Commercial Competition

On first contact the natural reaction of the Nahha was to start to trade with Earth. However, this policy has since changed to one of hostile isolation. This represents a strategic threat to the population of the Earth and therefore it is the goal of this agency to switch their policy from one of isolation back to one of free and open trade. It is unclear how we can do this at this time, but once we have established contact civil, robust and continued dialogue is essential.


We have the population, cheap labour and mass production expertise which the Nahha lack.


By engaging with the Nahha in trade we can forestall, or at least discourage, overt hostile activity. On Earth, we enjoy far higher productivity and therefore lower unit costs, particularly for mass-produced goods. The Nahha enjoy a far more advanced technology, therefore a trade opportunity must exist for us to produce goods on their behalf for sale both on their and our own planets. Furthermore, we can expect some exposure to their technology and over time this can put us on an equal footing with them.


Some items of their technology may be restricted, enabling them to produce goods and services which, despite higher costs, will threaten some of our industries. Furthermore continued exposure to our political systems, and particularly our military may go against their sense of ethics and morals, provoking a return to hostile isolation. With their different belief systems (they do not have formal religions) and their prolonged period of peace (well over 1,500 years), we may find they take a hostile attitude to our society and propensity for military activity.


If we can establish a continual and broad-ranging dialogue with the various 'Naha' institutions (i.e. their Professions) we will be able to overtly acquire some of their less-strategic technology. We should also be able to open up more covert avenues of intelligence gathering. Among their population, there must be disaffected members of their society who can be approached and encouraged to give us some assistance.

This strategy will not be easy as we understand that all inter-dimensional portals now come under the primary jurisdiction of the Security Profession.