Robotics and Space Science Programming

For Youth Groups

Jessica Letizia, Baltimore County Public Library

Get inspired to create programming for your library that will help local scouts earn badges! BCPL's Jessica Letizia will explain how the Randallstown Library developed programming designed specially for Girl Scouts to earn STEM badges. Learn how to adapt badge plans to create a program that will use your library's best resources and appeal to young customers in Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and other activity and project-centered youth groups.

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to …

* ...describe how the Randallstown Library made the CoLab a destination for a specific population of young customers.

* a program that uses their library's new and innovative resources to reach out to a group such as the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts.

* ...identify coding toys that they may want to incorporate into their library.

Session Resources