Configuring Queries by Type

By Sandra Schloen, January 2016

[Advanced topic]

Project Administrators, or experienced power users, can pre-configure queries in the "back-end" of OCHRE and make them available to users on the "front-end." This provides a flexible way to expose powerful queries to users who do not have the access or the know-how to do it themselves. Here we review a number of query Types that can be assigned to a query and which will trigger additional functionality when the query is presented on a View.

String match, Name

This query Type will generate an edit field into which a character string can be entered. The query will search to find all items of the document type by which the query is scoped whose Name field matches the given character string. For example, a query scoped to find Texts might present a field into which the Name of a Text can be entered. Note that this query searches just the official Name field of the items in Scope.

See also the String match, lookup style query described just below which has similar functionality but also includes a special lookup feature.

String match, lookup

This query Type will generate an edit field into which a character string can be entered. The query will search to find all items of the document type by which the query is scoped whose Name field matches the given character string. For example, a query scoped to find Texts might present a field into which the Name of a Text can be entered. A Select button is also presented which will retrieve all of the eligible items for selection from a list. This can be useful, although you may not want to allow this option for Categories of information with a huge number of items. For example, you may NOT want to use this feature to list all Resources if you have 100,000 images itemized in the Resources category. [OCHRE will warn the user of the number of items it will need to retrieve and will give the option to Cancel the request if it exceeds a predefined threshold. In any case, OCHRE will fetch only the first 10,000 entries (an arbitrary limit).]

Type: String match, lookup