English 11 Syllabus

Course Description: English 11 continues to expose students to a variety of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking skills. The class includes the study of a multitude of genres from various angles. The literature studied includes short stories, myths, poetry, plays, and novels from a variety of cultures and time periods. Literary terminology will be studied as a basis for discussing the texts. Students will learn to explain the significance of literature and to relate the text to their own lives. Students will also engage in a variety of class activities, including large and small group discussions, oral presentations, collaborative learning and a research process that culminates in a formal debate. Students will work on analytic papers as well as writing a persuasive and expository paper. Students are required to write, conference, and revise compositions. Students are expected to read at a mature level, simultaneously analyzing both context and form, and to write with clarity, precision, and sophistication about both literature and personal experiences.

ENGL 1010 College students: Students taking classes for college credit will also participate in extended writing activities, independent book reports, and online classroom discussions. Based on developing curriculum other activities and assignments may be assigned. Attendance for college students will be closely monitored. Once a student in the college class has missed 8 days per school policy, they will not receive credit for assignments for any days missed beyond 8 days. College assignments will not be accepted late. See home page and weekly assignments for further information.



Academic Requirements:

Computer Usage and Accessibility

Teacher's Academic Expectations/Objectives

Classroom Methods for Learning


Rules and Expectations

Academic Honesty:  

 It is the responsibility of each student to complete their own original work.  The use of others works without proper citation and source reference is not allowed. Absolutely no plagiarism or cheating is tolerated and results in an immediate zero with no option of makeup work.  This is the same rule for using AI (artificial intelligence) in my classroom.  This is not tolerated and results in a zero with no option for makeup work.

Book Reports/Book Talks

College students will be required to complete book reports at the end of the 1st and 3rd quarters of the school year. All students will be required to complete a book talk at the end of each semester. Books with a movie/video or deemed an age level inappropriate for a junior in high school or college student will result in a zero. To be safe, have the book approved by your instructor.


Your journals will be graded randomly throughout each quarter. A student who comes to class regularly and takes their journal reflections seriously when writing them will receive excellent journal grades. Journal grades are not based on spelling, grammar, or other writing mechanics. Rather, journal grades are based on content and thoughtful reflection. Writing unreasonably large or using excess space between lettering and words will result in a loss of credit. If content is deemed inappropriate you will get a zero.


Throughout the year, we will be writing a variety of works. I am more concerned with your writing process (pre-drafting, drafting, revision and editing) than I am with one flawless copy the day an essay is due. I expect students to develop their writing mechanics throughout the writing process. If papers have any misspelled words or lack proper capitalization you CANNOT get an A. Written assignments are to be handed in on time! In some cases students may turn in late assignments for a 15% deduction at one day late, or a 30% deduction for two days late but those must be discussed and approved by the teacher before the due date.

Grades and Percentages Individual quizzes, tests, homework, classroom discussion and other assignments are valued differently (and are graded by point value). However, your overall classroom grade will be based on the following percentages.

100%-97%..... A+












59% & below..F


All homework is due as assigned unless you have an excused absence for illness or made other arrangements with me in advance. Questions are only worth 50%. You must schedule a time with me to get credit for the discussion you missed in class. Without this conference, you cannot get full credit for makeup work from absences. Class discussion makes up the other half of your daily grade. A combination of small group and large group points will be awarded based on participation.

If gone for a school activity or another absence of any kind other than illness, all work is due BEFORE you leave. If it isn't turned in you will not receive credit.

End of Unit Tests

At the end of each unit there may be a comprehensive test given that covers concepts and vocabulary covered in class.

Semester Tests

At the end of each semester, students will be given a semester test according to school policy.