2023 Breakout Learning Objectives

Integrating Early Literacy Practices into Story Time

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to…

●      develop a story time plan that links an early literacy tip to an activity of their choice.

●      identify at least 1 related early literacy tip when given a common story time tool.

●      integrate early literacy tips into the flow of story time.


Serving Deaf Kids and Families in the Library

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to…

●      describe 3 techniques for communicating with deaf and hard of hearing children, teens, and adults at

        service desks.

●      describe appropriate programming accommodations for deaf patrons.

●      introduce themselves and demonstrate 3 basic questions in ASL.


Creating an Engaging Library Space for Tweens

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to…

●      identify the needs of their community members aged 8 through 12 with community engagement,

          including getting input from tweens.

●      plan a learning and play space for middle grade aged children, including creating a floor plan.

●      create a budget for middle school space purchases which takes into account any existing resources and decorations.


Coding in Early Learning

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to…

●      explain some of the current research about computer science and computational thinking for early learners.

●      use early learning coding tools to complete specific tasks. 

●      demonstrate at least two ways that different coding tools can be used in a children's program.


“E" is for Environment: Connecting Children with Nature

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to…

●      define "Nature Deficit Disorder".

●      name at least two resources for assistance in programming for environmental literacy.

●      discuss one or two ways that different library systems across the country engage children with nature.


Period Products, Public Pickup, and Passive Programs for Teen Spaces

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to…

●      identify at least 3 organizations that they can obtain resources from.

●      name at least 2 passive activity ideas for your teen space.

●      suggest one or more ways that they will be able to integrate the ideas covered into their library system.


Learning Objectives for Guerilla Storytime and Teen Smack Down

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to…

●      demonstrate at least one new Children’s Storytime technique.

●      demonstrate at least one new Teen Service technique.