Engl 11 10/3/22

Mon, Oct 3, 2022


  • Read and answer questions: Crevacour: What is an American?

  • Journal - Connect to life on online article

  • Do questions 1-4, 6, 7 (You do not have to do 5)

Tue, Oct 4, 2022

  • Discuss "What is an American?"

Family Heritage Project Begins

Objectives After studying this lesson, students will be able to

  • understand more about their personal family origins.

  • relate their family histories with the immigrants that came here for a better life.

  • explain how both speaker and audience benefit when listeners are respectful and attentive.

  • show interest in what another person is saying.

  • prepare an intriguing introduction presenting a topic using multi-media.

  • create a topic of interest to listeners.

  • draft, revise, and proofread a multi-media presentation.

Family Origin Projects based on Cultural background

  • Students need to investigate family origins by speaking to parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc….

  • Individual assignments will include history and background about their families and at minimum of three things

  • they learned about that culture, ie… religious influences, historical conflicts, food, celebrations, folktales,

  • rituals…

  • *Final individual projects will be presented in a PowerPoint program.

Family Heritage Rubric

Wed, Oct 5, 2022

Thu, Oct 6, 2022

  • Research Working on Presentations

Fri, Oct 7, 2022

  • Purple Day - Student Enrichment