
A Nahhumar (lit: A collection of Nahhum) consists of two or more Nahhum. They rarely exceed five or six Nahhum but there are some with as many as ten.

A Nahhumar can be considered as a small village. Each Nahhum is usually independent and each is still considered a separate 'family', but all the Nahhum are closely connected physically. Very often a Nahhumar is a single building consisting of several Nahhum joined in various ways - some of them quite striking.

The Nahhum in a Nahhumar may share services. Usually, they will specialise into different areas so a relkim manufacturer may have production, design and warehousing handled in its own Nahhum but the Nahhumar together would produce and market the single product.

A Nahhumar typically consists of about one hundred and fifty or so people.