Online Therapist for Agoraphobia

Online Therapist for agoraphobia

Are you looking for online therapy for agoraphobia?

Would you like to learn how to overcome your anxiety and panic attacks without depending on medications?

I offer Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for agoraphobia via Skype

You can expect to see significant improvements after 3-4 sessions once you start applying the treatment plan that I will be teaching you

Go to my main website and contact me to learn more and to schedule an online therapy session via Skype with me

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Online Therapist for Agoraphobia

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Online Therapist for agoraphobia

Get help for your agoraphobia from an online therapist available via Skype

Online Therapist for Agoraphobia - Mindfulness Therapy via Skype

Agoraphobia is best described as a fear of leaving home and being in a situation or place that might trigger a panic attack. This condition is VERY debilitating and does not respond well to conventional "talk therapy" and medications are seldom a satisfactory long-term solution.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist and I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders including agoraphobia. 

So if you're interested in seeing an online therapist for help with your agoraphobia then please do contact me. Go to my website. Learn more about the Online Mindfulness Therapy service that I provide and then reach out to me by email. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about online therapy and the mindfulness approach that I use. 

Mindfulness Therapy is very effective indeed, and in this treatment plan that we will work out together you will basically learn how to apply mindfulness to progressively overcome your fear of leaving your home. 

So the way we go about this is called mindfulness-based exposure therapy.

You then work using mindfulness to completely change your relationship to that anxiety to prevent it from overwhelming you and to prevent it from proliferating, but also to help it heal and resolve itself so that you can imagine doing the challenge with no anxiety at all before you go on to do the exposure challenge. So that's the secret. 

Exposure therapy by itself is not sufficient. You must do some kind of training to neutralize the anxiety before you actually do the live challenge, and that's what makes the difference. So when you take this very strategic approach you will see changes quite quickly. I have worked with people who have suffered from agoraphobia for sometimes many years and they have been able to progressively expand their area of activity in the matter of a few weeks and usually within a month they are able to go to the supermarket, the mall and other places that would have been impossible before. 

So anxiety is simply a habit. It's a condition reactive habit and we need to change these habits and the first way you change any habit is by bringing more mindfulness to it, more consciousness. Habits operate automatically, unconsciously. So you must make those habits conscious. 

First of all we do that through this process of mindfulness meditation on the emotions and the triggers that form those habits. 

We work on changing our relationship to that anxiety so that instead of just becoming overwhelmed by it we change the relationship to becoming the Observer. This is a critical shift. When you can observe your fear without reacting, then you are well on the way to changing that anxiety habit.

But the primary focus really is on developing a compassionate relationship with that fear. So the reactive habit is usually based on hatred, on fear itself. Fear of the fear is the real problem here. When you can change that relationship to one of compassion towards that fear that you're now observing instead of reacting to, then you can begin to help it heal. 

You can think of the fear as being like a child. The child is not very capable of solving its own suffering. If it’s afraid it can't heal that fear very effectively by itself. It needs to make contact with the child's father or mother in order to make a connection between the fear in the child and the fearlessness in the parent. So when that bond is strong then the child is able to overcome his or her fear by absorbing the fearlessness of the child's parent. 

It's the same process that we will be applying to work with our internal fear. We build a compassionate relationship with our fear, and in a sense, we become the parent to that fear. And when that fear feels the connection to that part of you that is not reacting, that is your observer self, your True Self, then that is what allows the fear to heal. So the fear learns how to heal itself through this internal relationship that you build through meditation on the fear. 

This may be novel for you. It's a different way than is typically taught by other therapists, but it is very effective, and I have helped many people over the years now using this mindfulness-based exposure therapy. 

If you would like to get started is on a treatment plan using mindfulness-based exposure therapy, then contact me and let's schedule a therapy session via Skype. I do all my online sessions using Skype and it works extremely well. 

Online Psychotherapist for treating Agoraphobia

If you are suffering from social anxiety, also know as social phobia or agoraphobia, which is the more extreme form of social anxiety disorder, then you know how challenging it can be to find a therapist to work with. The challenge of leaving the security of your home to attend your therapy session may be too difficult for you to contemplate. This is why I provide online therapy for social anxiety disorders.

If you would like to learn more about Online Therapy sessions for Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder, please visit my website and contact me.

The style of therapy that I provide for anxiety is called Mindfulness Therapy, which teaches you specific ways of working with your emotions so that you do not become overwhelmed by them. You can learn much more about this approach by visiting my website.

In home counseling for social anxiety and agoraphobia - Get the help you need without having to leave home.

I welcome your inquiries and I look forward to meeting you and helping you break free from social anxiety, social phobia and agoraphobia. The methods I use are effective and you will see results after only a few sessions. The first session can be quite significant in getting you started on your road to recovery, so please contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session now. There is no charge unless you are completely satisfied with the first session.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer mindfulness-based online psychotherapy for agoraphobia, anxiety disorders and panic attacks. 

The mindfulness approach is extremely effective and during online therapy sessions I will teach you how to work with your agoraphobic anxiety using the techniques of mindfulness to help you prevent your becoming overwhelmed by the anxiety reactions. We do this by actually meditating on our anxiety before we do any challenges. 

Meditating helps to change the relationship that you have with your anxiety and this is absolutely essential, because the biggest problem that I encounter is that people suffering from anxiety tend to become identified with their emotions. They tend to become consumed by their emotions. They effectively lose their identity and become the emotions and this creates a very reactive place that is very difficult to escape from. 

So with mindfulness training you can change this pattern and learn to develop a relationship with your anxiety whereby you do not become identified with it where you can see the anxiety as an observer. This is essential for change. Once you begin to do this the rate of recovery from agoraphobic anxiety and panic attacks increases dramatically, and most people will see quite substantial changes after only four or five sessions with me once they start applying the mindfulness-based techniques. 

So the basic idea is that you will schedule sessions with me and we will work on setting up a series of challenges that you can manage and then you prepare for these challenges using mindfulness meditation. You do that challenge and you meditate on any anxiety that arose during that challenge. And each time we learn a little more about how to change our relationship to our anxiety so that we basically break free from the habit of identification and becoming overwhelmed by it. And this approach is, from my experience, the most effective there is for overcoming agoraphobic anxiety. So if you'd like to get started with me simply go to my website and then email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with me. 


How to beat agoraphobia through Online Therapy

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of agoraphobia. So if you're looking for online psychotherapy for agoraphobia, then I do ask you to visit my website and learn more about this online service that I offer via Skype and then feel free to email me using the contact page to ask any questions you may have about this online psychotherapy approach for treating agoraphobia. 

So Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I specialize in and have developed specifically for treating agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders, is extremely effective. It works in a very strategic and focused way on helping you resolve the fear reactions, the anxiety and panic attacks, that are a feature of agoraphobia. 

So the primary approach that I will be teaching you is called Mindfulness-based. Exposure Therapy. So all forms of successful psychotherapy for treating agoraphobia will employ some form of exposure therapy. Clearly that is a necessary component to help you extend the range of confidence that you have, to be able to move into areas that were previously very difficult for you, to move into different social situations and to leave your comfort zone and develop a much broader level of comfort. This is a necessary approach. 

So we work by extending the boundaries of our comfort zone and we do this by developing a systematic approach, that is, that you will design a series of challenges to go to your comfort zone and move a little bit beyond that comfort zone on a daily basis. 

But the important thing here that I teach in the mindfulness-based approach to exposure therapy is preparing before you do each challenge. I feel this is what is often missing. Simply throwing yourself into difficult and anxiety producing situations is not very efficient and probably not very effective for most people. You have to train yourself out of the habitual anxiety reactions before you do each of the challenges and that's the focus of mindfulness therapy and the mindfulness-based exposure therapy. 

So you set up a series of challenges and then we do the training. So the training is about meditating on each of those challenges. You start off by playing the challenge through in your mind in order to find those anxiety reactions. You want to get access to them under your terms so that you can work with them consciously rather than trying to struggle with them in the heat of the moment during the challenge. 


Online Therapist for Agoraphobia - Psychotherapy via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and also for agoraphobia. 

So if you are interested and getting help to overcome your agoraphobia, then you might consider seeing an online therapist like myself. I have made it a mission to try and provide effective practical ways of working with the anxiety and panic attacks associated with agoraphobia, and that's why I offer this online therapy service. 

The central method that we use is called mindfulness-based exposure therapy. As you will undoubtedly understand by now, it is extremely important that you not fall into the trap of avoidance. You must face your anxiety and face those situations that trigger that anxiety, but you must do it in a strategic way with appropriate training.

So if you want to be successful with exposure therapy, you need to take a strategic approach with a lot of training, and so this is the theory behind mindfulness-based exposure therapy for agoraphobia. 

We start by setting up a series of challenges and then we work through each challenge in a systematic way starting with easy challenges and progressing to harder challenges. But the important thing is that you do each challenge well and that you reach your goal of being able to do that charge without being overwhelmed by anxiety. 

The primary way we go about doing this is through mindfulness meditation. We meditate on that challenge. You play it through in the mind. And we watch for the anxiety reactions. When we find an anxiety reaction, we respond to it with mindfulness.

One of the first things we learn is to work with is the outer structure of the anxiety, which is in the form of reactive thoughts. These are conditioned habitual reactive thoughts that get triggered when you encounter the situation, the particular triggers in that challenge. They get triggered from conditioning and then produce an anxiety reaction. 

So we need to work with those thoughts because the thoughts are a very important part of the structure of anxiety. Thoughts do not cause anxiety, that is a common misconception, but thoughts are a very powerful fuel source that feeds anxiety and increases its intensity. 

So we learn to work mindfully with those thoughts. We learn to not identify with those thoughts. We learn to see them as objects. And not become lost in that series of habitual thoughts.

So we find each emotional reaction and we help it heal by the quality of our relationship to it, developing more compassion and more consciousness. 

Then we replay the scene in our mind of the challenge and look for other anxiety reactions and other triggers. We work with those in the same way until we can go through the entire challenge in our mind without anxiety. Then after this training period, which may be half an hour of meditation before the challenge, we then go and do the challenge and we put it into practice. 

We put the training into practice. We recognize the anxiety it arises. And the training will help it resolve during the challenge. 

We then meditate after the challenge on any fresh anxiety that did not resolve. So we train with that anxiety and help it resolve in the same way. 

And after that we repeat the charge again. And we keep cycling through meditating before the challenge. Doing the challenge. Meditating after the challenge. Taking a break and then repeating until we can do the challenge with zero anxiety. 

So this is a brief introduction to mindfulness-based therapy for agoraphobia. If you would like to talk to an online therapist like myself for help overcoming your agoraphobia, then please reach out to me by email and lets schedule a Skype therapy session. 

Most people see results very quickly when they take this strategic and very in-depth approach to working with anxiety. So you can expect and you should expect to see significant changes within three to four sessions. And then when you start to apply these methods yourself you will continue that progress and eventually you will get to that position where you do not feel overwhelmed by anxiety or panic attacks. So that is our firm commitment. Our firm goal in Mindfulness Therapy it is not to tolerate or manage anxiety, it is to eliminate it. It is to heal it. So if you'd like to get started please contact me. 


Agoraphobia Therapy Online using Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in online therapy. I offer online therapy for agoraphobia. 

So, agoraphobia online therapy is very effective for people who really can't get out of the house to work with a therapist in their local area. 

So, during these sessions that I offer via Skype, I focus on teaching you very effective mindfulness-based methods of working with your anxiety and panic attacks. 

The real important thing to understand here is that Agoraphobia is really a psychological habit. I prefer to call it a habit rather than a disorder because when you start labeling these psychological states as disorders that tends to reinforce your sense of helplessness as a victim, and we don't want to do that. 

The actual mechanism that generates the anxiety and panic attacks of agoraphobia is a habit and habits can be changed. So during online agoraphobia therapy sessions I will guide you in how to work with the underlying emotions and thought patterns that supports that anxiety. 

We do this in a surprising way. We actually learn to make friends with our fear. This is very, very important. You can't change the belief when it has a very strong emotional charge based on fear. No amount of rational arguments or persuasion that you don't need to feel this way is going to change that anxiety. You have to learn to work with the anxiety directly. And that's what you do during mindfulness therapy. We actually learn to meditate on your own fear as you imagine walking or traveling out of your safe zone. 

So, we set up a series of challenges, exposures, if you like, where you choose to do a particularly difficult exercise but one that you can manage. But then we prepare for this by playing it through in the mind it might be walking around the block or just simply leaving the house for a few minutes, whatever it might be. We design a challenge and then we prepare for it by meditating on it. We play it through in the mind and then we look for the fear reactions and we look for the thought reactions that feed that fear and then we develop a mindfulness-based relationship with these emotions and thoughts, and that relationship is based on friendliness. 

You learn, essentially, to sit with your emotions and thoughts without becoming overwhelmed by them, without losing your balance. This is central. This is a central part of mindfulness training, that you can be with your thoughts and emotions but not be overwhelmed by them. When you can do this, then you start to break free from the reactive habits that feed our anxiety and fear. 

So, we learn to sit with our emotions without becoming reactive and without identifying with those emotions. We learn to develop this other side of our identity, which we call the True Self, the Observer Mind, that which can be conscious of thoughts and emotions but is not identified with thoughts or emotions. 

We then work with those emotions and begin to treat them very much as you might treat a child that's afraid. we learn to comfort the emotion itself, the fear. you build a strong relationship with it, rather like a parent to a child. And in this way the fear reaction, that we might call the Little Self is able to let go of its fear by proximity to your True Self which is fearless nature. 

So, in this way we begin to build resolution pathways in the brain. You learn, basically, how to help the emotions resolve themselves, so that if they get triggered they simply resolve instantly, on the spot, through the training that you've done before you do the challenge And then you go out and walk around the block or whatever and put this training into action. 

So, we repeat this process over and over again. Meditation before challenge and we do the challenge and we may come back and meditate some more and then we repeat the challenge until we no longer feel any fear in doing that challenge. Then we move on to a harder challenge. And in this way we gain more and more confidence in the process. 

So, when you are able to neutralize these emotional reactions then the beliefs begin to change quite automatically. We don't need to try and change our beliefs. We simply need to change the emotional content that fuels those beliefs and makes them so powerful. 


Find an online psychotherapist to treat agoraphobia

How do I overcome my agoraphobia without medication?

Online Mindfulness Therapy offers one of the very best treatments  for Agoraphobia.

Email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders, including agoraphobia, and depression.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online psychotherapist based in Colorado and I offer online therapy via Skype to help people manage anxiety and depression more effectively using the techniques of mindfulness therapy. 

This is a system of psychotherapy that I've been developing over the last ten or more years now that seems to be extremely effective for anxiety and also depression but basically is very effective for helping you heal the underlying anxiety itself directly. And it does this and a variety of ways one of which is by helping you work on those patterns of reactive thinking that feed the anxiety. 

So with agoraphobia the typical situation is that we get obsessed with anxiety producing thoughts about what will happen to us if we leave our safety zone for example that's a common kind of thought pattern. You know the fear of having a panic attack in public. The fear of fainting or being sick or anything else like that. These are these are fed by a whole system of internal dialogue that is relentless and feeding that anxiety. 

So I'm often asked how can I overcome my agoraphobia without using medication and to do this effectively you have to address this underlying psychological process of reactive thinking that's feeding your anxiety. Medications have their prey's place you know the selective serotonin uptake inhibitors you know these have their place but medications can change that underlying process. All the medication will ever do is reduce symptoms for a while. But that's not really healing the problem is not changing the essential underlying psychological habits that are creating your anxiety and fear. 

So this is why it is recommended that you look into process oriented psychotherapy like cognitive behavioral therapy or exposure and prevention type protocols. Because these help you actually deal with that underlying reactive process. 

I teach mindfulness based exposure therapy which is really great very effective indeed for agoraphobia specifically. It really helps you develop a strategic approach to overcoming your anxiety. So some of the exposure therapy models are OK up to a point but they don't really tell you how to process the anxiety itself directly. What to do with that emotion? In mindfulness work we work exclusively on reprocessing that emotion, that habit that gets activated. 

If you'd like to learn more about the mindfulness approach for healing anxiety including agoraphobia then simply go to my website. Learn More and e-mail me with any questions you may have. Of course it's very convenient to be able to do your psychotherapy sessions online if you're suffering from agoraphobia, and that's one of the reasons why I specialize in Skype Therapy. It's very important that you can see each other. That's why we use Skype. This improves the quality of communication and makes the therapy sessions much more effective. 

So during our sessions together I will teach you how to develop a strategy for overcoming your anxiety using mindfulness based exposure therapy. So what does this entail? Well it it entails designing a series of challenges that are manageable but that tend to produce anxiety. So it might be simply leaving the comfort of your own home and walking to a shop or going to a mall or any number of things. You will know what those triggers are that trigger your anxiety and panic attacks. 

We design a series of challenges where we basically take one challenge and we prepare for it using mindfulness methods. This basically means playing the challenge through in the mind, visualizing going to the mall for example, and then watching for the anxiety reaction and all of the reactive thoughts that get triggered when that anxiety is triggered in the mind. 

When we find those anxiety thoughts and the emotion itself we then start to build a different kind of relationship with it that is based on consciousness, on mindfulness, where we can become the observer of these thoughts and emotions but without becoming identified with them. In this way we break the habit that causes our anxiety.

Let me help you break free from your agoraphobia through Mindfulness Therapy.


Online Therapist for help with Agoraphobia

Online psychotherapist for agoraphobia

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional licensed psychotherapist based in Colorado and I offer online therapy via Skype for treating anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, PTSD and other common emotional psychological problems. I specialize in the treatments of agoraphobia. So if you're looking for an online psychotherapist for agoraphobia then please contact me. Go to my website and learn more about the services that I offer via Skype and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. 

I really enjoy working with agoraphobia and the mindfulness-based treatment plan that I have developed for agoraphobia is extremely effective. It's based on what we call mindfulness-based exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is very, very important and generally always incorporated in a treatment plan for agoraphobia. But exposure therapy really works best when it's accompanied by some form of training with the anxiety, how to deal with anxiety reactions that occur during those exposure challenges. So that's where the mindfulness-based exposure therapy comes in. We use mindfulness training to work with any anxiety reactions any panic attacks that may get triggers. 

So basically the approach is one of setting up a series of exposure challenges, first of all that's very important. You need to do this in a systematic way, in a regular way, in a disciplined way, doing exposure challenges every day in order to get on top of the anxiety reactions. 

But we take his challenge and then we prepare for it by playing it through in the mind and watching for any anxiety reactions, any form of anxiety-based thinking that gets triggered when we imagine doing the challenge, when we imagine walking outside of our comfort zone or going to a shop or a mall or whatever it might be or driving beyond a certain distance from home. 

Whatever form the agoraphobia takes, we set up a series of challenges and then we prepare for each challenge by playing through in the mind, finding the anxiety reactions and then responding to them with mindfulness, whereby we learn first of all to break free from that pattern of reactive identification which causes us to be completely overwhelmed by the anxiety reaction. 

If you would like to learn more about online therapy for agoraphobia and you would like to work with an online psychotherapist who specializes in Mindfulness Therapy for treating agoraphobia, then please go to my website and please email me and let's schedule a Skype therapy session. You will see results very quickly with this very strategic mindfulness-based approach. Typically after two or three weeks you will notice significant improvements. And this approach gives you the tools that you can continue to develop to get over your agoraphobia completely. That's our goal. Not to tolerate it, not to manage it, but to heal it so we are no longer a prisoner of our anxiety. 

So please contact me if this interests you. Lets schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you. 


Online Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of Agoraphobia 

Contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist offering online therapy as a way of helping you overcome your anxiety or depression or addiction. And it's much more convenient and much more comfortable for you. I really enjoy working with people over Skype. It is much more empowering than going to see a therapist in an office. This approach, I feel, is much more effective, especially if you're working with anxiety and particularly if you're struggling with agoraphobia. 

So agoraphobia usually begins with a series of panic attacks often appearing for no particular reason but that are very distressing, very unpleasant. And what happens is that we tend to develop fear, reactive fear to the reoccurrence of these panic attacks, and that fear then converts into avoidance. So we try to avoid any situation in which that panic attack may reoccur. So these patterns of avoidance tend to proliferate and we start avoiding more and more things based on that fear. 

The problem is that avoidance fuels fear, so the more you become wrapped up in patterns of avoidance the more fear you will experience and then that leads to more avoidance behaviors. And so it sort of spirals out of control and you become more and more limited and confined to a smaller and smaller space. Sometimes people are unable to leave their house. They're afraid of any kind of zone that is out of that immediate comfort zone of their house. So going to the grocery store, driving a car, even walking around the neighborhood may be way too challenging. And this is the result of this accumulation of avoidance and the fear that is fed by avoidance. 

So the first understanding we must have if you want to beat agoraphobia, if you want to overcome agoraphobia, is that you must not accept these avoidance habits. Instead we must turn that around and start facing each situation. But we have to do this in a strategic way and with lots of training and that is what we find is usually lacking in classical exposure type therapy. 

It is not enough to just force your way through a traumatic situation. That will simply reinforce the fear. It will not resolve it. So exposure therapy as it's usually taught is basically going to be mostly ineffective. You cannot expect yourself to habituate to that situation simply by repeating it over and over again. That could also simply repeat the fear, the trauma, over and over again. 

In many ways agoraphobia is really a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder. It's that reaction to the trauma of the panic attacks that you had originally. 

So exposure therapy by itself is absolutely not enough. You must take a much more strategic approach, but it is, of course, a necessary part of your recovery. If you want to beat agoraphobia you must undertake progressive exposures. We understand that. But how do you do that? That's the question. 

So in the mindfulness approach, what I call mindfulness-based exposure therapy, we will start by making a list of all of our challenges, those situations that we are currently avoiding. We turn that into a list and we train with each one of those challenges on that list and we do it thoroughly until we experience no anxiety whatsoever. 

The way that we train is the vital component here. This is what makes the difference. You must train in a very thorough way before you do any of those challenges so that you can avoid that re-traumatization. 

So we train through a process called mindfulness meditation. And this, basically, is where you would meditate on the challenge before you do it. So you play that challenge through your mind in detail and you look very carefully for any fear reactions and any thought reactions that get triggered as you imagine going into the grocery store, or whatever it may be. 

So if you'd like to learn more about this approach then please contact me and we can discuss this further and we can set up some online therapy sessions via Skype. 


Find an online therapist for help with agoraphobia

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I provide online therapy via Skype. So if you're suffering from agoraphobia then Skype therapy can be a wonderful opportunity for you to get the help that you need to uncover these awful habitual patterns of reactivity that keep you imprisoned in your home or in a very restricted area. 

So it's very important to find a way of overcoming these habitual anxiety reactions and I have been developing an approach that's called Mindfulness Therapy that's very effective for agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders. 

Whatever style of psychotherapy you select, it's important that you find one that's very practical, such as cognitive behavioral therapy or Mindfulness Therapy, which is my specialty, and whatever approach you use must include some form of exposure therapy that enables you to start pushing those boundaries out to start overcoming your habitual anxiety reactions. 

So I've developed a system called mindfulness-based exposure therapy for agoraphobia, which works extremely well and is very easy to learn via Skype. I will teach you how to approach your anxiety using mindfulness techniques that you can practice yourself and start to push back those boundaries. 

So typically I see people once a week and then they practice the methods that I teach between sessions, and you should expect to see significant changes and improvements after the first three or four weeks. 

Once you start applying the methods I will teach you, you will rapidly overcome your anxiety and start to break free from the prison of habitual anxiety. 

So the online therapy option of course is very beneficial if not completely necessary if you're suffering from agoraphobia because it's so difficult for you to leave home or travel to see a therapist in their office; it's often impossible. 

So if you would like to learn more about Skype therapy for agoraphobia, then do please contact me. Just ask me any questions you have; anything that you want to discuss about this approach. I'm happy to answer questions. 

When you're ready though, let's schedule a trial session. I offer a no risk policy. That is that if you don't like the session, you don't like this approach or it doesn't feel right for you, then there's no charge. There's certainly no upfront charge for my sessions. The sessions are based entirely on your satisfaction with the results. So you pay after each session but on condition that you are happy with the results of that session. So it's a no risk approach and I think that's very important. 

So if you would like to schedule a trial session with me and get started on a treatment plan that will help you overcome your anxiety and allow you to develop greater freedom from agoraphobia, then do please contact me and we can get started. 

I see people throughout North America, but also in Western Europe as well. I am from the UK originally. I now live in Colorado but I see people all over the world and especially people who want to take a very practical and focused approach to working with their anxiety. In my opinion Mindfulness Therapy is one of the most effective approaches there is, followed by CBT. So please contact me if you'd like to get started.


Online Psychotherapy via Skype for agoraphobia with panic disorder

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional licensed psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy. This is a system of psychotherapy that works very well by Skype and it's extremely effective for the treatment of agoraphobia. People suffering from agoraphobia find it very important to work online because it's so difficult to leave the comfort of your home or secure place. This is the biggest feature of agoraphobia, this fear of having a panic attack if you leave a secure comfort zone, and it can become progressively worse over time. Many people I've worked with have had agoraphobia for sometimes as much as 10 years. 

Agoraphobia is very debilitating and limits just about every aspect of a person's life. So it's very important to seek treatment. Mindfulness Therapy is a very good way of working with anxiety in general. It helps you change the underlying patterns of habitual conditioned reactions that feed and sustain your anxiety and panic attacks. 

Panic attacks are simply a very acute form of anxiety. It's like a storm, an anxiety storm. 

The best strategy, the best approach, to overcoming agoraphobia is a very systematic system of exposure therapy. But not classical exposure therapy, which is based on the idea of becoming familiar and habituated through repeated exposure to the stressful situation or area or other triggers. That can work but often it's very inefficient because it simply re-traumatizes you, it simply feeds that anxiety. 

So what I have developed is called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy. And this is a different approach. It certainly will involve exposure challenges in a systematic approach where you will set yourself goals each day and carry those out. But the key ingredient with mindfulness-based exposure therapy is the preparation and training before and after each challenge. That is what is vital and I feel is often missing in traditional, conventional exposure therapy. 

So what do we do in mindfulness-based exposure therapy for agoraphobia? Well you set up a series of challenges. You then do what we call a rehearsal meditation before you do your first challenge. This is where you will play through that challenge in your imagination and specifically look for those triggers and the anxiety reactions that get triggered. 

When you find the anxiety you then work with that and train with that anxiety using mindfulness. You build a relationship with that anxiety that's based on openness and friendliness. These are the two vital requirements for healing anxiety. 

Very often people fall into reactive patterns of avoidance and self-criticism or hatred towards that anxiety, and that will not help the healing process. In fact, avoidance and aversion are the two main factors that feed the underlying fear. 

So we build a different kind of relationship based on consciousness and compassion for the emotion itself. We learn to see the emotion as being an object in our awareness. We start to break the habit of reactive identification, where we become completely consumed by that anxiety, where we take on the identity of our emotions. Instead we learn to develop a conscious observing relationship where we observe our emotions but we don't become them. This process is very, very important because if you identify with your anxiety, then you end up feeding it. It is another reactive process like avoidance and aversion that simply feeds the fire of anxiety. 

So if you would like to get started with me and you would like to do online psychotherapy for your own agoraphobia and panic attacks and you'd like to schedule some Skype therapy sessions and please go to my website and send me an email. 

This approach, the mindfulness-based exposure therapy approach is very efficient and typically people see progress, tremendous progress, within the first three to four sessions. It's quite different than conventional talk therapy. It's much more practical. And of course it gives you a set of tools that you can apply yourself between the session, because that's where the real change happens as you gain more and more experience of applying mindfulness with your exposure challenges. So if you would like to get started with me please contact. 


Treating Agoraphobia from Home by Skype

Welcome!. My name is Peter Strong. I provide online therapy via Skype. So treating agoraphobia from home is very important because it's so difficult for you to leave the security of your home or secure area, and being able to get the help you need is really important and it's very difficult, obviously, if you can't leave home. So that's why I've developed this online therapy program for treating agoraphobia from home, and it involves Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I specialize in and have been teaching for many years now for working with anxiety disorders, panic disorder and agoraphobia. 

So the real basis of mindfulness-based treatment for Agoraphobia is setting up a very systematic set of exposure challenges. Mindfulness-based exposure therapy is a very effective method because it's very strategic and structured in its approach. It starts off by setting out a series of challenges. Those are the exposures, but you must train for each challenge before you do them. So traditional exposure therapy, which relies on some degree of habituation and familiarization is really very ineffective. It's much too unstructured, really, to achieve much effect. In the case of agoraphobia you have to really learn how to neutralize the anxiety before you do the challenge. The challenge is really putting that into action so that it becomes experientially relevant and becomes a learned experience. But you have to train for it ahead of time. 

So this kind of approach works. If you'd like to learn more about home-based training and home-based treatment for agoraphobia, then please contact me and we can schedule Skype therapy sessions at a time that works for you. I see people worldwide, mostly in the USA but also in the UK and Western Europe, rarely anywhere where you have a good Internet access. That's all you need for Skype therapy. So please contact me if this interests you and you would like to break free from your agoraphobia. 


The best agoraphobia treatment without medication 

Agoraphobia Therapy Online over Skype

Email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy via Skype for anxiety and depression and particularly for the treatment of agoraphobia. So if you're looking for agoraphobia therapy online I invite you to go to my website. Read more about this online therapy service that I offer hand please contact me if you would like to schedule some Skype Therapy sessions with me to help you overcome your agoraphobia. 

So if you are suffering from agoraphobia it is essential that you are able to find an online therapist to work with simply because it's so difficult for you to leave home. And there are a number of services now offering online psychotherapy for the treatment of agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders too. 

Whether you choose me or someone else, the important thing is that you find a therapist to work with who uses Skype or similar video platform because it's very important that you can see each other. That will improve the quality of communication and the quality of the therapy that you are getting. 

The other thing is make sure that you feel completely comfortable with the therapist that you select. Make sure that they answer your questions about the therapist's approach and trust your own judgment, your own intuition. That is by far the best guide, much more so than how many letters the therapist has after his name. What's important is that you feel comfortable with the therapist and you like the approach that they are offering. 

So in the style of agoraphobia therapy that I offer is based on the application of mindfulness. Mindfulness Therapy is a very effective way of working with anxiety disorders like agoraphobia. It also helps you manage panic attacks and any other aspect of anxiety that's causing you distress and that are limiting the quality of your life. 

So in Mindfulness Therapy the primary approach that we take is called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, and that is where you will basically design a series of challenges with my help so that you can begin to train yourself out of the anxiety habits. 

So in mindfulness training we teach that suffering like anxiety and depression is basically an emotional habit. It is the result of conditioning. This habit formation gets started, often in childhood, and it never gets resolved. And this anxiety shows up in different forms different types of anxiety such as agoraphobia or social anxiety or a phobia or panic attacks or driving anxiety, etc. 

 So the first stage is to set up a schedule of exposure challenges. And then what is most important is to train using mindfulness for each challenge that you schedule. Exposure therapy by itself is not sufficient. You must train with the anxiety beforehand. 

 So we do this by a technique called Rehearsal Meditation, whereby you imagine doing that challenge in order to find the anxiety and then you start working with that anxiety using mindfulness and compassion. 

 You look at the structure of the anxiety, you find out how it works. You look at the patterns of reactive thoughts that feed that anxiety and you begin to change your relationship to the anxiety formation. You start to break free from its influence by becoming more and more aware of it, more conscious of the thoughts and the emotion. The basic rule here is that the more you see, the less fear you will experience. That may seem counter-intuitive but it's actually the case. Fear is based on what you don't see much more than what you do see.

So we do this in great detail with the challenge in our imagination before we do the challenge. That's why it's called a Rehearsal Meditation. When you can visualize doing that challenge, whatever it might be, perhaps just walking around the block or driving in the car, if you can do that, whatever it might be, when you feel that you can do that with the complete absence of anxiety then you do the live challenge, the exposure challenge, and your training that you did in the Rehearsal Meditation will take effect and will effectively inhibit any anxiety reactions during the challenge. 

And when you take this approach you'll start to see dramatic improvements in a very short time. Typically, most of my clients see quite dramatic changes after three to four weeks of doing this kind of progressive exposure challenge using mindfulness. 


Online Therapist for the treatment of Agoraphobia

Online Therapy via Skype for Agoraphobia

Contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression, specializing in the treatment of agoraphobia via Skype.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in mindfulness therapy delivered over Skype for help with anxiety disorders including agoraphobia. 

So during online therapy sessions I'll teach you how to work with your agoraphobia, with your anxiety, with your panic attacks, using the very effective methods of mindfulness therapy. 

So basically what we do is we start to design a series of challenges. These are manageable challenges that you can schedule and work on each day, extending the range of your comfort zone. Essentially, whatever those challenges are that's for you to determine. But what makes the mindfulness therapy approach so effective is that we do a lot of preparation before we do each of these challenges. And primarily the the mechanism, the the approach that I take is one of teaching you how to meditate on your challenge. 

So you play that through in the mind you visualize doing that challenge. Perhaps it might be walking around the block or as simple as stepping outside the front door, whatever it is doesn't matter. But we prepare for it by playing it through in the mind and then watching for any fear reactions that occur. When you find that emotional reaction we then build a mindfulness based relationship to the fear itself. This is the key. We learn to hold that fear in the mind without becoming identified with it and without reacting to that fear reaction with more fear or with avoidance or with hatred or self-criticism or some kind of distraction. 

We must not under any circumstances try to avoid the fear or anxiety. We have to build a conscious relationship with it. So that's the first part of our mindfulness meditation on our challenge. You play that challenge through in the mind. We look for the fear reaction and then we build a conscious mindful relationship with it. 

The second stage as we're doing our preparation here, our training, is to help that fear resolve itself. We effectively teach the fear to resolve itself, and we do this primarily by building this conscious non-reactive relationship with the fear. That is what allows the fear to subside and resolve itself. And so we're teaching the fear how to resolve itself. 

You cannot resolve fear by arguing with it or by some form of rational thought process, trying to explain to the fear that it doesn't need to be afraid. That kind of approach is not really very effective. What is effective is building this conscious non-reactive and also very compassionate relationship with the emotion itself. 

Another part of our mindfulness training is to look at the imagery of the emotion, the fear. So all emotions are based around imagery, how you see it and the mind, and we can work with that imagery using mindfulness and compassion to help that imagery change. And when the imagery changes the fear diminishes. So again you are teaching the fear how to resolve itself by changing its imagery by working with imagery.

If you would like to learn more about online therapy for agoraphobia over Skype using the mindfulness therapy approaches that I have developed over the years, then please reach out to me by email and let's schedule a session. 

My clients really enjoy this approach. It gives them very practical tools that they can develop themselves and it makes you much more independent. And it also does not involve medication. I do not recommend medication for treating any anxiety disorder because it doesn't allow you to change that underlying psychological habit that causes the anxiety. Medications may provide temporary relief from symptoms but that's not going to change the the mechanism that produces your anxiety. That is psychological in nature and needs to be addressed by a psychological process like mindfulness therapy. 

So if you would like to get started with me, and you would like to really get over your agoraphobia then please contact me now. Lets schedule a session at a time that works for you and for me. I see people throughout North America, Western Europe, the UK and as far away as Japan and Australia. So please contact me if you'd like to learn more about this online therapy approach for overcoming agoraphobia.


Online Help for Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia Help from Home - Online Mindfulness Therapy

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which I teach online over Skype. 

I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy for anxiety disorders but I also treat depression and PTSD and many other emotional conditions that respond well to Mindfulness Therapy. 

In particular, I offer online therapy for people suffering from agoraphobia. So if you're interested in online therapy for your agoraphobia from home then please email me and ask any questions you may have about this service and I'll be happy to explain to you how I can help you overcome your agoraphobia using Mindfulness Therapy. 

This approach is very effective indeed, especially for anxiety disorders. Basically what we will do during these sessions is we will learn how to work with your anxiety in a very practical and very focused and very strategic way. That's what makes the difference. 

So this begins by establishing a routine of exposure challenges. So these are challenges that you can determine for yourself that you want to use to train yourself out of the anxiety habit, if you like. You want to find a whole range of challenges that you can go through one by one and develop more and more confidence and learn how to defuse that anxiety. So that might be as simple as walking to the end of your driveway. Or it could be going into a mall or some challenge like that. 

Now the important thing with exposure challenges like this is that you prepare for them well, that you prepare ahead of time. It is not sufficient to just throw yourself into the challenge and hope that you will survive and overcome your anxiety. The chances are you will simply re-traumatize yourself and make that anxiety worse. 

But if you train for it well, then the exposure challenges can become very effective indeed. So I call this mindfulness-based exposure therapy. 

So if you are going to the mall for example, you would sit down and meditate on that scenario. You would play it through in the mind like a movie, watching yourself going to the mall, with all of the particular triggers that are there, and then you look for any anxiety that gets triggered as you play through this scene. 

When you find the anxiety you then consciously build a mindfulness-based relationship with that anxiety. And this is based on compassion and friendliness, and really, learning how to comfort that anxiety as if it was like a small child that's coming to you for comfort after being scared by something. 

So we need to learn to approach our emotions in the same way. We need to see them as being visitors, if you like, that get triggered in the mind that really need our help to help them resolve their anxiety. 

Technically speaking, you are not anxious; it's the emotion itself that is anxious. so we learn to see it this way. We built this mindfulness-based relationship with the emotion and we help it basically heal so it can overcome its own anxiety. 

Then we can rehearse them further with those triggers and we can imagine being in the mall and not feel any anxiety, because the anxiety has resolved itself. We have given it what it needs to resolve itself by being a friend to the anxiety, if that makes any sense. 

So we do this in a very detailed strategic way before we do the challenge. Then we do the challenge and then after the challenge we might do another meditation where we replay the scene again, which will now be fresh and we'll be even more contextualized, and we look for any anxiety that got triggered and we work with that in the same way. 

So in this way we we progressively train the anxiety to resolve itself over and over again until basically it doesn't arise. So this is what we mean by a strategic approach. And if you do this in this kind of strategic way you will see results in a very short time. And most people see quite significant improvements after the first three to four sessions of this mindfulness-based exposure therapy. 

So if you would like to learn more, please go to my website and then contact me by email to schedule a Skype therapy session in which I will go through this process in great detail and help you learn how to build an exposure challenge routine and how to meditate on your anxiety yourself so that you can do this via self between sessions. So if you would like to learn more please email me.

Contact me if you would like to learn more and schedule online therapy with me for the treatment of your agoraphobia


What percent of the population has agoraphobia?

It is estimated that about 1% of adult americans suffer from agoraphobia and it affects males and females almost equally.

Are there different levels of agoraphobia?

Yes. Some people simply feel uncomfortable in new places or suffer claustrophobia or a fear of not being able to escape. In its most severe form agoraphobia can cause you to be homebound, afraid to venture outside your home.

What is the root cause of agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder. The origin of your anxiety almost always traces back to traumatic fear experienced in childhood. That core anxiety can take many forms, including OCD, Panic Disorder, PTSD and agoraphobia.

What type of therapy is best for agoraphobia?

Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy and CBT are particularly effective for managing agoraphobia. These forms of psychotherapy teach you how to uncover the underlying conditioned reactions that cause your anxiety.

Talk therapy alone is rarely effective and medications don't address the underlying psychological mechanism that causes anxiety.

Can a therapist help with agoraphobia?

A therapist can be essential for helping you change the underlying conditioning that causes the intense anxiety reactions of agoraphobia. Check that your therapist has experience with treating agoraphobia. Also, check that your therapist offers online therapy.

Is there an online therapist I can talk to?

Yes. Online therapy is an excellent choice if you cannot leave home. But make sure you use an online video platform so you can see each other for good communication. 

Online Mindfulness Therapy is one service that allows you to talk to a therapist online for the treatment of agoraphobia.

How long does it take to get over agoraphobia?

Most people see significant improvements after 3-4 sessions of Online Mindfulness Therapy and typically you should feel free from agoraphobia after 12 weeks of Mindfulness Therapy.


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