Australia Day Carnival 2019

Because of the change of dates for the Nationals from the traditional Dec- Jan, the VMAA president floated the idea with CLAMF of a local carnival hosted between CLAMF and KMAC which was duly promoted. Due to a lack of interest, CLAMF withdrew from the proposal. That left KMAC holding the bag for the carnival. KMAC rescheduled from a two day event to a single day Classic and Vintage competition on the Sunday which was re-promoted.

Sunday was overcast with winds gusting between 15 - 20 KPH, quite flyable. Unfortunately the number of competitors was well down on expectations. Although some came prepared to fly in both Classic and Vintage there were insufficient numbers to run both events.

After a little recapitulation it was decided to run a single event based on the Vintage pattern excluding overhead eights. Contestants could fly what ever model they chose, however prizes would be awarded for two categories.

  1. Highest score for those competing with vintage models
  2. Highest score for those competing with non vintage models

Whilst we may have left ourselves open should a vintage model flyer pip the score of of the others, it did not eventuate.

The Competitors Line Up

Dave lacy

Dave chose to compete with his Jamison Special powered by an OS 40 FP

Bruce MacKay

Bruce brought along a new Nobler which had not yet been trimmed out so he chose his trusty Ringmaser S1 to compete with.

Derek Pickard

Derek came well prepared with his Phoenician and his All Australian Prototype. He chose the Phoenician for the contest.

Reeve Marsh

Reeve also was ready for either event with a Demon and a Shark 45. No prize for guessing which he chose to compete with in slight windy conditions.

And the results are as follows:

Open Category Winner

Reeve Marsh

Vintage category Winner

Bruce Mackay

Presentation of gift vouchers to the winners was performed by our CD for the day Robin Hiern

A special thanks must also go to the unwashed

For the judging

Dave Nobes and Robin Hiern

for the compositing

Steve Vallve and Bernie Cosgriff

Around the Ground

Aussie Carnival around the ground