Professional Development

This year I have been fortunate to participate in professional development organized by my district and my school's principal.  Below I will detail some of the professional development sessions I have attended:

In addition to attending professional development sessions, I have been able to work with a consulting teacher, Kathleen Rhodes.  She is so helpful in providing me advice and feedback about my teaching.  I meet with her about once a month to discuss my teaching and she observes my classroom about twice a month.  During our meetings Mrs. Rhodes and I reflect on my teaching, gauge my growth, and see where I could improve.  This is an invaluable asset that I am so thankful to have! Below is a letter of recommendation that I received from her (again, I am so thankful to have her as a consulting teacher.  Thank you Mrs. Rhodes!)

Letter of Recommendation - Madalyn Equi - Kathleen Rhodes.docx