Experimenting With Preschool STEM

Carrie Sanders, Maryland State Library & Jill Hutchison, St. Mary's County Library

STEM and Preschoolers are a match made in Library Heaven. Explore the Early Learning Standards to find out what Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math look like for 3 to 5-year-olds. Then learn how to coach preschoolers, parents, and caregivers to predict, test, observe, and explore with open-ended questions. Learn how STEM can support Early Literacy; see examples of successful programs & materials; try hands-on activities; and discover a wealth of resources and templates to plan your own Preschool STEM programs.

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to...

  • …describe two program activities involving balls and ramps that teach young children about force and motion.
  • … give three examples of open-ended questions to ask children, and explain why open-ended questions are important to include in STEM programming.name three natural behaviors of children that are scientific in nature.
  • …Be able to identify three or more STEM concepts that are developmentally appropriate for preschool children.

Session Resources