Engl 12 11/21/22

Mon, Nov 21, 2022

  • Discuss Pastorals

Objectives After studying this lesson, students will be able to

  • read, interpret, analyze, and evaluate two pastoral poems that mirror each other.

  • compare and contrast the speakers' points of view in the two poems.

  • analyze and understand pastoral and enjambment, and end-stopped line.

  • describe the characteristics of pastoral poetry as contrasted with courtly poetry.

Assignment: Using "Passionate Shepherd to his Love" as a model write an original pastoral poem. Use setting and images that your classmates will be familiar with, such as local places. This poem will be used to write another original poem based on "The Nymph's Reply To the Shepherd."

  • Must have 5-8 four line stanzas

  • a recognizable rhyme scheme

  • Must include an invitation.

  • MUST be a pastoral poem (pg 269 for definition)

  • Print without your name

Tue, Nov 22, 2022

Hand in Pastoral poem based on "Passionate Shepherd." Poems will be redistributed randomly.

  • Write a new poem as a response to the pastoral you receive, using "The Nymph's Reply."

  • Print your response in two columns with your response on the right with your name above it and the original poem on the left.

  • Response poems need to match consistently the rhyme scheme, number of lines and stanzas of the original poem

  • Must respond to the invitation from the original.

  • use similar and same vocabulary

Wed, Nov 23, 2022

  • No School ~ Thanksgiving Break

Thu, Nov 24, 2022

  • Thanksgiving

Fri, Nov 25, 2022

  • No School ~ Black Friday