Period Products, Public Pickup, and Passive Programs for Teen Spaces

Marissa Burns of Baltimore County Public Library

Make your teen space a place for teens to go when they don’t have anywhere else to go. Supply period products, resources, and freebies to help teens feel safe and secure within your branch. Learn why having a teen focused public pickup area placed away from prying eyes may benefit teens by allowing them to browse and take items they need without feeling judged or uncomfortable. Find out why adding a passive craft or activity nearby might help teens feel safer looking at the resources.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to…

●      identify at least 3 organizations that they can obtain resources from.

●      name at least 2 passive activity ideas for your teen space.

●      suggest one or more ways that they will be able to integrate the ideas covered into their library system.

Session Resources