ClearTouch Collaboration

During the 2023-2024 school year I had the opportunity to use the ClearTouch boards. These are interactive screens which allow you to interact with the content through a touch screen.  My students used the ClearTouch board to use virtual manipulatives, create posters, and interact with computer-based programs to support their learning.  

Below you will see examples of some posters we made to help my students identify different operation key words that they might hear in word problems. The students wrote their answers on my laptop's touchscreen and the laptop took their print, turned it into text, and displayed it on the ClearTouch board.  This was a great way to engage students in writing, even though some of them struggle with their handwriting and patience while filling in worksheets.  This provides an engaging and collaborative way to incorporate more stereotypically boring worksheets to life. 

Key Words Lesson Plan (2).pdf