Strong Roots

Why do you think the autobiographical piece has been aptly entitled 'Strong Roots'? Justify your answer.

Write how Abdul Kalam presents his father in his autobiographical writing 'Strong Roots'.

How does the author describe his mother?

"We lived in our ancestral house,"- Who is the speaker? When was the house built? What kind of house was it? How did the inmates of the house lead their lives in the house?

"Our locality was predominantly Muslim,"—Who is the speaker ? How does the speaker describe the locality ? What picture of communal harmony do you find in this description?

"I normally ate with my mother."-Who ate with his mother ? Name his mother. Where did he eat with his mother ? What did he eat with his mother ?

"When my father came out of the mosque after the prayers, people of different religions would be sitting outside, waiting for him." - What would usually happen when Kalam's father came out of the mosque after the prayers? Why did the people of different religions wait for the narrator's father? When would his father smile and ask people to thank Allah?

"Why don't you say this to the people who come to you...?"-Who says this and to whom? What is referred to by the word 'this'? Why do the people come to the person spoken to?

"This is not a correct approach at all..."—Who said this? What is the approach'? Why is the approach not correct?

"One must understand the difference between a fear-ridden vision of destiny and the vision that enables us to seek the enemy of fulfilment within ourselves."-What do you mean by ".. fear-ridden vision of destiny"? What is the other vision? Which is to be preferred and why?

What kind of a childhood did APJ Abdul Kalam have?

How did Kalam's father function as a religious healer? How much successful was he?

What was Kalam's father's response to his son's query about prayer and spirituality?

What information do we get about the daily routine of Kalam's father from the autobiographical piece Strong Roots'? How did it inspire young Kalam?

What had remained the routine for Abdul Kalam's father even when he was in his late sixties? What does Abdul Kalam say about his emulation of his father?

How did his father's attitude to adversity influence the young Kalam?

How did Kalam's father influence Kalam's perception and interpretation of divine power? How, according to Abdul Kalam, can an individual achieve freedom, happiness and peace of mind?

What do you learn from APJ Abdul Kalam's autobiography?

How does Abdul Kalam express his gratitude towards his father?