
A 'katim' (pron: kha-teem) is a bio-cybernetic implant embedded along the top of the spinal chord. Tendrils, or cyber-nerves, are grown into the central nervous system and into the brain. The device is passive and is used to enhance the abilities of the wearer. It is available to all from an early age.

A 'katim' is considered rather like a mobile phone but performs many more functions (see below). This device can not only monitor a person's health but can also provide health treatments (including fertility control) from in-built chemical reservoirs. These reservoirs may be re-filled from outside of the 'katim' may use its own metabolism to replenish itself. A 'katim' is considered an essential part of a person and many 'Nahumar' are dedicated to the development of this technology.

Children are first given their 'katim' when they are between two to four years old, usually at age three or so. As the child grows the 'katim' are enhanced. By the time a person has reached full adulthood they will have decided, usually together with their 'Nahum' and their professions, what enhancements (if any) to incorporate.

Not all details of 'katim' are known, but some of the abilities are outlined below: -

  • Identification

  • Communication (mobile phone)

  • Remote health monitoring

  • Drugs and medicine dispenser (some drugs are built in as standard in case of emergency)

  • Drug / hormone generator (uses the bodies resources to create drugs in-situ)

  • Enhanced vision (this also affects the eye's retina enabling them to see into the IR and UV)

  • Enhanced sound

  • Enhanced senses (not all katim, but some can detect electro-magnetic disturbances or infra-red).

  • Enhanced physical strength and improved reaction times (usually in concert with drugs).

  • Enhanced reality (using other input sources a composite image can be overlaid in the visual cortex).

  • Recording and playback of personal experiences (all 'katim' keep a rolling record of events. Some of these may be saved for later recall.)

  • Real-time emotional linkage (often used to 'piggy back' off each other's emotions and desires during sex - very popular).

  • Educational courses and reference material (i.e. inter-connection with global networks)

  • Entertainment (e.g. watching a film with eyes closed).

  • 'Body Sculpting' whereby the selective use of drugs and musculature, a body can change its shape.

  • Intelligence enhancement (where a person does not have the genetic material to favour the development of a higher intelligence, they may elect to have their IQ artificially boosted by the use of specialist drugs and a closer integration with their upgraded 'katim').

Note that the device is always controlled by the owner and is fundamentally a passive device. By law it cannot be operated or managed by an external operator, although there is much 'conspiracy literature' regarding this in their culture. There is little evidence that people have been 'controlled' by their katim - despite many stories and several high profile court cases. Even members of the Law Enforcement Profession or Security Profession may not control a criminal's 'katim', although under special circumstances they can 'peek' at the information and data it has.

'Katim' recordings are often used in legal cases.

The costs of the 'katim' and their upgrades, and sometimes the physiological upgrades made necessary by those upgrades, are subsidized by their 'Nahum' as children, and then later by their professions.