Engl 12 11/14/22

Mon, Nov 14, 2022

Due: First draft of research paper

  • 1st draft includes only the body of the paper.

  • All parenthetical documentation needs to be included as you write.

  • Paragraphs and sentence structure needs to be correct, even in the draft.

Tue, Nov 15, 2022

Due: 2nd draft of research paper

This draft includes all elements of your paper:

  • introduction,

  • conclusion,

  • parenthetical documentation,

  • Title Page

  • References page, etc.

  • Paper should be put together in order based on your rubric.

This should be your completed paper so all you have left to do is proofread and edit for your final paper.

Wed, Nov 16, 2022

  • Abstract needs to be completed

  • Proofreading and Editing -- PaperRater, Peer Editing

  • Due: Final Paper -- Uploaded to Google Classroom by 11:59 pm Wed, Nov 16, 20221

  • Paper should be put together in order based on your rubric.

  • Research Paper Checklist due tomorrow!!! (Last page of purple packet.) Must be initialed, no check marks.

Thu, Nov 17, 2022


Assignment:: Pastoral Poems

    • Read and discuss Build Background, Analyze Literature, Set Purpose, Meet the Author pg 269

    • Assign journal ~ Reader's Context pg 269

    • Review literary terms pastoral and enjambment.

    • Read pg 270 "Passionate Shepherd" Reflect on Mirrors and Windows (M&W) pg 270

    • Read pg 271 "Nymph's Reply" Reflect on Mirrors and Windows (M&W) pg 271

    • Complete Refer and Reason questions 1-5 on pg 272.

Objectives After studying this lesson, students will be able to

  • read, interpret, analyze, and evaluate two pastoral poems that mirror each other.

  • compare and contrast the speakers' points of view in the two poems.

  • analyze and understand pastoral and enjambment, and end-stopped line.

  • describe the characteristics of pastoral poetry as contrasted with courtly poetry.

Fri, Nov 18, 2022

  • Purple Day - Student Enrichment and Intervention