Terms of Service

1. Be Respectful:

Treat all members with respect and courtesy. Harassment, hate speech, discrimination, or any form of personal attacks will not be tolerated.

2. No Spamming:

Do not flood chat channels with excessive messages, emotes, or irrelevant content. This includes excessive use of bot commands.

3. Stay on Topic:

Keep discussions relevant to the game, MysticMS, and the maplestory genre in the appropriate channels. Off-topic discussions should be directed to the designated channel.

4. No Advertising:

Please refrain from promoting or discussing other MapleStory servers, websites, or Discord communities without prior approval from the owner. Engaging in such activities, whether in-game or in public discussions on platforms like Discord, especially when there are more than 10 people present, may result in penalties such as jail or ban.

5. Language and Content:

Keep language and content appropriate for all age groups. No NSFW, explicit, or offensive content is allowed.

6. Use Appropriate Channels:

Utilize the designated channels for specific topics, such as general chat, game tips, trading, and off-topic discussions.

7. No Scamming or Cheating:

Any form of cheating, exploiting, or scamming within the game is strictly prohibited. Report such incidents to the moderators.

8. Respect Privacy:

Do not share personal information of any member without their consent. This includes real names, addresses, and contact information.

9. Moderation and Appeals:

Follow instructions from the moderators and administrators. If you disagree with a moderation action, use the appropriate channels or direct messages to appeal. Do not argue in public channels.

10. English Only:

As an English-speaking community, please use English in the majority of the channels to ensure everyone can understand and participate.

11. Voice Chat Rules:

If voice channels are available, follow the same rules of respect and appropriate language. Do not disrupt voice conversations with excessive noise or music.

12. Multi- Client Allowed:

You are allowed to create multi characters and use at same time.

13. Reporting Violations:

If you witness a rule violation, report it to the moderators with clear evidence.

14:Respectful Discussion Only

Constructive feedback is highly appreciated, as it helps me improve the discord server and game. I welcome discussions about evolving features and aspects in a positive and respectful manner. However, any disparaging comments, offensive behavior, or negative remarks directed at my project within the Discord or in-game channels may result in immediate action, including jail or ban. Let's maintain a supportive and constructive environment for everyone's enjoyment.

15. Have Fun:

Remember that this Discord community is here for enjoyment. Engage positively with fellow members and have fun playing MysticMS together!


You are not allowed to Buy / Sell Mesos for Real Money .

17.Ksing & Map Stealing:

You are not allowed to KS other people during training at monster maps or bosses area around MysticMS 

Such acts could lead to jail penalties.

Happy Mapling!