Engl 11 4/17/23

Mon, Apr 17, 2023

Journal: Contrasting the marsh and the swamp, which does the Prologue present as a place of death and decay? Explain how words elicit associations with other words and concepts.

Tue, Apr 18, 2023

Part 1, Chapters 5 – 8 pg 35-62

Journal: How hard do you think it would be to be different than other kids in your community? Would you want to be accepted or wouldn’t you care if you were an outsider?

Wed, Apr 19, 2023

Thu, Apr 20, 2023

Assignment: Reading Ch 15-17 Do appropriate questions.

Journal: Discuss irony. Why is it ironic that the wife of a Methodist preacher treats Kya with contempt? Compare this to the way the African American church treats Kya and consider how the Methodist preacher and his flock likely view the Black community.

Fri, Apr 21, 2023