Learning Support Field Experience

During this field experience, I had the opportunity to teach and observe in Mrs. Torok's Learning Support Classroom.  While I was in this classroom I learned many practical skills to teach students with learning disabilities.  

I have previously been in learning support classrooms, although not for an extended period of time. During this field experience, I got the opportunity to provide one-on-one support, group instruction, and serve as a co-teacher using the one-teach-one-assist method.  The students seemed to respond well to the direct instruction program that Mrs. Torok employed.  It helped the students stay on-task and focused during the lessons rather than letting their minds wander. This is a different approach to teaching in special education than the approaches I am used to taking, but it was very useful to learn how to grow in this type of teaching while giving my lessons.

My first lesson was a whole group instruction where the students were taught to compare and simplify fractions.  I used the whiteboard to make visual models for the students.  The students then used fraction bars to have a physical example with which they could manipulate and explore.  We then played a game using the fraction bars so that the students could practice identifying equivalent fractions.  The students really enjoyed being able to get up and move around, as they typically have work to do at their seats.  It was really fun to be able to incorporate a little bit of movement into lessons as it really helps the students learn and gets the students engaged.

The second lesson was a lesson that I specifically designed for a second grade girl with learning disabilities in both math and reading.  She also struggles with school attendance and has some behavioral struggles.  This lesson was about using the number line method of addition.  She did very well on the math problems themselves, however some of her behaviors distracted her from being able to complete the lesson.  

The main thing that I learned out of this field experience was how to be an effective co-teacher during the one-teach-one-assist method. There is a fine balance that you must find where you are able to help students who are struggling without distracting them or other students from the lesson that the teacher is teaching.  

As a summary, this field experience was very valuable.  I am very thankful that Mrs. Torok was able to provide such a wonderful learning environment for these students.  I was able to learn about a different kind of instruction through observing her teach.  Growing as a co-teacher was also a valuable skill that I learned from my time in Mrs. Torok's class. 

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