Viewing/Editing Items

By Sandra Schloen, December 2014

OCHRE is designed as an item-based database environment. All items are organized within a collection of Categories listed in the left-hand pane. This pane is called the navigation pane. You can click the arrow to the left of any item to see the sub-items contained within. Here the Locations & objects category has been expanded to show the items within. Categories that don't show an arrow to the left are empty.

OCHRE navigation pane, and Project edit pane.

Common item features

All items typically have a Name and Abbreviation, as well as a Description. Most items also typically have tabbed panes for Properties, Links, Notes, and Events. These are features that are common to virtually all OCHRE items and the use of these features is consistent across all item types. This makes it quick to learn how to use OCHRE.

The main pane is headed by 2 tabs: in this case, Project and View. The first tabbed pane, Project here, represents the editable format of an item and is labelled based on the category type; in this case we see the edit pane for the OCHRE Tutorial project item which is at the head of the category list. The second tab, View, will display a view-only version of the same information. [Note that in this case we have prevented GUEST users from actually editing the project item itself.] The currently selected item in the navigation pane has its information presented for editing or viewing in the main pane.

Your turn

Move around the navigation pane, opening and closing categories and hierarchies. Select various items to edit; for example, add an abbreviation or a description.

Uncommon item features

Along with the common item features, items also have fields or content that is specific to a particular item type and which distinguishes it from other item types. For example, a Locations & objects item allows for multiple observations, each by a different observer. This item type is used to represent archaeological items found at an excavation; thus, it is helpful to have the option of recording different characteristics as seen from the perspective of an excavator or a specialist. Objects of this type are also allowed a Code; this is typically used for a project-specific barcode or custom registration number. In addition, since items within the Locations & objects category are often spatially referenced, the Coordinates tab provides fields for entering geographic coordinates (e.g. latitude and longitude).

Edit pane for Locations & objects item

As you look around at other item types you will notice other features specific to those types. For example, a Person item will allow an address and email address. A Resource item that represents an image will include a file name or URL. A Text-related item might include fields for transliteration or translation content. A Dictionary item will allow entry of part-of-speech and meanings. Etc.

Your turn

Navigate to the Mount Ararat item in the Locations & objects category. Add or edit its Description. Click the person-icon under Observers of the first observation (Obs. 1) to tag yourself as the observer of this observation. Click the View tab of this item to see its corresponding display.

Just for fun

If you have Google Earth available on your local system, click the Google Earth icon on the Coordinates "link" and see what happens.