Visualization: Statistics

By Sandra Schloen, June 2020

Visualization Wizard (VizWiz): Statistics

OCHRE's Visualization Wizard, the VizWiz, supports advanced Statistical analysis by providing a streamlined pipeline of core OCHRE data to the popular statistical package R.

Consult the main Visualization article for general information about this feature.


Overview of wizard options

For charting, from the VizWiz choose:

Type of Visualization: Network Graph

  • Keep in mind that the nature of the items in the set may fit one of these types better than another.

  • For example, you will not produce a meaningful network graph from counts of pottery. You will not produce a meaningful bar chart from social network nodes.

Content (top tab)

  • This tab provides a summary of items in the set on the Items tab.

  • Subsumed on this tab also is the Format tab, see following.

Format (left tab)

  • This tab provides customization options.

ochRe Interface and Pipeline

ochRe is a component of the VizWiz that lets a user interact directly with the R statistics package and its related libraries of tools to perform advanced statistical analysis using core OCHRE data.

OCHRE can read and execute specially prepared scripts, formatted using either JSON or YAML, that prescribe the core data to be supplied to requested algorithms for execution in R. Output is sent back to OCHRE for display.

In addition, an R-style console is made available within OCHRE to explore these options directly.

Case Study Gallery

Statistics using R: ... Example coming soon! ...