Using the Find Links Button

By Miller Prosser, July 2014

Find Links using the Link Manager

A core principle of the OCHRE data model is integration through links. Therefore, it is critical to find which items are linked. For simple link relationships, use the Find Links button in the Link Manager.

The simple procedure is:

  1. Open the Link Manager using the paperclip button on the toolbar.

  2. Navigate to the item whose links you wish to search.

  3. Click the find links button.

Here are some examples.

Find where taxonomic values are linked.

Select "Taxonomy" as the Category of link target in the Link Manager. Navigate to the desired variable or value. Click Find links.

Here are the results of this search. There are six axeheads in this project.

Here is a view of one of these items, where the value is shown.

Find where resources are linked.

At times it is valuable to know all the places where an image resource has been linked.

In this case, the image is included in two sets and linked to a Text.

Find where attested forms of words are linked.

Navigate down to an attested form in the dictionary hierarchy, not to a lemma or a grammatical form. The attested form is the most deeply nested dictionary unit.

The results list displays discourse units where this attested form has been linked.