Power Packs

The Power Packs that are more and more frequently used in Nahha society are based upon self-contained modules. These use a chemical soup to create artificial genetically engineered nano-sized devices which create incredibly small and complex machines. These molecular devices, usually based around carbon structures (graphene and Buckminster Fullerene) are assembled into nano-sized particle accelerators. These are then transported to a separate chamber where they then fire to fuse two ion pulses (sometimes Beryllium, the newer ones can use Lithium) in a fusion reaction which vapourises the chemical medium to create pressure to drive the chemical pumps. The chemicals are then recycled. The reaction also creates a large electrical potential difference which is its main benefit. Thus this technology is a safe form of 'chemically induced cold-fusion'.

Integrated within these units is usually a superconductor unit that stores power between the fusion events and regulates the power output. The energy stored can be very large.

The entire unit is overseen and managed by a series of integrated computers.