that you feel completely comfortable leaving home. And then you feel ready to try the next level of your challenge.

So the mindfulness-based approach to exposure therapy gives you the tools to overcome your anxiety and it works extremely well. Most of my clients see dramatic improvements after three or four weeks of practicing mindfulness-based exposure therapy along with other techniques designed to help you actually resolve your anxiety, to overcome the anxiety and panic attacks that accompany agoraphobia.

So if you'd like to learn more please go to my website and email me and we can schedule a therapy session via Skype.

Online Therapist for Agoraphobia Canada


Online therapy for agoraphobia Canada

Online Therapy for agoraphobia

Online Mindfulness Therapy for agoraphobia Canada

Online Mindfulness Therapy for agoraphobia is available throughout Canada via Skype and includes: Edmonton, Alberta: Victoria, British Colimbia; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Friedericton, New Brunswick; St. John’s, Nova Scotia; Toronto, Ontario; Charlottetown, Prine Edward Island; Quebec City, Quebec; Regina, Saskatchewan.

Online Therapist for Agoraphobia Canada and USA

Online Therapist for Agoraphobia - USA & Canada